The colleges and universities in youth open up for comprehensive recruitment interviews. Come and see what is the exam?

Author:Youth Education Time:2022.06.19

Youth Education Online News On June 19th, the comprehensive evaluation of the college in youth colleges and colleges entered the school testing time. Young Newspaper Education Online learned at the comprehensive recruitment site in a number of youth universities that some colleges and universities have adopted random draws and random questions. The test questions are open and flexible. , Expressive ability, innovation potential, and psychological quality.

Ocean University of China

The school test adopts Chinese and English interviews.

"It's simple!" At the entrance of China Ocean University, a candidate from Qingdao No. 2 Middle School told the Youth Rao Education Online that he applied for the comprehensive evaluation and recruitment of the school's physics major, and felt that he was well played in the interview.

This year, the comprehensive evaluation of China Ocean University of China has expanded from 40 to 50 last year, adding 10 enrollment plans for chemistry. Admissions include 4 majors: physics, chemistry, German, and Japanese. Among them, applying for physics and chemistry must have the scores of the Olympics of corresponding subjects. During the application of physics, students are required to obtain the provincial provincial three and above provinces, and the chemistry major requires students to achieve the scores of chemistry Olympics provincial three and above; applying for German and Japanese majors must have the first -class provincial prize of English competitions. Admission according to comprehensive results during admission, comprehensive evaluation school testing in comprehensive results accounted for 15%, and the college entrance examination scores accounted for 85%. It is reported that the number of applicants for the school this year is 4,539, of which 502 candidates have passed the preliminary examination and entered the comprehensive evaluation school testing process. The final reimbursement ratio was about 10: 1.

It is understood that the school test of the school was arranged in the morning and two games in the afternoon. Candidates were divided into 11 waiting groups and conducted interviews in turn. Before entering the test room, the lottery determines the test questions and prepare for a certain time. The test time is 10-15 minutes. Candidates who apply for physics or chemistry majoring in the examination room will answer questions in Chinese and English questions determined by drawing, and accept random questions from experts. Foreign language majors are interviews in English. After entering the examination room, candidates read the articles drawn aloud and translate the paragraphs. They answered questions related to this article and accepted random questions from experts.

"Many candidates have tried it for the first time, but did not come to the school test, and there were several in our group that did not come." A candidate from Zaozhuang told Youth Education Online that he also applied for a comprehensive recruitment of many schools, but because of because In time, I finally chose to participate in the comprehensive evaluation and admissions of the three schools of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology, and Ocean University of China. I also applied for the enrollment of the strong base plan of Xiamen University.

China University of Petroleum)

The interview atmosphere is easy, and the title is randomly asked by the judges

The Youth Daily Education Online learned from the comprehensive recruitment site of China University of Petroleum (East China) that the number of comprehensive evaluation and admissions plan for the school in 2022 was 120, involving 23 majors, a total of 4,891 registration, and 1492 qualified candidates for the preliminary examination. (Interview) A total of 762 people, the largest number of candidates in the past 4 years. The school determines the list of qualified candidates based on the results of the school's assessment in accordance with the ratio of 1: 5 of the admissions plan.

He from Rizhao told Qing Education Online that the interview of this school test was divided into two links, one was the self -introduction link, and the other was the interviewer's question. Self -introduction is required to control 3 minutes, and the total interview is about 10 minutes. He said that there are 5 test rooms. Each test room will have three interviewers, and 5 candidates in each group enter the examination room interview.

"You can only determine the content of the self -introduction before the exam. I don't know what the teacher will ask what the question, so I didn't prepare much before the interview." Binzhou Foreign Language Experimental School said that the interview mainly depends on the usual knowledge reserves. The interviewer generally basiss the basis Students' self -introduction and questioning majors ask questions, such as their like literature, Chinese language and literature major, interviewer asking how to understand how Mo Yan said, "Literature and art are not used to praise, but should be used to reveal the society. The words of darkness.

Wang, a classmate from Weifang City Experimental Middle School, also feels the same. Classmate Wang said that the interview was like daily life. The interviewer asked what hobbies had, why he reported to computer science and technology, and asked about basic issues related to geography according to the selection of sciences in his college entrance examination. "The examiner asked me to have a long time interval between the two solar terms in the twenty -four solar terms or the two solar terms in winter." Wang said that the examiner was amiable, there was no pressure on the interview, and the whole process was smooth.

"The examiner mainly asked me for some theoretical knowledge of high school learning and the common phenomenon in life, as well as the problem of personal growth." I applied for the two majors of Qingdao West Coast New District, the first senior middle school of the two majors of the oil and gas storage and transportation engineering and computer science and technology. During the interview, I was asked about 7 questions, such as whether dumplings were broken or cooked, and their views on the future development of artificial intelligence. Among them, what impressed him most was the interviewer asked, "Who is the person who affects you the greatest?". The classmate Sui said that the biggest influence on himself is his mother, and his mother also graduated from Shida, which is one of the reasons why he chose to apply for Shi Da. "Another reason is that I have learned that my country's natural resources are abundant, but they are unevenly distributed in resources. I want to contribute to the development of the national energy industry through my own efforts."

In the interview, China Youth Daily Education also found that many candidates came from the gold signboard of Shi Da's "double first -class". Wang Wang, a classmate of the Weifang City Experimental Middle School, said that he chose the Chinese language and literature specialty. Shandong University of Science and Technology (Qingdao Campus)

The topic is eye -catching and flexible, inspecting the accumulation of weekdays

The site of the comprehensive evaluation test of Shandong University of Science and Technology (Qingdao Campus) in 2022 is spectacular as the college entrance examination. After the first candidate walked out of the examination room, he was quickly "surrounded by parents. "Is it difficult for the topic?" "How many examiners?" "What is the process?" The parents asked again and again, with a little anxiety on their faces, and seemed to be more nervous than candidates.

A candidate from Jining, Shandong said that the total interview was 8 minutes, and 4 on -site interviewers include a lottery topic, 2 minutes of self -introduction, and the examiner question session. Among them, the drawing questions are 3 minutes -5 minutes.

A candidate from Linyi, Shandong said that the topic that he got was "If you are a community administrator, what should you do if the electric vehicle charging explosion in the community?" " I answered several aspects such as updates, but I was too nervous at that time, and the answers were not comprehensive. Now I feel that I should also answer from strengthening the publicity and education of residents to improve the conscious direction of the residents. "She said that the question is simple. Several issues are also starting from their own resumes, such as their hobbies, understanding of the school's professionalism.

"In the mud rade flying swallows, which season is the Shatuan sleeping cricket? What should you do if you are a class committee?" During the interview, a number of candidates also mentioned this question. A candidate from Qingdao said After the topic of comprehensive evaluation, he believes that the topic this time is simpler than what he saw before.

The Qing Daily Education discovered that most candidates only prepared themselves before comprehensive evaluation interviews. They believed that the interview questions were examined the perspective of accumulation and viewing issues, and no special preparation was required. Although most candidates think that the question of this interview is relatively easy and the answer is simple, there are also a few candidates who think they are not good at playing.

"Tang Taizong and Ming Chengzu seized power through violence and pioneered the prosperous age. What do you think?" Many candidates said that they had drawn this question, "I was" stunned at the time! "" I feel very bad! " "I have selected the materialized administration, and I really do n’t know the historical background, and I can only vaguely resign." The reporter found that most students who got this question believed that this question requires a strong historical background knowledge to answer. Not very friendly.

It is reported that the Shandong University of Science and Technology (Qingdao Campus) has a comprehensive evaluation of 180 students this year. The scores of Chinese, mathematics, and foreign language subjects, the results of the level of high school academic level test and the extra points of college entrance examination)+comprehensive quality interview results. Among them, the total scores of the summer college entrance examination account for 70%, and the school's comprehensive quality interview scores account for 30%.

Qing Daily Education Online Wang Minmin Gao Jingxin Gao Yixuan

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