Create online and offline hybrid national gold courses

Author:China Education News Time:2022.09.05

"Understanding Wuhan · Great Country Industry" is the "gender once" (high -level, innovative, challenging) golden course standards for the curriculum team of Wuhan University of Science and Technology. In the past three years, the scores of the lessons are 92.03 (92.5). Nearly 40,000 people online have participated in the study. Each period was evaluated by five -star satisfaction. In 2020, he was awarded a national -level online and offline mixed undergraduate course.

Presented high -level

The two friends of industrial and humanities are "turning into knowledge"

The "Understanding Wuhan · Great Country Industry" course takes Wuhan's urban history and modern industrial processes as a clue, combined with the historical development and upgrading and transformation of my country's materials, transportation, automobiles, information and communication industries. "Industrial intelligence", integrate the city's feelings, national conditions, and social conditions, tell the story of Chinese stories with a city story, and witness the greatness of China in the struggle of a city. In terms of teaching goals, the combination of knowledge teaching and value leaders, the history of science and technology and humanistic spirit, and subtly promoted "turning into wisdom." By integrating great socialist industrial achievements with patriotism, great powers and innovative education, craftsmanship and labor education, it truly achieves the "Lide Shuren".

The curriculum highlights the fundamental task of "Lide Tree", and high -level goals are highlighted in the three aspects of knowledge, skills, methods, and emotional value training. In terms of knowledge and skills, relying on the school's "new engineering" teaching and research advantage resources, according to the strong articles of work and cultural people, comprehensively broaden students' multi -disciplinary vision, enhance students' cross -disciplinary knowledge reserves, and cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve complex problems. In terms of method ability goals, the ability to support students' deep learning and autonomous learning, the ability of practical and innovation to support each other, and the ability of professional and moral deep integration. In terms of emotional value goals, the curriculum thinking runs through the entire teaching process, improves the comprehensive ability and high -level value thinking of students, cultivates students' high sense of loyalty to the motherland, the sense of identity of the great achievements of the motherland, and the sense of responsibility for the future development of the motherland.

The course designed 9 chapters and 27 contents to form a complete teaching logic and scientific teaching system. Taking the sixth chapter "Bridge Legend" public class "Bridge: Tianzhang Feidu Changhong in the sky" as an example, this lesson is based on the centennial development of the Chinese bridge career as the central content, and the historical narrative back traced back to the War of Resistance Against the War. Qiantang River Bridge, Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, which is legendary in the New China, and the Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge of world -class projects in the history of Chinese bridge architecture, reveals the historical logic of my country's bridge business from behind to catching up, while highlighting the construction of the bridge of China Human struggle and family feelings.

Prominent innovation

New Mode of Teaching of Flating Classroom

The course highlights innovation in teaching content. On the one hand, comprehensively integrate teaching resource design classroom teaching. The teaching process is carried out in accordance with the four links of "online autonomous learning", "flipping classroom lectures", "expert lectures", and "extra -curricular practical activities". The offline classroom is co -taught by a full -time ideological and political teacher team and relevant experts, presented in a special lecture. Invite top scientific research experts, subject leaders, and senior alumni, person in charge of government departments, etc., use the "host (15 minutes)+theoretical expert lecture (50 minutes)+practical expert lectures (50 minutes)+expert dialogue (20 minutes 20 minutes ) "The teaching mode is changed from" one -way transmission "classroom to" one -way guidance+two -way communication+multi -party interaction "classroom.

On the other hand, the comprehensive integration of school social resources has arranged the "integration classroom" teaching model of "in -class, off -course, schools, schools, and online and offline". Interaction, life interaction interact with staff inside and outside, forming a "pan -learning" situation of all -staff education, comprehensive education and whole process.

Gathering the top disciplines for centuries to enrich the "outside class". Relying on the advantages of the school's "New Engineering", the top power of the superior discipline, and the three combinations of industry -university -research. Build a "main classroom+" three -dimensional teaching model, supporting multi -level teaching teams, multi -base assistance scenarios, and expanding the time and space of extracurricular teaching.

Gathering the advantages of the science and education region to build "inside and outside the school". In the school classroom, build a cross -region, cross -domain, multi -level, and multi -type "special expert library". Outside school classrooms, cultivate designated practical bases outside the school, innovation in ideological and political courses, etc., the top theoretical education resources of colleges and universities and social high -quality practical resources run through the cooperation.

Expand the new time and space of education and teaching to create "online and offline". All media teaching and technical means are integrated, offline classroom teaching and online moody class teaching are deeply integrated, and the comprehensive functions of immersive smart classrooms are used to cultivate students' comprehensive ability and innovative thinking. At the same time, they have long teaching. The "growth point" of development.

Increase challenges

Community of forging divisions, students, and class growth

While improving students 'good study and experience and focusing on cultivating students' quality, we must also find ways to increase the challenge of curriculum. The curriculum team created a platform for ideological and political courses based on social practice bases, teacher development centers, teachers and students research centers, and virtual teaching and research rooms, and actively forged teachers, students, and class growth communities.

Social practice bases encourage students to invest in social practice activities. At present, 7 designated social practice bases have been constructed. Students are required to submit and share practical reports in groups as a unit, reasonably design scoring mechanism, improve the weight of practical scores, and multiple assessments. Teacher Development Center, comprehensively use new media technology, comprehensively use various materials such as pictures, videos, and data to improve the effectiveness of education and teaching. At the same time, it highlights the guiding role of teachers. Through the teaching and training and competition mechanism of famous teachers, it is used to prepare lessons, grind classes, and improve lessons to create a "Mr. Big" in teaching.

Teachers and student research centers, highlight the status of the student center, study and study, and continuously discover the ingenuity, deep meaning, and explosive points of the theme and link design of each course to enhance the attractiveness and appeal of teaching. At the same time, it has formed a virtuous circle of teaching support scientific research and scientific research.

The virtual teaching and research office, the classroom as the position to improve the classroom coordinate system, cross -disciplinary, across schools, and cross -regional, use advanced training guided by famous teachers and competitions, actively carry out teachers training and student competition guidance, and the development of teachers and students, so that the curriculum becomes the curriculum to become the course becoming the course. Continuous education and teaching incubators to create a learning atmosphere and cultivate people while cultivating courses.

(Author: Yu Jia's unit is Wuhan University of Technology)

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