Moore sentence promotes cognitive logic family development

Author:China Social Sciences Network Time:2022.09.06

In the 1940s, British philosopher G. E. Moore successively put forward three sentences in different works: "P and I don't believe P" "P and I believe non -P" "P and I don't know P". Later generations are collectively referred to as Moore sentences. Among them, the first two are called believeable Moore sentences, and the last one is called knowledge -type Moore sentence. The weirdness of Moore's sentence is that they can be true, but they cannot be determined by "I". For example, assuming "I know‘ P and I do n’t know P ’”, you can intuitively conclude that “I know P” and “I do n’t know P” are two contradictory propositions. Moore's discovery quickly received the attention of Wittgenstein University of Cambridge. Wittgenstein believes that Moore's sentences are an important discovery, and in the second part of the subsequent book "Philosophy Research", it was specifically introduced. For the first time, the term "Moore Paradox" was proposed, and the prelude to studying Moore sentences from then on.

In 1962, the book "Knowledge and Belief" of Finnish logicist Sindica was officially published, which marked the birth of cognitive logic. The biggest contribution of the book is that the first use of the semantics of the relationship to build a logical model for knowledge and belief, thereby forming a new study of knowledge and belief. It obviously has a different philosophical discussion. Simika studied the Moore sentence in detail in the book, thinking that the subject believes that the Moore sentence and the subject know that the knowledge -type Moore sentences are ridiculous. The related research of Simca made Moore sentences quickly become famous in the field of cognitive logic. Around the 1980s, computer scientists found that the analysis of knowledge models can help people understand the complex interactive procedures in the computer field, which has a strong research interest on cognitive logic. The famous logicist model Tim said it was a "kiss of life" of cognitive logic. After that, the cognitive logic siege all the way, and gradually formed a huge "cognitive logic family", including cognitive logic, public declaration logic, dynamic cognitive logic, tense cognitive logic, mixed tense cognitive logic, social network Cognitive logic, and so on. Today, the cognitive logic family has grown into one of the most important and popular logical families. For more than half a century, Moore sentences have provided important thrust for the development of the cognitive logic family, and have occupied an important position in the cognitive logic family. The following four reasons can be explained.

First of all, Moore sentence is the key to the paradox. In 1963, American logicist Ficci intends to use logic methods to analyze the concept of value in the article "A logical analysis of some value concepts", but unexpectedly received a paradox. It is said that the paradox was first discovered by anonymous review. The anonymous review was the famous logicist Qiu Qi. As a result, Feiqi paradox is also known as "Feiqi -Qiuqi paradox". The principle of knowledge, that is, "all the true propositions are known", are the basic views of empiricalism, which conveys the courage and confidence of people's exploration of truth. The paradox of Feiqi was directly formed in the principle of instead of knowledge -type Moore sentences, and the result was the ridiculous conclusion of "all true propositions are known". The ridiculous conclusions obtained by Ferch's paradox means that "knowledge" and "true" are the same thing, which means that cognitive logic will completely collapse into classic proposition logic. The emergence of Feiqi's paradox shakes the theoretical building of empiricalism and analysis of philosophy, and immediately causes the panic of logicians and philosophers. Since the 1960s, the international logic academic community has conducted a lot of research on this, and dozens of research plans have been formed. Unfortunately, how to solve the consensus of how to solve the paradox in the international logic.

Secondly, Moore's sentences have promoted (mixed) tense cognitive logic rapidly. Faced with the paradox of Feiqi, many scholars advocated re -interpretation of the principle of Moore's sentences and knowledge, and the additional time factor became the most voiced solution path. This solution path needs to build some new tense cognitive logic systems, which has promoted the development of tense cognitive logic. Add quantity words to interpret "all true propositions are known" as "for every true proposition, there is a time point to make the proposition know at this point in time." Construct a mixed tense cognitive logic. Tenconduration cognitive logic solution schemes and mixed tense cognitive logic dispersion schemes basically inherit the point of view of modern logic founder Fraig's meaning and meaning of sentence meaning and meaning, and believe that the true value of the proposition will not change over time. They believe that people can assert a knowledge -type Moore sentence. However, the time point for people to "know" Moore sentences is different from the "unknown" time in the Moore sentence itself. The key to dissolving the Moore paradox is to strictly distinguish between these two time points. It can be seen that the in -depth analysis of Moore's sentences prompted (mixed) tense cognitive logic to continuously improve itself.

Again, Moore sentences publicly that publicly declare logic cannot become a regular modal logic. In 1989, American logicist Plezan established an open declaration logic system for the first time in the article "The Logic of Public Exchange". The system retains the classic cognitive logic's advantages in the static distribution of knowledge and cognitive reasoning. On the basis of it, it can also portray how the announcement moves how to cause changes in subject knowledge and corresponding reasoning. In the public declaration logic, it is announced that a real proposition will cause model updates to delete all possible worlds that make the proposition fake. During the model update, the true value of the atomic proposition will not change before and after the model update. Therefore, [P] P is effective in public declaration logic, that is, declare that an atomic proposition will not change the true value of the atomic proposition in the possible world. However, the knowledge -type Moore sentence is prohibited from the above valid formula, which is an invalid type, that is, the entry rules are not established in public declaration logic. Therefore, publicly announced that logic cannot be a formal modal logic. Can the validity of the pattern in the logic be asitated? So far, this problem is still unknown. Finally, in the social network cognitive logic, Moore sentences are true and false after the information flows. Social network cognitive logic is a new research field that has appeared in the past 10 years. It mainly studies information flow from the perspective of social networks. It overcomes the shortcomings of public declaration logic only for full -connected social networks. Relative to publicly declare logic, communication channels and information senders in social network cognitive logic have been logically portrayed. Therefore, social network cognitive logic can portray the flow of information in non -all -handed social networks and have stronger expression. In public declaration logic, an Moore sentence will make the sentence change from real propositions to fake propositions. However, in social network cognitive logic, the situation of Moore sentences after information flow is more complicated -it is true and false. For example, Moore's sentence "Little Li is from Beijing, but Wang Wu doesn't know yet" announced to Wang Wu and Li Si, respectively. The cognitive model update caused by it is completely different. Moore sentences will cause cognitive models to be updated in the non -complete social network? This is a question that the social network cognitive logic urgently requires positive answers.

It can be seen that Moore sentences are closely related to members of the cognitive logic family. It not only affects the "identity" of family members, but also has the development path of family members technically. In the future, Moore's sentence will continue to affect the development of cognitive logic families, prompting cognitive logic families to further innovate in technical. This is not a good thing!

(This article is the major project of the National Social Science Fund "The Logical Construction and the Philosophy and Psychology Research on the Logic Construction and Symbol Earth of Natural Language (18ZDA032) staged results)

(Author Unit: School of Political and Public Management of Qufu Normal University)

Source: China Social Science Network-Journal of Social Sciences of China

Author: Zhang Yuzhi

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