Multiple measures to improve the level of running school!Pearl 58 pairs of schools span thousands of miles to help

Author:Zhuhai Published Time:2022.06.20

On June 18th, the signing ceremony of the school and the third batch of the school signing ceremony was held in Zunyi City. Up to now, there are 58 pairs of schools in the two places in the two places, and more than 100 exchange activities have been carried out. 14 demonstration schools have achieved preliminary results.

At the symposium, the person in charge of the Education Bureau of Zhuhai City stated that it was necessary to summarize the education collaboration experience over the past year and join hands to promote the development of a new bureau. Continue to broaden the scope of collaboration, combine the advantages of Zhuhai education, accurately connect to continuous efforts, based on the pairing of school -based docking, high -precision talent training, full coverage of educational collaboration, modernization of education information, promoting education collaboration, two places to create east -west education collaborative cooperation Models, jointly improve the level of education development. The person in charge of the Zunyi Education and Sports Bureau said that it is necessary to produce experience, results, and highlights in the cooperation of the East and the West, to strengthen services, and continuously improve the level of education cooperation. Pearl compliance education collaboration high standards and high levels of operation.

At the meeting, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai) (Zhuhai) Senior Middle School and Renhuai City Sixth Middle School, Doumen District Baito Lake Junior Middle School and Meitan County Tea City Middle School signed a counterpart collaboration framework agreement on the spot. According to the agreement, the schools are supported by the school in terms of educational resources, talent exchanges, teacher training, classroom construction, improvement of the quality of education informatization, exchanges between students in the two places, and funding for students' difficulties in family difficulties.

Since 2021, Zhuzhuan has seriously implemented the education counterpart cooperation framework agreement, and efficiently promote the work of co -construction demonstration schools, educational exchanges, student exchanges, and high -quality resource sharing. The educational systems of both parties have organized mutual visits to promote cooperation, and promoted the high -quality development of Zunyi Education. Next, Zhu Zun two places will effectively promote the exchanges and collaboration of the pairing school, and urge Zhu's 58 to adapt to the school to adopt "Internet", "Teachers and Belt", "School -Located Construction", "Famous Teachers +" and other methods to make full use of online resources. , Form a normalized and long -term assistance exchange mechanism, jointly strengthen the construction of disciplines and teachers, and improve the level of school running.

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