Is the child's IQ really inherited by parents?the answer is……

Author:Institute of Physics of the Ch Time:2022.09.04

As the saying goes, "Dragon Shenglong, Fengsheng Feng, and mouse son will be holes." When parents themselves are not learning hegemon, it is not surprising that there is a scum baby. However, we can often see that even some parents of Xueba are voicing that their children are a scum.

Not long ago, a associate professor at Peking University counseled his daughter's assignment to the hot search, and said that he and his wife graduated from Peking University, so the IQs of the two could not be low? I now counsel my daughter, that's really ... she was too far away from us!

Hao Jingfang, a science fiction literary writer, also issued similar concerns: I graduated from Qingbei and I graduated from Qingbei. Can I accept my children to study in the Three Story School?

This makes us wonder why the parents of Xueba also have a scum baby? In fact, as early as 100 years ago, psychologists have begun to explore this issue.


The inheritance of intelligence is not 100 %

We all know that learning and intelligence have a lot of relationships. Many Xueba have been smart since childhood. For example, the associate professors of Peking University mentioned above are the academic bully of prodigies since childhood.

As a kind of mankind, intelligence is similar to looks and height, and has a great relationship with inheritance, just like basketball player Yao Ming has a height of 2.26 meters. His daughter is close to 1.8 meters at the age of 11.

But what extent is intelligence inherited? At the beginning, psychologists were roughly divided into three categories:

The first is that most of the intelligence is determined by genetic, as the saying goes at the beginning of the article;

The second is that most of the intelligence is determined by the environment, and the environment shaped a person's intelligence;

The third concept is a balance in it, thinking that intelligence is also influenced by two factors at the same time, and even people with low intelligence can become smarter in a rich educational environment.

Psychologists have conducted a lot of research around these different views. The most famous of which is the Study of Gemini, because researchers cannot control the genetic background or environment of human beings like controlling animals, so they can only carry out different types of "natural nature Study "-The twins.

We know that the twins are almost the same inheritance, so the behavior or intelligence variation can basically be completely attributed to the impact of the environment. The impact of genetic and environmental impact on intelligence can be calculated.

So how can the twins are usually born in the same family? Of course, researchers are obviously unlikely to force the twins, but turn to adoption agencies. From these institutions, they look for the twin children who are raised separately as soon as they are born, and judge the differences in intelligence through intellectual tests.

Combined with many similar studies, psychologists have summarized children with different degrees of genetic similarity, and their intellectual relationships:

Figure | Bouchaard & McGue, 1981

In the figure above, we use the red box to mark the most concerned theme in this article: To what extent can parents be inherited to their children?

Comparing the adoptive parents and children who have no genetic relationship, we can find two important conclusions:

The first is that the intellectual correlation between the biological parents and the children is relatively high, which shows that there is a large degree of correlation between genetic and intelligence. Baby;

The second is that the intellectual correlation between the biological parents and the children is about 0.4, which is in the medium -related correlation. That is to say, there will still be a certain probability that even the parents of the schoolba will give birth to the scum baby.

In addition to the above -mentioned twins research, British scholar Gorky has found that more than 200 parents and children have found that there is a "backward trend" like the height of intelligence and height:

Intelligence is generally inherited. Parents of high IQ will give birth to children with high IQ, but if the parents' IQ exceeds the average level too much, the child's IQ may appear "back to the middle trend", approaching the average value of IQ, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show, showing the show. Although higher than the average crowd, it is lower than the level of parents.

However, the parents of Xueba may ignore this, and it is easy to enlarge their children's "scum attributes". After all, Xueba's parents already have a very high IQ. This is easy to ignore that the child is actually higher than the crowd.

In general, psychologists basically believe that the impact of genetics on IQ is about 50%to 70%, and the rest is the impact of education and experience.


Is the child clever?

Li Bai: "Born my material will be useful"

Although from a genetic perspective, there may be a scum baby in the family of learning bully, sometimes it is not necessarily "learning scum". Because intelligence is not a single simple concept, but has a complex structure.

For example, psychologist Corol describes intelligence as a three -level model that presents the shape of a pyramid:

Figure | Carol (1993)

General intelligence is the top layer and the most widely general performance, which has an impact on the ability to solve various problems. However, the degree of influence of general intelligence on different capabilities is also different. In the figure above, the degree of correlation between general intelligence and different abilities decreases from left to right. For example, the correlation between general intelligence and fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence is high, and the relationship between cognitive speed and processing speed is Weak.

But Corol also found that people may not have a good performance in every field. For the simplest example, some children have a good mathematical performance, but the Chinese or English scores are not ideal. Therefore, intelligence also has the second layer of ability, suitable for some specific fields. Among them, fluid intelligence refers to the ability to solve the ability of individuals to solve novel and abstract problems. It is not affected by education and related culture. Pickling dragons; crystal intelligence refers to the ability to solve the knowledge and experience that needs to rely on education and life to deal with problems, such as noun explanation, arithmetic ability, etc.

In the same way, intelligence can also extend to the most specific third layer capability. Individuals may have strong ability in a small range, such as having a memory that has been unforgettable.

Psychologist Stenberg proposes the ternary theory of intelligence, which believes that intelligence includes three aspects, namely situations, experience and information processing skills. It is believed that individuals may have different performance in different components. Essence

Picture | Stenberg (1997)

And Gardner's diverse intelligence theory is now adopted by many educational concepts. He believes that people have at least 9 kinds of intelligence, namely: speech ability, space ability, mathematical logic ability, music ability, exercise ability, interpersonal ability, self -knowledge, self -knowledge Ability, natural perception ability, mental and existing thinking ability.

People in different intellectual elements are different, and they determine their performance in their respective fields. For example, people with strong speech ability are more suitable for novelists and journalists. People with strong mathematical logic ability are more suitable for mathematicians and scientists.

Therefore, as Li Bai’s poem states: "Born my material is useful", the performance of intelligence is many aspects. Even if we think the "scum baby" may only perform poorly in some aspects, but if parents are parents, if parents You can dig carefully in your daily life, and it is likely to find your child's glowing point in other ways.


Parents' education and companionship are very important

We have mentioned earlier that for children's mental development, genetics may only account for about 50%of the impact, and the rest are the influence of the acquired environment. I believe that many parents know that good education and sufficient companionship are extremely important for children's growth.

Psychological studies have found that everyone's ability to grow is different. Some people have developed rapidly but have a low limit, and some people have slowly developed but the upper limit is higher.

Even the children of Xueba parents may be formed late. When they were young, the learning ability developed slowly, and the parents of Xueba may be genius when they were childhood. Such horizontal contrast differences may lead to although it would lead to although it would lead to although it would lead to although even though Parents have a strong learning ability, but they do not necessarily guide how to teach their children to learn.

This also tells us that when educating children, empathy and patience are very important. Children are in a period of development. As adults, parents will definitely be stronger than their children. Parents need to understand and understand the current status of their children's ability. teach.

In traditional Chinese family education, grandparents often help bring their children, or mother's full -time education and accompanying children. However, psychological research in recent years has also found that in fact, the role of the father is more important than we think, especially when the child is young, the father’s participation can significantly improve the child's learning ability, learning quality, social adaptability, etc. Essence

At the age of the 20s or 30 years of struggle, parents can easily ignore the importance and influence of their children's growth in whether they are ordinary father or their father.

Why do Xueba parents also have a scum baby? In the final analysis, this is actually the impact of two factors: genetic and environmental factors on children.

Whether it is the parents of Xueba or ordinary parents, inheritance is almost impossible to change. What we can do is to pay attention to the education environment, methods and companionship of the child, and find the child's flash point. A child has the opportunity to grow into a "learning hegemony" in their respective fields.

Author | ACC Psychology Science

Review | Fan Chunlei


[1] Sternberg R J. The Concept of Intelligence and ITS ROLE in Lifelong Learning and Success [J]. American Psychology, 1997, 52 (10): 1030.

[2] Robert, Feld, Su Yanjie. Development psychology -graduation development [J]. 2009.

[3] BOUCHARD JR T j, McGue M. Familial Studies of Intelligence: a Review [J]. Science, 1981, 212 (4498): 1055-1059.

[4] Wang Xiaobe. Father participated in the study of the quality of education with children 3-6 years old: the intermediary role of psychological toughness [D]. Hebei Normal University, 2021.

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Does not represent the position of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Source: science rumor

Edit: Tibetan idiot

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