Pin Si | "Five Don’t" work in organs

Author:Beijing West Road Observation Time:2022.09.04

"Don't worry" when you first arrive

As soon as I arrived in the organization, I was unfamiliar with all aspects, and there were many important tasks immediately. There are a lot of things to learn. Occasionally, I do n’t know what to do when I encounter what I want to do. In this case, irritability is prone to occur. For this reason, pay special attention to the following aspects:

There is a living in the eyes. It has nothing to do with work, mopping the floor, watering, picking up newspapers, and actively doing it; things assigned by leaders and colleagues. ; I ca n’t be busy when I meet a colleague. Ask if I want to help.

Don't stretch your hands. The work of the organs not only emphasizes coordination and coordination, but also emphasizes the responsibility of division of labor. Unknown to grab the work and intervene at will, it may interfere with the normal work of others.

There are counting in my heart. Observe more, accumulate more, and do it once. However, the intention is not the same as "small cleverness". You cannot wear "colored glasses" to observe things and understand the situation. You are ready to find trouble before you understand one thing. He wants to highlight your "level".

Stable transition "Don't panic"

After a period of time, the procedures and essentials of daily affairs and specific work have been initially mastered. Leaders and colleagues will give you more and more things. Sometimes there are too many clues to deal with it. This situation occurs repeatedly, and people are easy to panic.

Avoiding panic, the basic requirement is that neither is urgent or delayed due to slow delay. You must persist in eight words: you can do it and do it slowly. Specifically:

Remember everything. Good memory is not as good as rotten pen, receiving a notice on the phone, and it is much more secure when you write down.

Speakly. There are many jobs of work. What time is explained, what is required, how long it takes, which one is done first, and then the order is good.

Co-ordinate arrangements. Take newspapers, send letters, and receive people at the gate, these things can be done all the way; go to the duty room booking room and machine pickup document can be done all the way, and so on.

Looking back. Print files, check if there are more words, words, and multiple words before sending the leader; check the materials, check if the page number is missing and residual pages after nailing; Whether the unit, person name, and position are accurate and clear; do a call record, let go of the phone to see if the content is fully recorded, who made, what, do you need to reply, how much the other party calls, and so on.

Consolidate and improve "don't bother"

The working hours continue to be extended, and the repeated work is increasing. The daily affairs are becoming more and more lighter, and the freshness of all aspects gradually fades. At the same time, it may also breed other emotions: annoying!

There are several ways to avoid annoying:

Plant the "responsibility field". The quality and timely completion of the work of leaders and colleagues are determined by the responsibility of work and the role of the role. Unless you are not ready to continue in your post, there is no room for rotation.

Develop "staying in the ground". Use work gaps to learn more, improve more, enhance your own business level, and track the work of the department, the office, and even the center of the agency.

Learn "Langtao Sha". Pay attention to absorb nutrition from daily work, learn the characteristics, framework ideas, language style, specific content of various text materials, the laws and arts of learning work, especially leadership work, and so on.

The experience gradually grows "don't mess"

With the continued extension of working hours, the work at hand is more smooth and orderly, and the ideological pressure and mental pressure have been further reduced. Although they also understand the tasks of consolidating business capabilities, cultivating knowledge, accumulating work experience, and increasing work experience in ideological understanding. It is very important, but this process is too long after all, and the results are not very obvious. On the contrary, the recruitment notice of certain companies and enterprises may happen in this process just meets its own conditions, and so on. There are more opportunities, and my heart is naturally chaotic.

We must persist in seeking truth and pragmatism on the question of correcting "don't chaos", objectively and comprehensively understand and understand yourself. After a comprehensive balance, I still insist on working in the organs, and we must do the following:

Correctly handle the relationship between life and work, distinguish the main and seconds, grasp the good degree, and do not take the extreme.

Facing gains and losses correctly, persistence has something, and do not do something.

Correctly handling the "specialization" and "blog" in personal cultivation will improve business capabilities, coordinate and coordinate cultural knowledge, and make reasonable arrangements.

After the year, "Don't blame"

The work of the organs involves not only doing things, but also people. At the same time, the grievances of experience have increased, and the ability to improve the ability also improves. At the same time, it is also increasing to understand that the increasing increasing comparison is also increasing. , Can make people "resentment".

"Quit resentment" must actively achieve the following points:

Improve cultivation. In particular, pay attention to studying the strengths of others, remembering the benefits of others, understanding the difficulties of others, tolerance of others, reflecting their own value in the service, and finding work fun in improving business capabilities.

Enhance the determination. The world is very large, and the surrounding changes are often as fast and fast. There must be the frankness of "how can it be satisfactory, but be deserved to my heart", but also the humor of "Feng Shui turn around, come to my house next year".

Respect reality.Three things around you should be divided into three categories. The first category must be completed through its own actions, and the second category may be completed through its own actions. The third category must not be completed through its own actions.The correct method is to do its best to do the first category, strive for the second category, and completely throw the third category.Extended reading

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