The first lesson of Peking University Freshman!

Author:Beijing University Time:2022.09.01

The autumn and refreshing campus of Peking University ushered in the 2022 undergraduate freshmen. The youthful face forms a bright scenery in the autumn swallow garden.

In order to thoroughly implement the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's higher education and the spirit of the important speech at Peking University, guide Bei University students to continue the red blood of Peking University, and strive to grow into a newcomer of the era of the rejuvenation of the people. On the morning of September 1, Hao Ping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University, titled "Inheritance to the country, promoting the dream of revival, and making youthful endless Benesters", and taught the "first lesson of Peking University" for all 2022 undergraduate freshmen. More than 4,000 undergraduates exchanged The main venue of the center and the departments of the departments listened together.

Let's listen to class with Xiaobei!

The main venue of Yingjie Exchange Center

The departments branch venue

First of all, we must learn and understand the history and glorious tradition of Peking University, especially to learn and understand the center of the New Cultural Movement, the source of the May 4th Movement, and the earliest Peking University that spread Marxism in China. effect. These valuable spiritual wealth will have an important impact on your life.

Starting from the development process of Peking University in 124 years, Hao Ping leads everyone to understand Peking University from the historical context, further understand the spiritual genes that Peking University should have, and clarify their own efforts and coordinates of struggle.

As Lu Xun said:

"Peking University is often a new, pioneer of improved movement, to make China go well, go up the road."

Peking University is the source of the New Culture Movement Center and the May 4th Movement. After the baptism of the May 4th Movement, Peking University gradually formed a glorious tradition of "patriotism, progress, democracy, and science", and continued to consolidate and carry forward.

After the May 4th Movement, learning, research and publicity Marxism became the mainstream of progressive ideology, and Peking University is the most important position.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,


The main founders of the Communist Party of China and some early famous activists began to read Marxist works and spread Marxism during the work or study of Peking University, and promoted the establishment of the Communist Party of China. This is the pride of Peking University and the glory of Peking University.


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the party and the country vigorously developed education. Peking University has gained a new student and has made great progress in building a world -class university.

In 1952, in order to meet the needs of national construction, colleges and universities were adjusted across the country. It was in this departmental adjustment that the site of Peking University was relocated from the beach red building and other places to the Yanyuan where it is now. This was once the royal garden of the Qing Dynasty, with many cultural relics and monuments. Yiyuan's grass, one wood, bricks and tiles have been highly integrated with the spiritual temperament of Peking University.

After the adjustment of the department, Peking University brought together the best famous teachers in China, and the scale of teachers also expanded significantly. During this period, many Beibei people contributed to the history of socialist construction.

△ The teachers and students of Peking University have established immortal merits in major national strategic projects such as "two bombs and one star" and millions of electronic computers.

△ In 1965, Ji Aixue, Professor Xing Qiyi, and other researchers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences formed a collaborative group in the first time in the world, which synthesized the beginning of artificial synthetic protein era in the world.

△ In 1972, the alumni of Tu Yu successfully extracted artemisinin, saved millions of life, and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. She was the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Science Award. Essence


Since the reform and opening up, Peking University has consciously integrated into the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In 1981, the teachers and students of Peking University first shouted the slogan of "unity and revitalizing China". This is the main theme of China in the century and the strongest voice in the reform era. During this period, Peking University continued to make many pioneering results in ideological and theory and technological innovation:

△ In 1978, Hu Fuming alumni as the main draft person, published "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth", and opened the prelude to emancipating the mind.

△ Professor Li Yining put forward the basic point of view of the selection of economic system reform path as early as 1986. Its shareholding reform theory guided the reform direction of the socialist market economy and promoted the rapid development of the Chinese market economy.

△ Mr. Wang Xuan has led the Chinese computer Chinese character laser photo system and the later development of the electronic publishing system since 1975. In July 1979, he presided over the development of the main project of the successful Chinese character precision system. In 1980, he successfully excluded a sample book with a laser photo system, so that the Chinese printing industry bid farewell to the new era of lead and fire, entering light and electricity.

△ In the 1970s, Mr. Xu Guangxian achieved breakthrough results in the theory of rare earth separation theory and its application field. The monopoly position of France, the United States, and Japan in the international rare earth market has been broken. China has achieved a leap from a large country from rare earth resources to rare earth producers and exporting powers, and has successfully rewritten the pattern of the international rare earth industry.


On the occasion of the Centennial Celebration of Peking University in 1998, the "985 Project" was launched, and the creation of world -class universities became a national strategy.

In 2000, Peking University and Beijing Medical University merged into a new Peking University. The comprehensive strength of the school further enhanced, and the development of the cause continued to reach a new level.

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, 11 teachers and alumni of Peking University and alumni were selected as individuals who made outstanding contributions to reform and opening up; on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the New China, 6 Peking University was awarded the "Republic of the Republic" and the title of national honor; 20 Beibei was being awarded by the North. Selected as "the most beautiful struggler in New China". In recent years, the Peking University of the new era has continued to hold high the banner of serving the development of the country, and has made outstanding contributions in national modernization and many major activities:

△ Professor Zhang Xinrong (left) of the School of Technology created the fastest and most environmentally friendly ice field in the history of the Winter Olympics through carbon dioxide ice technology. Professor Chen Baoquan (right) of the Intelligent College has developed the technology of supporting interactive free viewpoints, and revolutionized the experience of watching the competition.

△ There are 630 volunteers, 57 interns, and 15 opening performanceers at Peking University to help the Winter Olympics, showing the style of "new generation of ice". The school's eight schools in Beijing Affiliated and Teaching Hospital have accumulated nearly 1,000 people participating in the Winter Olympics medical security work. Peking University Winter Olympics Volunteer Service Team, Peking University Third Hospital, and the Chongli Hospital of Peking University Third Hospital won the title of "outstanding contribution" of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games.


In response to the "stuck neck" problem faced by the country's key core technology, many experts and scholars at Peking University have vigorously tested and formed a large number of major original innovation achievements and disruptive technologies. In terms of humanities and social sciences, Peking University formed a number of high -level think tanks Achievements, actively explore the construction of China's independent knowledge system.

On May 2, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during the inspection at Peking University that


World -class universities have grown up in serving their own countries.


Hao Ping pointed out that reviewing the origin of Peking University since modern times, and the important contribution of Peking University at many major historical moments, fully illustrates the close connection between Peking University and the country and the nation. The most distinctive feature of people.

He wants classmates:

Everyone becomes a glorious Beibei today, and we must always take "patriotism, progress, democracy, and science" as their own motto, especially to use "patriotism" as the belief of life, to study for the country, fight for the motherland, and the people As an eternal pursuit.

In the teaching, Hao Ping systematically introduced the historic breakthroughs of Peking University since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In 2016, the party and the country launched the first round of "double first -class" construction. Peking University firmly grasped this development opportunity. After the past, the quality of running the school continued to improve:


In terms of education and teaching

286 ideological and practical courses education bases; multi -level curriculum systems; 19 "basic disciplines and tip talents training test bases" ... The school has established the concept of "morality and talent" "Centered", a series of undergraduate education reforms with the concept of "strengthening the foundation, promoting cross -crossing, respecting selection, and excellent teaching".


In terms of discipline setting

Peking University is the most complete university in China. In the fourth round of national subject evaluation organized by the Ministry of Education in 2016, there are 21 A+disciplines in Peking University and 35 disciplines into Class A. In recent years, with the in -depth development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, the university's discipline construction has many new trends, and the school has quickly grasped the needs of this era to strengthen the construction of new engineering, new liberal arts, new medical sciences, and new agricultural sciences.


In terms of teachers

Peking University brought together a group of world -class experts and scholars, as well as a group of heads of innovation groups of the National Fund Commission, chief scientist of major basic research projects, high -level leaders such as national teaching teachers, and a large number of young talents who were active in various disciplines.

In addition to the above, Peking University also has a wealth of campus culture, especially the vibrant community culture, lecture culture, and performance culture, which has brought vigor to Peking University.

Hao Ping said:

The school will pay attention to and protect every student, create a better learning living environment for everyone, and provide everyone with a first -class undergraduate education and growth experience. I hope everyone will cherish and work hard.

Secretary Hao Ping made five hopes for the classmates

"Please rest assured, strong nation, me!" This is the vow that Peking University teachers and students shouted at the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Hao Ping said: "This is the strongest voice of your generation of youth, and it is the theme of the struggle of your generation of youth."

In college days, everyone entered the most important preparation period from campus to society. In a few years, after graduation, it is the key stage of the country's far -reaching goals and the development of a socialist modern power in 2035. Students can play the main force in this great historical process, and they must put the best years into the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

On October 16 this year, the 20th general of the party was successfully held. This is a very important conference held at a critical moment to enter the key moment of a new journey of building a socialist modernization country. In the future, how can we promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization and how to firmly control the fate of China's development and progress in ourselves. This conference will make important deployments. This is also the direction and goal of students' struggle in the future.

Hao Ping hopes that everyone will grasp the golden stage of the university, fully draw nutrition at Peking University, and prepare for the future struggle.


I hope everyone loves the party and the country, and continues the red blood of Peking University.

As the Peking University in the new era, we must adhere to the unification of the party, patriotism, and the people, listen to the party, follow the party, and close their ideals with the future of the motherland, to close their own life with the fate of the nation, and take root The people, dedicate the country, inherit and carry forward the patriotism of patriotism. 02

I hope that everyone is diligent and hard -working, and I will refine the hard work of the heavy responsibility of the national rejuvenation.

It is necessary to fully draw nutrition and reserve your own "toolbox" to cope with various challenges that may occur in the future; focus on cultivating the ability of innovative thinking; strengthening the involvement of interdisciplinary knowledge; always maintaining curiosity about unknown things , Form the internal driving force of learning, to lay the foundation of lifelong learning and self -improvement.


I hope that everyone will know and do one of them in the practice.

To understand the real China, knowing what is the need for the country and society, and how to better contribute to the society, everyone must work hard to be a Peking University with theoretical depth and practical thickness.


I hope that everyone will sharpen their will and actively cope with the frustration and challenges of life.

Not only should we learn the knowledge on the book, not only to have emotional intelligence and IQ, but also to cultivate their own "inverse quotient", that is, facing adversity's reaction ability and processing method. Even if you are in adversity, you can maintain a strong toughness and move forward step by step.


I hope that everyone will be healthy and write a new chapter in life with the vibrant of youth.

For students of Peking University, everyone must be "both talented" and "healthy", and have a healthy body and mind. This is an important foundation for you to serve the country and the people. We must continue to maintain good habits, attach importance to physical health, and strengthen physical exercise; unite and cooperate, and cultivate team consciousness.

Just like the Big School emblem designed by Mr. Lu Xun, the word "Peking University" is like one person bears two, which constitutes the image of the three people. As long as you work together, you can support each other. The mission of the times, running the best results of your generation of youth on the track of youth.

The "first lesson" of the 2022 undergraduate freshman was chaired by the deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president of Peking University. The content of the "first lesson" is rich and vivid. It is not only a century -old party history course, but also a talked about ideological and political lessons. Warm applause. The students of the main venue and the 27 branch venues were carefully listened, carefully understood, and conducted in -depth exchanges after class, and conducted in -depth exchanges after class. The classmates have stated that Mr. Hao Ping's profound knowledge, open international vision and insightful life wisdom make himself deeply inspired. The first lesson of the start of school has laid a solid foundation for the future of studying and struggling.

Source: Peking University Rong Media Center, Peking University Student Work Department

Edit 丨 Types: Huang Zhaohua

Photography: Liu Yueling, Liu Luyi

Picture: Peking University History Museum, Peking University Archives, People's Daily Overseas Edition, Visual China, Institute of Technology, Intelligent College, Guanghua School of Management, Communist Youth League Peking University Committee, Peking University Student Work Department

Responsible editor: Zhao Huahua

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