Students' vision is all 5.0 or above!This school has a "trick"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.04

On the afternoon of September 1st, in the Hantang Autonomous County of the Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, the deputy dean Yang Yuqiang and the nurse Huang Meizheng cleaned up the tools to go to a primary school to check the vision. The sampling school is called Bay Tang Elementary School. In recent years, the myopia rate of the school has been zero.

Green Bay Tang Elementary School. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Ranran

Visual sampling none of myopia

Yang Yuqiang has been responsible for the vision health care of children in the township for 5 years. He has a deep impression on Bayang Elementary School. "I remember that there was a semester, and their eyesight 5.3 (2.0) reached 20%."

When he came to the school gate, Yang Yuqiang contacted the principal Sun Fu. Entering the campus, he chose a classroom, hung a good vision table, adjusted the rally, and randomly found 25 students from 6 grades. At 4:30 in the afternoon, the students lined up to test them one by one. Under the guidance of the first -year freshmen, the first -year students quickly mastered the recognition of the vision sheet "up and down, left and right".

"From the results of the spot check, zero myopia. Children's vision is 5.0 or above. 80%of 5.2, 8%of 5.0 and 5.1, 12%of 5.3. Pay special attention to 5.0 children. If you are a little careless, you may be myopia. . "Yang Yuqiang said.

Bayang Elementary School students who are doing vision spot checks. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Ranran

Sun Fuquan quickly copied the names of the two children, "I will follow."

Located on the Nanxi River, Wantang Primary School is a rural boarding school. Children live in school from Monday to Friday and go home on weekends. September 1 is the opening day of the school's autumn semester. At 8 am, the school held a solemn flag -raising ceremony, and 536 students did not have a "small glasses". Among the 53 faculty who stood in the last row, six were wearing glasses. "Six our self -deprecation is the child's" negative textbook "." Sun Fu said.

The flag -raising ceremony of Wantang Primary School. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

The 30 degrees of Celsius made President Sun's nose full of sweat beads. From time to time, he supported the frame to prevent slipping. "I often tell the children the inconvenience of wearing glasses, show them a photo of the lost focus, and experience the feeling of myopia. I always think that taking care of the children's eyes is our" glasses teacher ' one's gift."

Outdoor sports exceeds three hours

Every time the bell ringing, the playground of Wantang Primary School will instantly boil, playing basketball table tennis, "editing flower baskets" ...

"We ask all children to go out of the classroom after class. Even if they are children who are happy and moving, we are encouraged to go out." Said the brigade counselor Yang Qingyi.

If it comes to the venue and facilities, this village is not "wealthy", but the physical education teachers always have a way to stimulate the enthusiasm of children's sports: to knotting a big rag to practice throwing as a "grenade"; Practice on the steps of the teaching building; there is no goal, two bricks, shoot in the same shot ...

Basketball is the first movement of the school. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

There are 3 physical education teachers in the school. From the third class in the morning to 4:30 pm, the physical education class is full. In addition, the sports teachers are lacking in the sports teacher. As a result, teachers with sports specialty supported: Tang Fei, the director of the Academic Affairs, taught table tennis; Mathematics teacher Zhang Fu brought basketball team;

In addition, from the third in the afternoon to before dinner, the children have an hour of free activity time. You can use the equipment to continue exercise. "Don't look at the small venue, the children's outdoor activities have more than 3 hours per day." Said Chu Zhihua, a sports teacher.

Wantang Primary School insists on three hours of sports activities every day. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

A large number of studies have shown that outdoor activities during the day, ultraviolet rays can promote the secretion of dopamine, and the secretion of dopamine can inhibit the growth of the axis and effectively prevent myopia. "If we say that the child's zero vision, we have any experience, that is to carry out a lot of outdoor sports." Sun Fu said.

Sleepy and eat with green eyes

Wantang Primary School is located in the Mid -Mountains. From the dormitory to the teaching building, we must first climb the 181 steps.

Six years ago, Huang Xingxiang, the old principal, led the faculty and planting more than 200 plants next to the ramp. As soon as you enter the school gate, the purple and red delta plum along the steps, the tall banana tree, hangs on the branched tree pineapple.

At the end of the playground of the campus, seven or eight banyan trees like a huge "parasol" brought cool to the campus. In the scorching sun, if the children exercise for 10 minutes, they will cool down under the tree; after dinner, everyone will sit around the trees and read it loudly.

Reading under the banyan tree is a pleasant time for children. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

"Predecessors planted flowers, and future generations were cool. With the efforts of each principal, they had a green campus." Sun Fujiao said.

Outdoor, the teacher encourages the children to move more; in the room, the teacher will change the seat regularly to adjust the child's vision. "There are also indispensable eye health exercises twice a day," said Wang Junlong in the fifth grade. On the first day of school, he needed to demonstrate the first grade and taught him.

Wang Junlong brought first grade children to do eye exercises. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

Since the first grade, the school has been cultivating children's good work and rest habits. The Chinese teacher Mao Heming said: "The school is off at 9 o'clock in the evening, and the children get up at 6:30 in the morning. In the morning, each person sleeps for 10 and a half hours per day. Fully rest also helps protect vision."

The school's food, three meals a day, with reasonable matching, breakfast is milk and rice noodles, Chinese dinner is four dishes and one soup. Students use public calls in the school. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

Except for teachers who need to use electronic whiteboards in class, students here are almost "insulated" with electronic products. The school prohibits children from bringing mobile phones into the campus. If you contact your family, you can use 6 public telephones in the school for free. When the child returns home, the use of electronic products requires parent supervision.

"This summer, I asked my daughter to watch TV when I care about it, and half an hour every day." Parent Hu Jiongqiong said.

The children's smile. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

Children who love sports are more efficient in learning. This is the consensus of the teachers of Bayang Elementary School. "The boys I brought to play basketball. I said that if I finished my text in 20 minutes, I played with you. Sure enough, these kids did it." Yang Qingyi said. According to the data of the Pingbian County Education and Sports Bureau, last year, the comprehensive results of Bayang Elementary School were fourth in the county, ranking from it to middle and upper.

"3 hours of outdoor exercise every day, 10 and a half hours of sleep, green plants surround, no mobile phones, nutritional equilibrium ... Perhaps these factors have created the good vision of the dolls." Sun Fu said.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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