Shuangyu Tree Fire Rescue Station Holds the "Cloud Training" of the fire protection knowledge of colleges and universities

Author:Beijing Haidian Time:2022.09.05

"What should I do if the fire is in danger?" "The fire extinguisher used to use this is correct." "I just know how to use the anti -virus mask." And self -defense and self -rescue capabilities to create a safe and stable learning environment for students. At the beginning of the autumn school, the Shuang elm fire rescue station uses webcasting to conduct online training to carry out the "first lesson of school first lesson" for the universities in the jurisdiction. Training activities.

In the beginning of the school season, keep in mind safety. Based on the recent start of the school's successive school, the Shuang elm fire rescue station planned in advance to analyze the problems of the contents of the content of campus fire safety, difficult to enter the mind, and the many hidden dangers of campus personnel. In terms of level and teachers and students' fire safety quality, comprehensively analyze and carefully design the content of teaching. While ensuring the accuracy and targetedness of the popularity of fire protection knowledge, combined with the current needs of the prevention and control situation of the epidemic, the new semester of the new semester of 2022 will be determined. The "activity plan gave the school teachers and students to send this vivid and interesting fire safety class.

During the training, the firefighters of the rescue station combined the campus fire cases, explaining the basic fire safety common sense of fire safety in the basic knowledge of fire prevention, common fire hazards in campus life, and emergency remedy in unknown language. The school is susceptible to fire, and vividly explains how to save the initial fire, how to report the fire alarm for help, how to use the fire extinguisher correctly, and the escape self -rescue method in various fire environments. Precautions. After the lecture, teachers and students of colleges and universities said: "This fire safety live broadcast class is educated and close to life, which not only enriches our fire safety knowledge and skills, but also visually shows the functional responsibilities of the fire team. Fire protection, jointly maintain a good fire safety environment. "

Although the training is online, the students' feelings do not lose the offline get out of class. Everyone interacts while listening, hoping that there will be more training in this regard in the future, because everyone needs safety awareness and basic warning disposal knowledge.

The launch of the online fire training activity of "Speaking of the first lesson of the school", through fire knowledge and education of teachers and students of the school, improve the ability of teachers and students to prevent disaster prevention and self -rescue, and let more people understand fire protection, focus on fire, love fire protection, and love fire protection. The effect of "educating a student, affecting a family, and radiating the whole society". (Reporter Xiao Wei)

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