Many colleges and universities in Sichuan notify the return to school to start online teaching

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.09.03

The current situation of the epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated. In order to effectively protect the health of teachers and students, in the past few days, many universities such as Sichuan University, Sichuan Agricultural University, and Southwest University of Finance and Economics have successively issued a notice to stop returning to school and start online teaching.

Sichuan University

In principle, the students of the school do not leave the campus; new students who have not enrolled are postponed, and students who have not returned to the school will be suspended to return to school. The specific admission and return school time will be notified separately;

University of Electronic Science and Technology

In principle, people cannot enter each campus. In addition to the medical treatment, teachers and students of the school do not leave the campus, and try to achieve the "two -point line" as much as possible on the campus; all teaching work will be turned into online teaching.

Southwest University of Finance and Economics

Laosheng and failure to report to the freshman Mid -Autumn Festival for some reason will not return to school before the end of the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday. Online teaching will be carried out from September 5th. The specific return time will be notified according to the epidemic situation.

Sichuan Agricultural University

The new students' reporting time was postponed to September 13th and 14th. According to the development situation of the epidemic, if you still need to adjust the time for freshmen, the school will notify before the Mid -Autumn Festival.

After returning to school without returning to school, after the return of the school to the Mid -Autumn Festival, the specific time will be notified separately according to the epidemic situation.

The school has implemented online and offline mixed teaching since September 5. The examination time of the students who have not returned to school has been postponed accordingly, and the specific issues of the Academic Affairs Office will be notified separately.

Sichuan Normal University

Do not return to school before the end of the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday at school students (including undergraduates and graduate students). Continue to go online at home.

Freshmen (including undergraduates and graduate students of 2022) have started online education from September 3, and the school reporting time is tentatively scheduled for September 13. The time for the promotion of the freshman to the freshman is unchanged (September 17). The specific registration time will be notified in advance according to the epidemic situation.

Chengdu University of Technology

The old students of Chengdu Campus have been suspended to return to school, and online teaching will be implemented from September 5th.

Southwest Petroleum University

The old students have been temporarily returned to school, and online teaching will be implemented from September 5th. The return time of returning to school will be notified separately according to the epidemic situation;

New students are temporarily reported to the school, and the specific registration time, enrollment education, military training and other arrangements will be notified separately according to the epidemic situation. The graduate students carry out online teaching according to the original teaching plan. For details, please refer to the website notice of the graduate school website.

Southwest University for Nationalities

All students who have not returned to the school will be suspended to return to school, and the specific time will be notified separately. All non -2022 students continue to implement online teaching.

Level 2022 freshmen reported and taught for teaching arrangements separately.

Southwest Medical University

The first and second batch of students who were originally scheduled to return to school on September 1st and September 4th will be postponed to the school. Online teaching starts from September 5th (Monday). Notice.

Grade 2022 freshmen (including college students and graduate students) do a good job of preventing and controlling personal epidemics at home, waiting for the school to notify the specific time of the school to report to the school.

Chengdu University

From September 5th, the students have implemented online teaching. Students who have not returned to school have suspended their return to school.

Freshmen reported on September 13th, and the time of enrollment education, military training, teaching, etc. will not be adjusted for the time being.

Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The old students (including undergraduates and graduate students) have been temporarily returned to school, and online teaching will be implemented since September 5. The specific return to the school will notify the time according to the prevention and control situation of the Chengdu epidemic situation;

New students (including undergraduates and graduate students of 2022) have been postponed to enter the school, "Cloud Report" from September 6th to 7th, online education education from September 7th to 12th; formal admission registration time is delayed until September 13 -14 (the newborn in the province was enrolled on September 13th, and the newborn was reported on September 14th). Entry registration procedures and requirements remain unchanged. On September 15th, the specific class is implemented according to the relevant requirements.

Sichuan Media Institute

Students (including undergraduate, college, and colleges) have been suspended to return to school.

Starting from September 7th, online teaching is implemented, and the exams are notified separately.

Chengdu Normal University

The old students have been temporarily returned to school, and online teaching will be implemented from September 5th. The return time of returning to school will be notified separately according to the epidemic situation;

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