Happy report!The 71st Army "Jinan First Regiment" 44 people like the Military Academy Dream!

Author:Liangjian southeast Time:2022.09.05


Hongye's winged winged Ling Yunzhi, when the nomination of the Golden List was proud. Recently, the 71st Army's "Jinan First Regiment" good news frequently circulated, and 44 soldiers received a notice of admission from the military academy. Among them, five college student soldiers, 5 outstanding soldiers were sent to school, 10 were admitted by officers colleges, and 24 were admitted to non -commissioned colleges.

Receive the admission notice

If the talent is strong, the career is strong, and the talents are prosperous. The travel party committee always attaches great importance to the construction of talents, supports soldiers to study as an important way for troops to cultivate talents, and actively create a good environment for consciousness, talent, and talents, and fully burst of talent vitality.

Invite local teachers offline counseling

At the beginning of the year, the brigade set up an examination and training team to regulate the backbone of highly educated cadres and invited local teachers to conduct "online+offline" counseling teaching. According to the learning situation of each soldier, distinguish between levels, accurately formulate learning plans, and regularly organize assessments at the same time, and continuously promote the improvement of the study of examiners.

Discuss the problem -solving method

In response to the characteristics of high psychological pressure before the candidates, the brigade organization "Sunshine Small Stack" psychological service team regularly conducts psychological counseling for them, and the candidates who fell into the list after the admission list will be released. The bottom number of thoughts, ensure the stability of the warriors in the exam, and the reorganization of the reorganization.

Admission notice

Starlight lives up to the passers -by, and the time loves the dreamer. Passing the military academy is not the end of the dream, but a new sailing sailing. Let us listen to the comrades' comrades who are about to enter the new journey to the future.

Li Ancheng

Estiments College: Army Infantry Academy


Future message: Chasing the dream is the first of aspirations, and looking up at the starry sky needs to be down -to -earth.

Peng Alang

Estiments College: Army Armored Army Academy


Future message: stick to the original dream, let go of the burden, light up, live up to Shaohua, and move forward.

Liu Jilin

Estiments College: Army Infantry Academy


Future message: In the past year, I have tears and laughter, so every day in the future, I want to make myself wonderful.

Shi Zaidi

Estiments College: The School of Competition of the Army


Future message: Only faith can make thoughts spark, and only expectations can make the future shine.

High sky

Estiments College: The University of Army Engineering


Future message: Struggle makes life full of vitality, responsibilities make life full of meaning, don't complain about every step that you have passed so hard. In fact, struggle is also a kind of happiness, isn't it?

Feng Zhizi

Estiments College: Army Infantry Academy


Future message: Looking back yesterday, our thoughts were full of thoughts and emotions; based on today, we have a hundred times more confident; looking forward to the future, we will sing and laugh all the way.

Wen Tu: Qi Hongyi, Pang Zhongxiu, Yin Hang, Li Sen

Supervision: Tan Yalong

Edit: Zhou Zhenguo

Editor on duty: Li Shuo

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