The highest prize of outstanding entrepreneurial projects is 200,000 yuan!Huizhou issued the New Deal to strengthen the management of Huizhou college students' entrepreneurial incubation base

Author:Huizhou Headline APP Time:2022.09.05

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood, and entrepreneurship is the source of employment. College students are the most important employment and entrepreneurial groups, which is of great significance and far -reaching impact to promote the construction of college students' entrepreneurial platform. In order to strengthen the management of the entrepreneurial incubation base of Huizhou college students and solidly promote entrepreneurship to drive employment, the "Huizhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Finance Bureau Huizhou Zhongkai High -tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee on the Administration of Entrepreneurship Incubation Bases of Guangdong Huizhou University Students" (hereinafter referred to as abbreviated "New Measures") Recently issued and implemented. The new measures will be implemented from September 9 this year, with a validity period of 5 years.

Huizhou University Student Entrepreneurship Incubation Base. Dongjiang Picture Club

The reporter noticed that compared with the "Notice of the Administrative Measures for the Entrepreneurship Incubation Base of the University of Huizhou University Students in Guangdong" issued in 2016, the new method is to further clarify the management department on the basis of the original method, expand the scope of entrepreneurial training and service objects and leading industries (Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship The scope of the project extended the retention period of the incubation area.

Incubation object

● Students from ordinary colleges, vocational schools, and technical colleges (within 5 years of graduation)

● Study abroad returned to the country (within 5 years of receiving graduation certificate)

● Entrepreneurship youth with industry demonstration entrepreneurship projects

Enjoy rent reduction discount

● The nursery area cultivation period is 2 years to enjoy the full rent reduction and exemption, and the "zero -housing rent" settled in

● In the first year of the incubation area, enjoy the full rent reduction and exemption, and the rent is charged at 5 yuan/square meter per month in the second year

● From the third year, the rent is charged on a monthly basis for market evaluation standards

Introducing entrepreneurial service agencies to provide professional services

Guangdong Huizhou University Student Entrepreneurship Incubation Base is a co -construction of provinces and cities. With the model of corporate management and market -oriented operation, it provides public welfare of entrepreneurial training, maker space, entrepreneurial incubation, entrepreneurial financing, entrepreneurial financing, and entrepreneurial services for college students and entrepreneurial youth Service Platform. Since its official operation in June 2016, the base has successfully incubated more than 200 companies and teams, driving more than 2,300 employment, and nearly 10,000 college students participated in entrepreneurial simulation training.

In order to better serve the youth of entrepreneurial entrepreneurship, the new measures point out that the entrepreneurial incubation base management office is set up under the Social Affairs Bureau of Zhongkai High -tech Zone, introduced entrepreneurial service agencies, and manages, supervise and evaluate entrepreneurial service agencies, check the entrepreneurial incubation bases of the entrepreneurial service agency, check the entrepreneurial incubation bases. The implementation and implementation of the system.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Social Affairs Bureau of Zhongkai High -tech Zone, the original method was formulated in 2016. In 2021, it has passed the validity period. In order to further strengthen the management of entrepreneurial incubation bases, at the same time, combined with the management experience accumulated over the past five years, combined with the current entrepreneurial situation, it is now re -re -re -re -reinforced. Formulate and introduce new measures, and refine the management functions in order to provide more accurate and detailed services to entrepreneurial youth.

The scope of incubation objects and leading industries expands

According to the new measures, the incubation target of the entrepreneurial incubation base includes: ordinary colleges, vocational schools, and students of technical colleges (within 5 years of graduation); personnel who have returned to China (within 5 years of receiving graduation certificate); Youth and other. Among them, the proportion of students' entrepreneurial projects within 5 years of graduation should not be less than 70%.

The new method also provides for the leading industry (entrepreneurial project) incubation, including Internet+, electronic information, software services, industrial design, business logistics, modern service industry, animation, cultural creativity, e -commerce, e -sports, cross -border electronic electrical appliances Industry such as business and online celebrities; industries that are prioritized and other industrial projects that are conducive to the optimization and upgrading of economic structure; industrial projects that are conducive to employment and entrepreneurship of college students; it is conducive to consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and helping the project of rural revitalization. Essence

The reporter noticed that compared with the original method, the new measures expanded the scope of entrepreneurial training and service objects, and increased the content of "entrepreneurial projects with industry demonstrations"; the proportion of students' entrepreneurial projects was stipulated, and "student entrepreneurship within 5 years of graduation and graduation of students was stipulated. The proportion of projects should not be less than 70%"; clearly" provides free entrepreneurial training and entrepreneurial services. " At the same time, the new measures expand the scope of leading industries (entrepreneurial projects), increase projects that are conducive to consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and helping to promote rural revitalization.

The relevant person in charge of the Social Affairs Bureau of Zhongkai High -tech Zone pointed out that after the expansion of the incubation objects and the leading industry, more entrepreneurial entities and entrepreneurial projects can be included in the scope of incubation to help more college students start a business and create a good entrepreneurial atmosphere.

Extend the retention period in the incubation area

It is worth noting that the new method has extended the retention period of the incubation area. The new measures point out that the cultivation period of the entrepreneurial nursery area is 2 years, and the incubation period in the entrepreneurial incubation area is 2 years (at the same time, the incubation period does not exceed 3 years from the date of registration of enterprises). After the incubation period expires, the company (team) and individuals should withdraw from the incubation base. The role of entrepreneurial demonstration is better and can provide services to other enterprises (teams) and individuals, or the entrepreneurial demonstration effect, and has the function of driving employment, and the approval of the management office of the entrepreneurial incubation base can be extended. The long -standing period does not exceed 2 years, and the preferential support policies of the entrepreneurial incubation base will no longer be enjoyed during the staying period.

Compared with the original method, the new measures are extended to stay in the incubation area. Entrepreneurship projects that have obvious demonstration effects and have the function of driving employment functions have changed the longest stay in one year to 2 years.

"The extension of staying in the stay can reduce the entrepreneurial risk and entrepreneurial costs of entrepreneurs, eliminate their worries, and put more energy on entrepreneurship. It is also based on some projects that require longer support and incubation in order to achieve it to achieve The expected effect of successful entrepreneurship. "The relevant person in charge of the Social Affairs Bureau of Zhongkai High -tech Zone said that next, the entrepreneurial incubation base will continue to play the role of the base, vigorously promote the" mass entrepreneurship and innovation ", give full play to the multiplication effect of entrepreneurship to drive employment, and help help Market subject multiplication project. The reporter learned that as of July this year, the base was in the total number of incubation companies (teams), of which: 28 incubation in the field and 6 off -site incubation; 1 doctoral projects, 3 master's programs, 3, and 3 master's programs, and 3, and 3, and 3 master's programs. 4 high -company projects, 12 scientific research projects, 11 e -commerce projects, and 2 rural revitalization projects. Since 2016, base incubation companies have achieved a total of 12 industrial landing.

Enterprises and individuals can enjoy preferential support policies

The new method continues to rents the rent and exemption of the enterprise (team) and individuals during the settlement period: the nursery area cultivation period is 2 years to enjoy the full rent reduction and exemption, and the "zero rental" enters the settlement; In the second year, rent is charged at 5 yuan/square meter per month; starting from the third year, follow the model of "enterprise management and market -oriented operation", and collect rent on a monthly basis for market evaluation standards.

Entrepreneurship projects settled in enterprises (teams) and individuals who have won the first, second, and third prizes for entrepreneurship and innovation of national human resources and social security, science and technology, and education departments, and give 200,000, 150,000, and 100,000 yuan awards according to the award level. ; If you have won the first, second, and third prizes of human resources and social security, science and technology, and education departments in Guangdong Province, they will be rewarded by 100,000, 80,000, and 50,000 yuan according to the award level; If the first, second, and third prizes of the security, the science and technology, and education departments will be awarded by the first, second, and third prizes, 50,000, 30,000, and 10,000 yuan are given according to the award level.

Huizhou Daily reporter Luo Guohong correspondent Yuan Cheng

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