"In the first month of school, decide to decide six years of elementary school", what should I do to adapt?Senior teacher to support

Author:Modern Education News Time:2022.09.04

It was another year of school, and another batch of "small bean bags" went to school. Some people say that in the first month of school, it was decided to be primary school for six years. Facing the new environment, children must always have a process of adaptation.

Then, in this critical stage

How can parents accompany their children to spend smoothly?

How to better cultivate children's good living habits and learning habits?

New parents of children can do this

Wei Yan (Affiliated Middle School Affiliated to Beijing University of Technology)

With the arrival of the opening season, children who just enrolled often have such a process: the first day or two of the school is full of vitality, and it will be lost in a few days. Essence So, how should we help children go through the adaptation period?

First, children express more, parents accompany more. After entering elementary school, the students and teachers around the children have changed, and they will have uncomfortable interpersonal communication. Parents can guide their children to share more interesting things in school after school and help their children fall in love with school. In the relationship between companions, parents should encourage their children to try to solve the problems between friends. When the child encounters a problem with his classmates, parents must first understand the situation with the teacher, guide the child to tell the teacher the teacher as soon as possible, and ask the child's needs so that we can help the child solve the problem in time.

Second, children do more, parents will let go. According to many years of teaching experience, we find that the stronger the children's ability, the faster the adaptation, and the stronger the learning ability and self -management ability. The ability to take care of life is the basic ability to help children cultivate. For example, letting children sort out schoolbags, learn, write desks, and wear clothes and shoelaces independently. Especially to encourage children to develop their habit of backbaging. Operating ability is also an important hands -on ability. Parents can bring their children to play more puzzles, spells, and assembled toys. During the play, give children more space for independent thinking and attempts. Parents do not interrupt at will, but but but but they do not interrupt, but but but but they do not interrupt, but but but but they do not interrupt, but but they do not interrupt, but but but they do not interrupt, but but but they do not interrupt, but they are not arbitrarily interrupted. Replace more, give certain suggestions and guidance.

Third, children read more and parents plan. In the context of the "double reduction", many parents are worried that the "zero foundation" enrollment will allow their children to lose on the starting line. In fact, this kind of concern is not necessary. What is more important than knowledge itself is the interest and ability of reading. "The belly has poetry and book qi", a person who loves to read and read, will be unique in cultural heritage, expression, understanding, and being lived in the world. First grade children can read more picture books, simple text plus beautiful pictures, helping develop children's imagination. The types of picture book reading should be appropriate and rich. In addition to fairy tales, security education, popular science knowledge, etc., mathematical picture books are also essential. In the process of reading and training, parents should guide their children to plan, lead their children to make a simple reading plan form, and stipulate the reading time and reading progress.

The growth of children is a long process. From the first month of enrollment, these things do not only allow the child to adapt to the first grade smoothly, but also allow the child to be more independent and happy in the next six years of elementary school life. Growth!

Young children must be a good partner for children to become children

Dong Qingya (Beijing Xicheng District Struggle Primary School)

By the beginning of the school season, the first grade students entered elementary school from kindergarten. How parents should guide their children to adapt to elementary school life at home, cultivate good study and living habits, and do a good job of childhood connection. It is the most concerned topic of parents. Change the role as a parent, and the good parents start with the good partner of the child.

Planning time, reasonable arrangement. After students enter elementary school, they have a fixed schedule. Therefore, parents should pay attention to cultivating students' good habits to go to bed early and getting up early, and pay attention to the time and times of students in the bathroom. Try to ensure that the bathroom is not available in the classroom, and prepare for rest in class.

Pay attention to emotions and guide. After students enter elementary school, the number of people in the class is increasing compared to kindergartens. More often, the exchanges between students show their own characteristics. Therefore, after the students go home, parents should pay attention to the students' emotional changes and guide them in a timely manner. For example, you can ask the child "Is there something to make you happy today?" Guide children to find more happiness in school and create happiness. If you encounter a low emotional situation of your child, you should also pay attention to the way of communication. You should not only blindly enjoy it. Instead, children should be guided to learn to face problems, solve problems, and resolve negative emotions.

Home -school communication and understanding the situation. As parents, pay special attention to communication with the teacher. Some students go home and like to "reward good news and don't worry about worrying", and some students will only "complain" the "grievances" they have received in school. Therefore, parents need to fully understand their children's learning life in school. Communicating with teachers in a timely manner is the best way to understand the situation of students in school, and then it can better guide the children. In the process of communicating with the teacher, while understanding the performance of the child at school, we must also communicate with the teacher at home, and understand the way of guiding the children and cultivating children from the teacher, so as to help the child's school school, so as to help the child Faster adapt to elementary school life and develop good habits.

Learn to "show weakness" and "let go" appropriately. After entering elementary school, students should master a certain ability to take care of themselves, so parents should be willing to "let go" and let their children do what they can do independently. For example, dress yourself, wear shoes, organize schoolbags, etc. And under certain circumstances, you can "show weakness" to your children, encourage children to take the initiative to take a certain degree of housework, exercise their self -care ability, allow students to master certain living skills, and apply them in schools and families. Students' growth is closely related to family, schools, and themselves. As a parent of new elementary school students, the role of children's partners must always pay attention to the growth of children, accompany the child's growth, and gradually cultivate children's skills, and recognize the child from the heart. Can do it, dare to let the child exercise. In this way, children can connect their children to study and live, and gradually become a real elementary school student.

Promote comprehensive adaptation to science help young connection

Wang Juan (Gongyuan Primary School in Tongzhou District, Beijing)

The first grade "small bean bag" started, and the young connection continued. What exactly is the young connection? What preparations should I do? In the "Primary School Adaptation Education Guidance Points", the goal of "promoting children's physical and mental comprehensive adaptation" has proposed the four aspects of physical and mental adaptation, life adaptation, social adaptation and learning adaptation.

Preparation of physical and mental — understand elementary school and get a positive emotional experience. Preparation of physical and mental preparation is to prepare accordingly in psychological and physical movement development. Parents should help their children build positive admission expectations. Say more about primary schools, and talk to the children about confusion and concerns about elementary school and help solve. To talk about encouragement, let the child be driven by positive emotions. With the help of picture books, conversation and other methods to cultivate children's ability to express and regulate emotions. Participate in exercise more, and exercise the children's fine movements through activities such as painting, cutting, folding, tearing, sticking, and fighting.

Preparation of life -exercise self -care and cultivate good living habits. Preparing for life is to prepare accordingly in terms of daily life ability. Reduce your child's time to use electronic products every day to ensure 10 hours of sleep per day. Provide special personal items at home to guide children to classify and organize supplies, and improve their self -service capabilities. Distinguish the small labor task of the family and encourage children to complete. At the same time, guide children to respect the workers around them and cherish their labor results. By watching picture books and videos, we will enhance children's self -protection awareness and ability.

Learning preparation -stimulate interest and improve comprehensive learning ability. Learning preparation is to prepare accordingly in terms of learning interest and learning habits. We must protect the curiosity of children, accept and encourage them to observe, think and explore new things, and respond in a timely manner, and support the child's continuous and in -depth search for answers to the question. In life, let children cultivate, read and feedback, understand and practice in real situations. At the beginning of school, children can participate in the whole process of preparing to learn about life -surviving utensils, fully listen to their opinions, and produce the intuitive feelings of "different primary school learning" and "my learning and I am responsible", so as to cultivate children's learning ability.

Social preparation -social adaptation, enhance the awareness of the rules of self -discipline. Social preparation is to prepare accordingly for group life that adapts to the characteristics of primary schools. If you bring children out to play or participate in community activities, support them to learn methods and social social socialization. Consciously arranging small self -discipline tasks for children, such as stacking quilts and organizing toy items, so that children can experience a sense of accomplishment. In addition, talk about the class with children, and initially cultivate a sense of collective belonging. Through the Museum, Science and Technology Museum, etc., it inspires its beautiful emotions to love hometown and the motherland.

Grasp the "adaptation period" to cultivate a good habit

Jing Wenqing (Experimental School of Middle School Affiliated to Capital Normal University)

When the children walked into the campus with their schoolbags, they meant that they had entered a school -based school life. Grasp the adaptation period of the first grade and cultivate good habits, which will affect the children's future campus learning and life.

First, cultivate good living habits. First, parents should adjust their children's biological clocks. Calling a child to get up according to the schedule of elementary school. Second, we must cultivate self -care. Organize your own room and sort out the desks you learn. In the first and second grades of elementary school, if you do not have a good habit of sorting the desktop, it will seriously affect the child's learning concentration and completion speed. Finally, before going to bed every day, prepare the stationery, pack the schoolbag according to the schedule, and put the clothes you want to wear the next day.

Second, cultivate good learning habits. For the children who just enrolled, they will obey the guidance of teachers and parents unconditionally. At this time, it is the best time to cultivate children's good learning habits. First of all, learn to listen and listen carefully in class. When others have finished speaking, if you have your own ideas or insights, you can raise your hand to fight for a chance to speak. Secondly, you must dare to ask questions. When you do n’t understand, you must ask the teacher or classmates to ask for advice in time. When asking questions, you must clearly express your inner questions, and the language should be as complete as possible. After school, parents can also ask, "What questions did the teacher ask today?" How many times did you raise it? Finally, to cultivate the habit of writing seriously. A good writing posture is not only the foundation of writing good words, but also has an important impact on the physical development of students.

Third, cultivate good communication habits.In the "kingdom" who often live in the first grade, they do not know how to think about it. Their relationship with her companions is simple and unstable, and "contradictions" often occur between students.Parents should change their minds. On the one hand, they must educate their children to learn to be tolerant, polite, compliance, and respect for teachers, and introduce the benefits of admission to children, so that children can experience the happiness with children; on the other handHarmony, stable, and trusting home -school relationships often communicate effectively with the teacher and teacher, understand the children's learning and daily performance, and accelerate the adaptation of school life.The early stage of enrollment is both adaptive and critical period. I believe that under the guidance of teachers, parents and children will definitely cultivate good habits and lay a solid foundation for future learning and life.

Text: Ranyang Lou Xue

Edit: Zhang Qiuying

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