Carefully guarantee the job search road of college graduates

Author:People's Daily Time:2022.09.05

Core reading

This year's college graduates reached 10.76 million, an increase of 1.67 million year -on -year. Organize online and offline job fairs to provide more employment information; build a bridge of school -enterprise cooperation to open up more employment positions; optimize service guarantee, guide graduates to build merits at the grassroots level and key areas ... thin. At the critical stage of employment of college graduates, various departments and departments have taken multiple measures to carefully ensure the employment of graduates, and make every effort to promote the employment of college graduates.

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. In 2022, ordinary college graduates reached 10.76 million, a year -on -year increase of 1.67 million. Affected by multiple factors such as the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia, the employment situation of college graduates is severe and complicated.

At the critical stage of employment of college graduates, the education system also carried out a series of activities such as the employment promotion week of the 2022 college graduates and the employment of college graduates' employment "100 -day sprints" and other series of activities to further tap post resources and do detailed employment guidance services. Guide graduates to build merits at the grassroots level and key areas, and make every effort to promote the employment of college graduates.

Pioneering positions and providing more employment information

After careful preparation, Cui Chaofan, a undergraduate graduate of the School of Communication Engineering of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, passed the written test and interview assessment to successfully sign the Shaanxi Lingyun Electric Group. "The company's business content in the research and development of electronic products has a high degree of matching with my professionalism, which is also my interest. I can find my favorite work. I am very grateful to the school and the college for help." Cui Chaofan said.

Cui Chaofan's signing unit is a cooperative unit in the school's special operation. Earlier, the school leaders led the team to the enterprise to investigate, understand the development trend of the industry, the needs of enterprises, and build a bridge of colonel cooperation.

In order to develop the employment market, since this year, the principals of universities across the country have visited enterprises to promote employment special operations to launch and implement them. So far, more than 2,400 colleges have visited about 150,000 employers, expanded more than 2900,000 posts, 130 internship positions, and internship positions 130 There are more than 10,000.

Promoting employment and stable employment is the key. All universities and universities in various places actively act and go all out to provide more employment information for graduates.

Create the employment market of digital college graduates. The national college student employment service platform has been upgraded and improved, and the role of market -oriented positions to absorb employment. As of August 21, the platform has brought together 13.25 million positions in various types of positions, 5.47 million graduates have registered for 2022 graduates, and 550,000 employers have registered.

Widely condense the joint efforts of all parties. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission jointly organized the third season of "State Employment Actions", gathered 680,000 post resources; ; The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Education jointly organized the "Small and Medium Enterprise Online Hundred Days Recruitment" activities to provide 110,000 recruitment positions.

Improve the promotion mechanism of marketization and socialized employment. The Ministry of Education launched a wide range of private enterprises to participate in the employment and education projects. In 2022, 291 employers and 6,381 projects declared by the universities of 1271 completed the first batch of projects.

Give play to the role of policy -based position. Relevant departments have issued greater efforts to accelerate the progress of recruitment. State -owned enterprises have stabilized the scale of recruitment, expanded the scale of enrollment, and developed scientific research assistant positions to attract college graduates.

With heart and affection, do a good job of employment guidance services

Employment mentality adjustment, information collection, resume writing, interview and expression ... After a 5 -day "Hongzhi Navigation Program" employment ability training, Xiao Lianxin, a undergraduate graduate of Agricultural and Forestry Economic Management of Henan Agricultural University, has gained a lot.

"Training has made my application ability significantly improved, and I have a clearer plan for my personal career." Xiao Lianxin has received a notice from Muyuan Group. He admits: "Fortunately and grateful."

Due to various reasons such as family economic difficulties, lack of social resources, and insufficient employment ability, employment difficulties are facing pressure to varying degrees. To this end, this spring semester, the Ministry of Education deployed the implementation of the "Central Special Lottery Public Welfare Jin Hongzhi Navigation Program" to carry out employment training for key groups to help students participate in students' confidence in job hunting and enhance employment capabilities. As of now, 89,300 graduates have been trained offline and 676,000 online training. Relying on the national college student employment service platform, a total of 1.65 million job information was pushed to the group of difficult graduates in 2022.

Facing the severe and complex employment situation, providing employment services and employment guidance with heart and affection, which has become the consensus of universities and universities in various departments.

The Ministry of Education takes the theme of "Multiple measures, a new journey of employment for employment" and "How to deal with job search interviews".

The Sichuan Province formed the Twin City Economic Circle Employees and Entrepreneurship Division of Chengdu -Chongqing District to conduct more than 70 lectures and consultations in colleges and universities, and serve more than 30,000 fresh graduates;

Zhejiang University holds employment situation analysis, grassroots employment theme preaching, job search skills training, job search psychological adjustment and other employment guidance activities, participates in more than 23,000 students, and also hires more than 100 experts inside and outside the school to provide students with self -awareness, time management, etc. One -to -one counseling;

Tongji University establishes the database of "unlimited graduates" and "key employment student group", and timely grasp information such as students 'basic situation, job search intention, employment recommendation, psychological counseling and other information, and personalized records of students' participation in campus recruitment preaching and participating in vocational skills training activities. Content ... with affection and warmth. A series of employment guidance services that implement detailed implementation, carefully ensure the road of job hunting from college graduates.

To be down -to -earth, guide graduates to build merits at the grassroots level

Grassroots are the stage for college graduates to build their merits, and it is also a broad space for the employment of college graduates.

In this graduation season, Wan Wenxiang, a undergraduate graduate of the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, chose to return to his hometown of Shandong grassroots. "I am a student who comes out of the countryside and is very emotional to my hometown. The vast world is promising. I hope to hone the skills and serve the people at the grassroots level." Wan Wenxiang said.

Like Wan Wenxiang, there are more and more students who choose to work in grassroots and key areas. In order to guide students to establish a correct view of career, employment, and career selection, universities and universities in various places have continuously increased policy strength, deepen employment and educate people, strengthen the training and use, and optimize service guarantees.

Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Education has done a good job in the recruitment of grass -roots projects such as the "Special Plan", "Three Branches and One Support", and "Western Plan". Among them, the "Special Plan" plan recruits 67,000 people, the "three branches and one support" plan recruit 34,000 people, and 36,700 newly recruited volunteers in the "Western Plan".

In order to give play to the positive role of college graduates in the governance and services of urban and rural community, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Education and other departments jointly issued a notice and proposed to strengthen a batch of community workers' team construction and the development of urban and rural community services. , Multi -channel absorbing college graduates to employment and entrepreneurship in urban and rural communities.

Anhui Province develops 2,000 college student science and technology special assignments, serving economic entities such as villages, farmers, and new agricultural business entities, and encouraged eligible college student science and technology specialists to serve as cadres in the township, village (community) regiment, and participate in the work of the Communist Youth League and youth. Rural revitalization reserve science and technology talents.

Northeast University has launched the "Dream to report to the country, walking the world" activity. In recent years, the proportion of graduates to key areas such as electronic information, equipment manufacturing, aerospace and other key areas and grassroots employment remained above 50%.

Good children are as ambitious in the Quartet. Choose to go to the grass -roots level and the people to build meritorious karma, so that the flowers of youth are blooming in the most needed place for the motherland, becoming the ideal pursuit of more and more young students.

(People's Daily reporter Ding Ya Recitation)

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