The summer vacation is about to end. What do you have done in the inventory of Jinchangwa?

Author:Jinchang Education Time:2022.09.03

Happy summer vacation is about to end,

Children during this holiday

All participated

What are the interesting activities?

Take a look together ~

Visit experience

It is better to read thousands of books. It is better to use the holidays to visit museums and science and technology museums to learn more about the historical and cultural heritage of their hometown, enrich scientific and cultural knowledge, and cultivate the noble sentiment of loving their hometown, loving life, and love.

Work hard

Learn in labor and grow in practice. The students actively participated in the labor at home, organized the class and garbage classification, and meticulous; sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, wiping the table, each showing magical powers; washing, laundry, cooking, and modeling. Students not only increased their skills, enjoyed their body and mind, but also cultivated their responsibilities as members of the family and became the masters of life.

Physical education

Life is beautiful due to exercise, and life is wonderful due to exercise. During this holiday, the players insisted on exercising, playing, swimming, rolling, etc., with a variety of forms and colorful forms, giving full play to their own potential and challenging themselves. Not only did they strengthen their body, they also added a lot of fun to the students' summer life.

Read Runxin

"Wanli road, reading thousands of books." Reading is a dialogue with the wise man. Reading is a soul trip. The students slowly cultivated reading into a good habit, inspiring the enthusiasm for seeking and creating, and accompanied by friends and books, growing healthy and happy in reading.

Art exhibition style

Children use sufficient holiday time to cultivate music, art, and eloquence, to learn tea art, pottery, cultivate temperament, cultivate imagination, improve artistic cultivation, and improve personal temperament and quality of life.

Happy travel

"If you don't go out, you will think that this is the world." Although you can't travel long because of the epidemic, you will go out of the house under the premise of ensuring safety, and you can forget to return in the green mountains and parks and green spaces. Vitality. There are always some landscapes that we can't reach a leaf vein.

The colorful summer life records the colorful time of children. In participation, they experienced, perceived, and grown, developed good moral habits, living habits, learning habits, and forming their ability to develop and create a better life. Calm down and cast my strength, fight on my style, and the children's lives are even more exciting because of hard work.

Directors | Jia Youzhong review | Zhao Yaru

Supervision | Editor Guo Qiming | Xiao Haiyan

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