How can students study outside the district return to school?How does school in the district start school?Detailed explanation

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.09.05

Member and Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Education Department of Lu Shenghua District

In order to make a good job in the beginning of 2022 to start to return to school and the prevention and control of the epidemic, the District Education Department has formulated the "Work Plan for Students outside the Area of ​​2022 Schools" and "The Opening Work Plan for the opening of the 2022 Autumn semester of the district" Essence At the 27th press conference of the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work in the autonomous region, Lu Shenghua, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Party Education Department of the District Education Department, explained the main content of these two plans.

Detailed explanation

"Student Plan for Students Outside of Tibet and Return to the College in the Autumn of 2022"

The first is to clarify the principles of work. Implement the requirements of "strictly prevent overflow", and return to school in accordance with the students of the low risk zone. Students in the middle and high -risk zones meet the principles of returning to school in an orderly manner after the conditions of Tibet. Essence Students' pick -up work adheres to points, seamless, and fully closed, and maximize the time when students gather and transfer in the county (district), prefecture (city). Establish and improve the health status of students from Tibetan students.

The second is to strengthen organizational leadership. Under the unified command of the leading group of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, integrate education, public security, transportation, health, financial, civil aviation, railway and other departments to guide local (cities) to do a good job of student information, registration of students, ticketing for students, ticketing, ticketing, and ticketing. Docking, epidemic prevention and control, nucleic acid testing, transportation guarantee at the airport station, and transportation capacity protection.

Third, the classification is in batches. Tibetan students plan to return to school from mid -September. Students in low -risk areas and secondary vocational classes shall organize Tibet by consent to return to school with consent of the school school and meet the conditions of Tibetan. Senior and high -risk areas or confirmed cases, asymptomatic infections, non -symptoms, densely connected, and sub -dense -connected students who cannot return to school for the time being for the time being. Students in the centralized class and high schools do not have the conditions for unified collection, and continue to participate in online teaching in the entire class. After the entire class students meet the conditions of Tibetan conditions, they will organize the collection. Those who need to go out of Tibet by themselves will be returned to school after the school consent and meet the conditions of Tibet.

People from other Tibetan students outside the district, students outside the district in the residential area are returned to school, and the local (cities) are responsible for organizing and implementing them in accordance with the principles of the belonging. In accordance with the local epidemic prevention and control policies, local (municipalities) accurately arranged the place where the departure, destination, the time of the Tibetan time, the number of flights) of the Students of Tibetan students were arranged. Public security, transportation, civil aviation, railway and other departments organize students to "point -to -point" closed -loop transportation to airports and railway stations.

The fourth is to strengthen guarantee measures. Civil Aviation, Railway, Transportation, Weijian and other departments unblocked the "green channels" of students' ride (machine), cross -regional transportation, ride (machine) security inspection, and transit diversion to ensure that students "point -to -point" quickly pass, safe and orderly and orderly ride , Try to reduce the large -scale contact with the society as much as possible. Strictly implement the requirements for prevention and control of the airport and station epidemic, coordinate nucleic acid testing forces, and organize students to do the "three days, two inspections" in batches according to the time node. Provide convenience services for students in difficulties to ensure that they do not miss one person. Do the preparations for the preparations such as masks, warming guns and other epidemic prevention materials, food and drug equipment, and student assembly transfer, epidemic prevention and control and other preparations.

Detailed explanation

"Work Plan for the opening of school in the autumn semester of 2022"

The first is the overall requirements. Adhere to the principles of "coordinating guidance of autonomous regions, responsibility for municipalities and counties, classification, and error -time peaks", do a good job of risk research and assessment of preparations for the start of school, scientifically formulate the opening work plan, epidemic prevention and control plan, and emergency response plan, and organize an orderly organization. Schools and schools at all levels start work.

The second is partition classification. The county (district), township (town) junior high school, primary school, and kindergarten in the low -risk areas to organize students to return to school with safety assessment standards. The specific start time of the school is determined by the county (district) people's government. There are counties (districts) and townships (towns) in high -risk areas to postpone students to return to school, continue to organize and implement online teaching, and then organize students to return to school after safety assessment. The time of ordinary high school and secondary vocational schools returns to school. The local (city) people's government will organize students to return to school after the prevention and control of the local epidemic prevention and control. The Tibetan Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Lhasa Normal University determine students to return to school. The Tibetan University of Ethnic University (including the Middle School of the People's Republic of China) and the primary and secondary schools of the Siege Office were organized in an orderly manner according to Shaanxi and Qinghai. Lhasa Middle School, the autonomous region experimental kindergarten, the Tibetan Military Region Lhasa Bayi School, the Tibetan Military Region Kindergarten and other school students returned to the school to work in Lhasa.

The third is to return to school to manage.Tibetan teachers and students returned to school 7 days before leaving the city and county in principle.The faculty and elementary and middle school students who are still outside the district need to return to Tibet 7 days in advance. If they cannot return to Tibet 7 days in advance, they will be supplemented by the health monitoring of the Qi home for 7 days and the other conditions of the return school can only be met.Back to school.Within 7 days before the school, teachers and students who live in the history of high -risk areas have been suspended to return to school. The corresponding control and health management requirements of the territorial epidemic situation can be returned before returning to school.The low -risk zone outside the district (including the history of living in a low risk area within 7 days) teachers and students and employees with 48 hours of kernel acid test negative proof to return to school, and conduct a nucleic acid test within 3 days after the start of school.Teachers and students returning to schools and counties in the district to test negative proof of 48 hours of kernel acidic acid testing, and return to school after implementing the epidemic prevention requirements of departure and destinations.Source: Tibet Satellite TV+WeChat public account

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