Li Xiaohui: Speaking to the future of salary and fire-at the opening ceremony of the 2022-2023 school year

Author:Beijing Normal University Expe Time:2022.09.01

Parallel is passed to the future to the future

——Mapes at the opening ceremony of the 2022-2023 school year

Li Xiaohui, President of the Beijing Normal University Experimental Middle School

Dear leaders, guests, dear teachers, classmates:

good morning!

In September of Golden Autumn, the sky is clear. Today, we grandly held the opening ceremony of the 2022-2023 school year. First of all, on behalf of the school, I have extended a warm welcome to the first and high school students who have experienced the baptism of admission education and military training! Your body is upright, his eyes are firm, welcome to you, experiment Xiao Mengxin! The senior classmates, with the good memories of the summer vacation and the longing for the new semester, return to the familiar campus, and see dear teachers and classmates. Your youthful face is full of vitality and joy, welcome to go home!

This year coincides with the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Erlong Road Middle School, and the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the experimental middle school. Through the time and space tunnel, looking back at the development of the past century, the two universities were ideal to save the country with educational saving the country, advocating democracy and science, and seeking national liberation and independence. During the May Fourth Movement, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the Liberation War, the teachers and students of the two universities felt the righteousness of the nation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the two universities actively participated in the reform of education and teaching, and always established the tide of basic education. In recent years, experimental middle school has actively responded to government calls, assumed social responsibilities, and carried out the exploration practice of high -quality and balanced education. Experimental Erlong Road Middle School took the lead in joining the Experimental Education Group to achieve integrated development. As of now, the experimental education group has developed into a large -scale education group including 8 middle schools and 2 primary schools, which spans the four administrative districts, and has effectively promoted the high -quality and balanced development of regional basic education.

In 105, the vicissitudes of storms, starting with the ideal of 79 girls with the ideal of studying and saving the country to save the country, starting with the gate of the Beijing Women's Normal School Affiliated School. Today, the experimental education group Xinghan is brilliant. However, from the school motto from "diligence and faithfulness" to "integrity, rigor, seeking, and extending new", the cultural core salary fire of "seeking truth, pragmatism, keeping right, innovation, tolerance, and responsibility" is endless. The experiments of the first generation have always paid attention to the pulse of the times, adhere to the fundamental tasks of the people, build the five education system, and adhere to the education mission of education for the party and the talents of the country, the bravery of education reform and high -quality balanced development Heavy responsibility, constantly compiling a magnificent educational chapter. The first generation of experimental students have always been fate with the motherland with the motherland, and actively devoted themselves to the historical torrent of "creating youth China and the Nationality of Youth". Not only did they use their youth to enrich the memory of the school, but they also continued to write the glory of the school with their own achievements.

Our students at school also presented the 105 -year -old alma mater with a high youthful style. The results of the school and college entrance examinations are leading, and the results of the international ministry are happy; mathematics, chemistry, biology, information and other discipline competitions have repeatedly achieved good results; the golden Olympic women's volleyball team, track and field, swimming and other teams have broken the school records many times; The courage to break through; the Jinfan Dance Troupe performed a wonderful performance in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. The achievements of these achievements are inseparable from the hard work of all experimental faculty members, and it is also the fruitful fruit of the school's "comprehensive development and learning specialties" training goals. Experimental middle school creates a stage for every child who has a love and dreaming for dreams and realizes his dreams. Based on the experimental years, we can make a lifetime foundation and light up a happy life. "Be the best self and become the talents of the motherland."

The journey exhibited Ling Yunzhi, and then went to the new chapter. Students, standing at the historic node of the 105th anniversary of the school, passed on to your hands, and the continued brilliant relay rod passed to your hands. The future experimental scroll is waiting for you to draw. I hope that you have a high ambition, the world, deeply plant the country's feelings, and bear the heavy responsibility of the times, and take the return of the motherland, serve the society and the people as a lifelong pursuit; I hope you are physically and mentally healthy, enriched knowledge, increase insights, hone quality, use struggle points, and work hard. Life, make your dreams with hard work; I hope you will live up to your youth, cherish the experimental years, face challenges bravely, enjoy the fun of exploring unknown, and strive to harvest your own wonderful.

The youth comes from time to time, and the century is Zhengfang. Experimental juvenile running towards dreams, creating a basic education paradigm in the experimental middle school, and striving towards the world's prestigious schools-let us grow up together to the future!

Finally, I wish you all the new school year and new weather, and the new starting point has been made in new progress! Thanks!

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