The number of applicants has increased by 2,000, and the spring college entrance examination is hot in Qingdao

Author:Youth Education Time:2022.06.19

Following the summer college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination, on June 18, the Shandong Spring College Entrance Examination Knowledge Examination kicked off as scheduled. The Youth Daily Education Online learned from the Municipal Education Bureau that the number of applicants for the Qingdao Spring Examination Knowledge Examination this year exceeded 9,500, an increase of more than 2,000 from last year. The scale of nearly 10,000 people's application has made the volume and status of the spring college entrance examination even more unavoidable. Youth Education Online also found in the interview that in the eyes of parents, the spring college entrance examination has become an important track for students' development.

The number of applicants is innovative

Compared with previous years, the number of people applying for the spring college entrance examination of Qingdao this year reached a new high, exceeding 9,500. The number of applicants in Qingdao in 2021 was 7,577, 7062 in 2020, 7088 in 2019, 7,158 in 2018, and 6,469 in 2017. In the past five years, the number of applicants has not exceeded 8,000, and the increase has not exceeded 700. Regardless of the number of applicants this year, or the increase in the examination, both have hit a new high.

"Two new highs" concentrate on the appeal of the spring college entrance examination. The students who participated in the spring college entrance examination this year are the third grade students who graduated in 2019. Although Qingdao ’s third grade in 2019 increased by 9,000 compared with 2018, the general rate of Qingdao in 2019 mentioned 60%from 52%of the previous year. Reflected in the number of enrollment in vocational schools, 33,000 students enrolled in 2018, 32,000 enrollment in 2019, and did not increase and fall in 2019. However, thanks to the mutual transfer policy launched by Qingdao, students have the opportunity to choose a secondary choice. In 2020, 2756 of the 2019 students abandoned Pu Gao's students and transferred to vocational high schools, and the direction of preparations also shifted from summer college entrance examination to spring college entrance examination. These 2756 people became the main force for the Spring Examination this year, and also an important source of the increase in the number of applicants.

It is understood that last year, 6611 students in Qingdao transferred from Pu Gao to vocational colleges. Then, the popularity of the Qingdao Spring College Entrance Examination next year is expected to improve again.

On the other hand, with the continuous upgrading of the college entrance examination system of Shandong Vocational Education, the undergraduate enrollment plan of the spring college entrance examination is increasing year by year. In 2019, the province's spring test undergraduate plan was planned for 10,000 people, which increased to 15,000 in 2020, and in 2021 to 17,000. It is understood that this year's undergraduate enrollment plan is expected to further improve. This means that for vocational high school students, there are more and more opportunities for undergraduates through the spring college entrance examination. The continuous improvement of the college entrance examination in spring will become a trend.

Parents' concept quietly changes

In addition to the application, the heat of the spring college entrance examination is also reflected in the transformation of parents' concepts. After three years, most parents have a higher recognition of the spring college entrance examination. The Youth News Education noticed online that although the scale of the Spring Examination room was not as spectacular as the summer college entrance examination, many parents still specially put on red clothes and cheongsam to come to send the exam. I hope the children will take good results. Speaking of the topic of spring test and vocational education, parents also naturally show their rational side.

Parents of a general -vocational merger class told youth education online. At that time, the children's scores were high enough when they were in the middle school entrance examination, but they still selected vocational education clearly. "In the beginning, I wanted to report 3+4, but the grades were not enough. Instead, I chose the general integration class and wanted to pass the undergraduate test. Undergraduate. "

"These children in our class are a little bit different. Their cultural classes are also taught according to the standard standards, and then they study professional courses at the same time. Okay. Efforts can be studied undergraduate, and generally you can go to a college. "In the eyes of this parent, the development prospects of vocational education students are very good. "Many students of the college students are developing very well now. My friend's children chose the specialties and programming majors at the time. Now they have a monthly salary in Shanghai more than 20,000, which is higher than some undergraduate salary."

When it comes to the anxiety of universal diversion, the parents of the coming people are very indifferent. A parent of a transfer candidate introduced that because the child's English is a weak department, he is exhausted in his body and mind. In the end, the family decided to transfer to the college entrance examination in the spring, so that the child would learn the opportunity to go to college while learning the ability.

Another parent also said that the anxiety of universal diversion is completely unnecessary. "It's not that the general high school can't be used, the child does not have a good development, and the middle school entrance examination can not be determined. Life is very long, and it is not too late to study. Even after attending a college, you can still take a graduate student in the exam." In the interview, many parents held the holding of many parents. Similar views. "Now some majors in vocational schools are also very good. The college entrance examinations in the middle school entrance examination are finally for employment. Sometimes I have undergraduate, and I have no use of martial arts in the society. It is just a reputation of an undergraduate. It is better to let the child be in Vocational schools learn a good skill, and now there is a lack of skill -type talents in the society.

Vocational education is attractive

Parents who are rational are not a minority. In their eyes, Qingdao vocational education is attractive. According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Education Bureau, during the application for the examination of the high school entrance examination last year, more than 2,000 students had reached the general high line, but they took the initiative to choose vocational education, which fully demonstrated the competitiveness of Qingdao vocational education.

The "3+4", which has received much attention since its opening, has become more popular. Its repurchase ratio is as high as 10: 1, which is far from the reference to high -quality high school 5: 1 for high school entrance examination. On the other hand, the enrollment score of "3+4" is also high every year. In 2020, of the 16 "3+4" majors of 12 secondary schools in Qingdao, the highest score line was 309 points, which was 57 points higher than the Pu Gao section line, which was 104 points higher than the Pu Gao Two line. The minimum admission score of the 16 majors is 245 points, which is still 40 points higher than the Pu Gao Two line. In 2021, the "3+4" maximum score line was 307 points, which was 53 points higher than the Pu Gao section line, and 82 points higher than the Pu Gao Two line. The minimum score line was 252.5 points, which was 32.5 points higher than the Pu Gao Two line. Since the first "3+4" enrollment in 2013, the "3+4" conversion rate of the 6th graduates is close to 100%. Or continue his studies and other methods.

Middle vocational education is changing from "no threshold pursuit of quantity" to "options with quality", and "vocational school recruit low -elevation" and "vocational education academic ceiling" and other situations are also being broken. It is understood that last year, the city's secondary vocational students passed the proportion of "three -two readings", "3+4 specialization", vocational education college entrance examination, separate enrollment, and comprehensive evaluation and admissions. %.

In terms of employment, the advantages of vocational education are more obvious. In the interview, Youth Education learned that in the case of relatively severe employment situation this year, the employment situation of higher vocational colleges was gratifying. At the dual -election meeting held by the Qingdao Hotel Management Vocational and Technical College, 70 companies offer 3,398 jobs, with an average of about 5 positions in each graduate. At the Qingdao Vocational College of Engineering, the supply and demand ratio of the dual -election club increased from 8: 1 last year to 11: 1 this year.

The development prospects are becoming more and more broad

"The question answering the question is very smooth!" The Qing Daily Education noticed that most of the candidates who walked out of the examination room were full of confidence. According to the class teacher of the Pingdu Vocational Education Center, the spring college entrance examination includes two parts: cultural knowledge and skills testing. Spring college entrance examination competition pressure is smaller than the summer college entrance examination, the exam is less difficult, the cultural course is narrow, and the knowledge points are strong. In the skill test section, students have passed the three -year system training, and the exams are easier to get high scores. After entering the university, professional knowledge learning and skills operation have strong ability to accept, fast adaptation, and more easily become practical talents welcomed by enterprises.

Because of these advantages, the spring test makes candidates more confident and not confused, and parents are more rational and unable to be anxious. Sun Hongchuan, the principal of Qingdao High -tech Vocational School, introduced that this year, there are 158 spring candidates from the school, which are from professionalism such as clothing, tourism, computer information, and accounting. These students have achieved very good results in the skill test, especially many students in computer information have also achieved good scores.

Sun Hongchuan said that this year is the first vocational education college entrance examination since the implementation of the new vocational education law, so the current vocational education college entrance examination is the implementation of statutory education responsibilities. Vocational education emphasizes the upper and lower penetration, and through the reform of the college entrance examination of vocational education, it transports qualified, high -quality technical and skilled talents for colleges and universities, which reflects the basic status of secondary vocational schools and is also the implementation of vocational education as type education.

From the opinion of Sun Hongchuan, the prospects of vocational education will be wider. "To build a skilled society, the country must require high -quality, high -level technical and skillful talents. At the same time, industrial development also requires talents to support. Different academic segments must bear this responsibility. The state has policies, needs, and industry needs, which provides very good conditions for the development of vocational education students. For skill talents and specialty students, they can completely plan from their career planning. To choose the way that suits you. "

In addition, the Municipal Education Bureau is also formulating the three -year action plan of Qingdao Vocational Education Quality and Quality Expansion, and strives to promote the standards of secondary vocational school running standards, the scale of higher vocational school running, the breakthrough of vocational education undergraduate, deep integration of production and education, and innovation of talent training model innovation Wait for six major projects. By 2025, the city's secondary vocational schools will reach 100%of the basic standards for running the school, and will also strive for new construction 2 to go to higher vocational colleges, to strive for 5 vocational education undergraduate majors, and to create 10 countries and Shandong Province High -quality secondary vocational schools, 30 countries and Shandong Province specialty. At that time, the adaptability of vocational education in Qingdao will be further improved, the ability to serve economic and social development will be further strengthened, and society's recognition of vocational education will be further improved.

Qing Daily Education Online Wang Minmin

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