Settle back to school!Online teaching!Many universities issued the latest notice

Author:Hebei Daily Time:2022.09.02

Given the current epidemic prevention and control situation,

In order to effectively protect the health and safety of the majority of teachers and students,

According to the requirements of the territorial epidemic situation,

Henan University of Economics and Law, Henan University of Technology, North China Water Resources Hydropower University, etc.

Many universities issued the latest notice

Settle back to school, report online, teaching online!

Henan University

In view of the current situation of the epidemic prevention and control, in order to effectively protect the health and safety of teachers and students, according to the requirements of the territorial epidemic situation, after the school's research decision, the 2022 undergraduate students originally scheduled to be reported on September 1st and 2nd, delayed to school newspapers to report To; the freshman of the 2022 graduate students scheduled to be reported on September 3 and 4, delayed to the school. Specifically, go to the school to notify the time.

The 2022 undergraduate freshmen will report online on September 1st and 2nd, and the online enrollment education will be carried out from September 3rd to 13th. —The online enrollment education on the 14th.

Undergraduate senior students carry out online teaching before returning to school, and the specific work is notified by the Academic Affairs Office to implement the implementation. Full -time non -2022 graduate students conduct online teaching in accordance with the original teaching plan, and the specific work shall be implemented by the Graduate School.

Before the students return to school, they insist on not going out, and do a good job of self -health monitoring as required. In fact, the "campus app today" completes the daily health report. During the home period, the nucleic acid detection is strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the territory, and the good health habits are developed, and the physical and mental condition is good before returning to school. Due to the changes in the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic and territorial epidemic, the school will notify the school in advance, please pay close attention.

Henan University

August 26, 2022

Henan University of Economics and Law

According to the "Notice on Doing a Better Affairs of the Autumn of 2022" (Yu Education and Control Special Affairs Office [2022] No. 33), "Notice on Doing a Better of the Autumn in 2022) and" Zhengzhou New Crown Pneumonia Pneumonia The Education Prevention and Control Command Education Prevention and Control Command on the Institute of Education Prevention and Control on Doing the File of the File of the Peritage and Control of the Epidemium in the Autumn of 2022 (Zheng Diseases Defense Class [2022] No. 62) document spirit, combined with the actual situation of the school epidemic prevention and control work, now Notification of the relevant matters related to the return of students in the autumn of 2022:

Return to school

1. The first batch

September 5th: Students outside the province (excluding new students in 2022) and all graduate students return to school.

2. The second batch

September 8: Grade 2020 undergraduate students and 2021 college students in the province return to school.

3. The third batch

September 9: Graduate students and non -graduate graduate students (excluding level 2022 freshmen) in the province return to school.

4. The fourth batch

September 15: Grade 2022 freshmen arrived at school.

5. Fifth batch

For students in high -risk areas and other reasons, they cannot return to school for the time being. According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, they can return to school after approval by the school and notify the time.

If the impact of the epidemic is caused by the return to school, it will be notified separately.

Henan University of Economics and Law Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group

August 30, 2022

Henan University of Technology

According to the "Notice on Doing a Good Affairs of the Fall of 2022" (Yu Education and Control of the Autumn of 2022 "(Yu Education and Control, No. 33)" The notice of the education prevention and control classes of the prevention and control headquarters on the prevention and control of the opening of the epidemic in the fall semester of 2022 "(Zheng Di Epidemic Defense Class [2022] No. 62) document spirit, combined with the actual situation of the school, will now be now in the autumn semester of 2022 The relevant matters of the students return to school (register) are as follows:

1. Return to school (report) arrangement

1. Old students return to school

(1) Lianhua Street Campus Return to school batch

The first batch: September 7, the second -year undergraduate students who meet the conditions return to school.

The second batch: September 11, the qualified 4th and fifth grades and the 2020 graduate students returned to school.

The third batch: September 15th, the third -year undergraduate students and the 2021 graduate students returned to school.

(2) Songshan Road Campus Return to school batch

On September 14, qualified students returned to school.

2. New students reported arrangements

(1) Reporting batch of Lianhua Street Campus

The first batch: September 20th, the School of Food and Food, Food and Food, School of Civil Engineering (School of Architecture), School of Information Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data College, School of Biological Engineering, Academy of Sciences, and School of Design Arts, undergraduate and graduate students comply with the qualified undergraduate and graduate students Freshmen report.

The second batch: September 24th, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, the School of Environmental Engineering, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, the School of Electrical Engineering, the undergraduate and graduate students of the School of International Education, and the School of Economics and Trade New students at the School of Journalism and Communication, School of Foreign Languages, and Marxism College reported.

(2) Songshan Road Campus (Mingde Academy) registration batch

The first batch: On September 22, the School of Management, the School of Journalism and Communication, and the School of Foreign Languages ​​reported that they were reported.

The second batch: On September 26, the undergraduate freshmen of the School of Economic and Trade, the Law School, and the University of Economics and Trade were reported.

3. Arrangement of international students to return to school (reporting)

At present, students who come to China in China have returned to school to work together with domestic students. Students from overseas abroad shall not return to school in advance before receiving formal notifications. 4. Students who do not meet the conditions for returning to school for the time being, according to the prevalence of the epidemic, return to the school (register) time to notify separately.

2. Relevant requirements

1. For the condition of returning to school, please refer to the "Instructions for Back to School (Reporting) in the Autumn of 2022".

2. Ask students to consciously abide by the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, reasonably plan the study and life before and after the return (register), and do a good job of personal protection.

3. Students will implement 7 Heavenly Home Health Monitoring before returning to the school (registering), and twice of nucleic acid testing must be performed 3 days later.

4. Students return to school to implement the approval system, and they must not return to school in advance without approval.

5. Students return to school (registering) Time to adjust the situation according to the changes in the prevention and control of the epidemic. If there is a change, notify it.

Henan University of Technology

August 30, 2022

Henan University of Science and Technology

In view of the current Luoyang and surrounding epidemic prevention and control situation, combined with the overall requirements of the territorial epidemic prevention and control work, in order to effectively ensure the health and life safety of teachers and students, after research, it was decided to adjust the work of returning to school in the fall of 2022. Arrange emergency notifications as follows:

1. All faculty: officially work on August 29 according to the original plan. The school's party and government staff, teaching auxiliary units, and employees of logistics groups (including temporary employment) do their best to prepare for the start of the new semester of the new semester; teachers of teaching units such as each college (academy) carefully do online teaching and other preparations.

2. All students: Laosheng: The old students who were originally scheduled to return to school on September 3-4, delayed returning to school. Complete online registration and registration on September 3-4. From September 5th, online teaching is conducted in accordance with teaching arrangements. The specific return time of the old student will be notified by the school according to the requirements of the superior authority and the prevention and control of the territorial epidemic. Level 2022 Freshmen: The freshman scheduled to report to the school from September 13-14, delayed reporting. Complete online registration and registration on September 17-18. The specific registration time of the freshman shall be notified separately by the school's requirements for preventing and controlling the prevention and control of the superior authority and the territory.

3. Each teaching unit shall plan advance planning in advance in accordance with the overall teaching work arrangement, innovate teaching methods, and scientific design and teaching content to ensure the quality of online teaching.

4. All teachers and students must adhere to the daily health check -in and implement the 7 -day "daily report and zero report" system before the start of school. All units should accurately grasp the schedule and health monitoring of teachers and students 7 days before returning to school, and establish "one person, one account" to achieve one person without leaking one person and no dead ends.

5. After the student's specific return time is determined, the school will issue a notice seven days in advance, and shall not return to school in advance without the school notice or approval.

Henan University of Science and Technology New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

August 28, 2022

North China Hydropower Hydropower University

1. Starting school arrangement

On the basis of making full preparations for the prevention and control of the epidemic, in accordance with the actual situation of the school, in accordance with the requirements of the "wrong time and wrong peak", the college (academy) as the unit, from September 4, 2022 Fully restore the order of normal education and teaching. The impact of the epidemic of new crown pneumonia will be notified separately if there is any change in the start time of returning to school.

2. Back to school conditions

1. In the 7 days before returning to school, students who are healthy, have no fever, chest tightness, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms. Students with healthy punching in healthy for 7 consecutive days, holding a healthy green code, a stroke card, and 48 hours before returning to the school to detect negative proof. The temperature measurement is normal and the premise of doing a good job of personal protection.

2. According to the national high, middle and low risk epidemic areas listed in the State Council client on the day of departure, the latest edition of "Outlook for Health Management Measures of Zheng (Return) Zheng) Personnel Health Management Measures", students or same students who live in high -risk areas within 7 days before returning to school may The residents have a history of living in high -risk areas in other cities in China, and they return to school; within 7 days before returning to school, there are local cases (cities, districts, and flags) in the presence of low -risk areas within 7 days before returning to school or within 7 days before returning to school. For students, students need to report to the college and return to school after being judged.

3. During the summer vacation, there are students or residents who have a history of overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), and have a history of living abroad, and they return to school.

4. The health code and the itinerary card are not returned to school for the time being; students with abnormal health status within 7 days before returning to school will not return to school for the time being.

5. Outside of Zhengzhou City (Return) Zheng personnel, you need to pass the entrance to the "Zheng Haojiu APP — Registration Management of Zheng" 3 days in advance, and submit it accordingly according to the "Alipay -Yuwu Office -Return) Yu Pao For the entrance, submit it according to the report.

3. Category of students back to school

The students who returned to the school were undergraduates, graduate students, and 2022 freshmen (including undergraduates and graduate students) of the Longzi Lake Campus, Garden Campus and Jianghuai Campus. With the Yellow River Water Conservancy Vocational and Technical College, Henan Vocational College, and Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts Vocational College, students in the fall of 2022 are arranged by cooperative colleges.

Fourth, students return to school date arrangement

Parents and other personnel do not enter the campus in principle.

School new coronary virus epidemic prevention and control work group student working group

August 29, 2022

Xinyang Teachers College


(1) Online teaching preparation

1. From August 28th, teachers have learned the "Teacher Online Teaching Operation Guide" (Annex 1), and students study "Student Online Learning Operation Guide" (Annex 2).

2. From August 28th to 31st, organize special training for teachers' online teaching. 3. From August 31st to September 2nd, students conducted online courses.

4. Before September 2nd, the teachers of the class will discuss the teaching plan with the teaching team of the college or the curriculum group. The curriculum teaching progress sheet is reviewed and filed by each college.

5. Before September 3, push this semester online course. Teachers can clone the course data that has established courses or introduce this semester push courses.

6. Before September 4th, the colleges submitted the "Summary Form for Online Teaching" to the teaching quality department. For courses that do not take teaching in online ways, the teacher submits the application and supplementary course plan, and the college will notify the students in time after reviewing and filing, and the online teaching situation summarizes the name.

7. Before September 4, the colleges notified students to log in to the super star to check the course information selected this semester. For students who do not have network conditions, the teachers in the lesson guide and urge students to study in various forms, and make up the lesson in a timely manner in accordance with the actual situation.

8. September 3rd to 4th is the online teaching trial operation stage.

(2) Online teaching implementation

1. On September 5th (Monday), online teaching is carried out according to the original teaching plan. Offline teaching will be notified separately for the first time.

2. Teachers in accordance with the principles of "establishing two preparations and two" (the first two weeks before the establishment of the two weeks, the third and fourth week lesson) are carried out online teaching preparation.

Xinyang College

In order to do a good job in the entrance work of students in the autumn semester of 2022, according to the relevant requirements of the superior epidemic and school work arrangements, after research, the relevant matters related to the students are notified as follows:

1. Report arrangement

In accordance with the principle of "wrong peak", students from all grades will return to school in batches according to the following time.

(1) Grade 2019-2021 students

The first batch of admission to the school: September 3, the School of Foreign Languages, the School of Education, the School of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and the Business School.

The second batch of admission time: September 4th, the School of Literature, the School of Fine Arts and Design, the School of Science and Technology, the School of Social Sciences, the School of Music, and the School of Civil Engineering.

(2) Grade 2022 freshman

The first batch of admission to the school: September 13, the School of Foreign Languages, the School of Education, the School of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and the Business School.

The second batch of admission time: September 14, the School of Literature, the School of Fine Arts and Design, the School of Polytechnic, the School of Social Sciences, the School of Music, and the School of Civil Engineering.

2. Teaching arrangement

(1) Students of Graduate 2019-2021 officially attended the class on September 5 (Monday).

(2) Grade 2022 freshmen, September 15th to October 2nd, and officially attended the class on October 3.

(3) The Mid -Autumn Festival and National Day in 2022 are not holidays.

(4) The winter schedule will be implemented from October 1.

Shangqiu College

(1) On September 3-4, all college students returned to school in batches and started classes on September 5;

(2) From September 13-14, the 2022 freshmen are reported in batches;

If the epidemic changes, it will make adjustments in time according to the epidemic situation and the requirements of superiors.

Zhengzhou Business School

According to the current epidemic situation and the requirements of higher -level policy, after research, the students return to school in the fall semester of 2022 in accordance with the principle of batch misplacement.

First, September 11th, the second undergraduate and college, and the college students returned to school in batches; the 2022 college students were reported on September 13. Students continue to teach online before returning to school, and start offline courses after returning to school.

2. The list of students, time and specific requirements of each batch of students will be notified by each college to each student. Students who meet the conditions of returning to school will return to school according to the requirements of related epidemic prevention; students who have not received notifications will be suspended to return to school.

Third, in order to ensure safety, students prohibited to the high -risk areas within 7 days before returning to school, strictly implemented daily nails of health punch cards, and held a 48 -hour kernel acid negative certificate when returning to school.

In addition, the 2022 -level undergraduate and college freshmen were reported on September 21.22, and the specific requirements were implemented in accordance with the school's epidemic prevention and control policy.

Features notified.

Zhengzhou Business School

August 30, 2022

Anyang College

At present, the domestic epidemic is frequent, and the situation of the epidemic prevention and control is more severe. In order to effectively ensure the safety and health of the 2022 freshmen and parents, in accordance with the spirit of the relevant documents of the epidemic prevention and control headquarters of Henan Province and Anyang City, after the school's research decision, the freshmen reported on September 3-4, 2022, the specific return time and time The notice is required to be deployed according to the territory and the superior work.

The 2022 freshmen of the Anyang Campus are requested to do a good job of daily health records and regular nucleic acid tests to avoid living in high -risk areas, do not contact personnel in high -risk areas in the epidemic, and do their own protection. During the registration period, parents are advised to send students to report from driving to minimize public transportation.

Due to delaying the inconvenience caused by the start of school, please understand.

Features notified.

Anyang College

August 30, 2022

Henan Kaifeng Technology Media College

According to the current situation of Kaifeng's epidemic prevention and control and the spirit of higher -level notifications, the relevant issues of the opening school are notified as follows:

I. Grade 2019, 2020, and 2021 students originally scheduled to return to the school on August 27 and 28 to report to online registration; 2nd and August 29th to start online teaching;

Third, the specific return time will be notified separately;

Fourth, all teachers and students should do personal protection in accordance with the principles of territorial management.

Henan Kaifeng Technology Media College

August 26, 2022

Zhengzhou Shengda School of Economics and Trade Management

Henan Forestry Vocational College

Notice on postponing school opening

Staff and students:

According to the relevant requirements of Luoyang's epidemic prevention and control work, the school decided to postpone the opening time of the fall semester of 2022. The specific requirements are as follows:

Grade 2020 students have started internships from September 5th and no longer return to school. Grade 2021 Students start online teaching from the teaching plan on September 5. Grade 2022 freshmen were originally scheduled to start on September 13th and 14th. All students shall not go to the school in advance before the school is officially notified.

2021 and 2022 students will be notified separately according to the epidemic situation. Features notified.

Henan Forestry Vocational College

August 26, 2022

Luoyang Teachers College

Notice on the work of returning to school in the autumn semester of 2022

All units of the school:

In view of the current Luoyang and surrounding epidemic prevention and control situation, combined with the overall requirements of the territorial epidemic prevention and control work, after school research, decided to adjust the work of returning to school in the fall semester of 2022. The relevant arrangements will be notified as follows:

1. All faculty members returned to school on September 2nd. Faculty who lived outside the area outside Luoyang must return to Luo as soon as possible and record a healthy record in Luo Jianli. In Luo Education employees, they must not leave the urban area, and they must perform the procedures for leave of Luo in the case of leaving Luo.

2. All students and the second bachelor's degree in the 2022 level: Complete online registration and report on September 3-4, and start online teaching according to teaching arrangements. September 13-15 returned to school (tentative).

Grade 2022 Freshmen: September 17-18 will complete registration and report through online, and start online teaching activities (tentatively) from September 19.

3. Each teaching unit should do a good job of online teaching work in advance, plan the connection between teaching content and curriculum progress to ensure the quality of online education and teaching.

4. All teachers and students must adhere to the daily health check -in and implement the "daily report and zero report" system for 14 days before school. All units must accurately grasp the itinerary and health monitoring of teachers and students 14 days before returning to school, and establish "one person, one account" to achieve one person without leaking one person and no dead ends. If the teachers and students return to school, they will be admitted if they have discomfort such as fever.

5. Before September 10th, all students who are abroad shall not return to school in advance, and further notice from schools such as the specific date of return.

Party and government office

August 25, 2022

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