Appreciation with you | Queen college students' holiday guide

Author:Yanjing Institute of Technolog Time:2022.06.19

1. Know the university in advance

Know your university in advance and prepare for university life.

First of all, you can join the new student exchange platform and pay more attention to the school's forum. Each university has some seniors and sisters or freshmen to establish a new student QQ group. You can learn some of the school's situation in advance through group chats, and prepare for your college life in advance. Essence You can learn from the college life and discuss learning experience from the senior sisters of the same school or the same major. At the same time, you can also make some like -minded friends in the new students, and understand each other with college classmates and the roommate of the dormitory to enhance their feelings. At the same time, you can also learn more about the prospects of each major to choose a suitable university major for yourself.

2. Prepare material and spiritual preparation

High school is a very nervous year. After the college entrance examination, many students feel exhausted. In order to be able to meet the college life with a good attitude and full energy, it is recommended that you should make full use of these two months to adjust your heart and body. Essence

How to adjust your mind?

First, the order of life is orderly. The idle of these two months can easily make the life of "quasi -college students" have no plan, cause life without rhythm, and easily disorders physiological and psychological functions. I hope that according to their actual situation, specify a living schedule plan to ensure good physiological and psychological functions.

Second, we must prevent madness, eating madly, and sleeping. This "three madness" will seriously damage the physiological rhythm and psychological rhythm, harmful to physiological adjustment.

Third, proper cultural and sports activities will help give full play to the enthusiasm of human physiological and psychological functions, and help adjust the mentality.

3. Persist in studying every day

The college entrance examination can be appropriately relaxed, but it cannot be completely indulgent. Properly arrange a reasonable learning plan for yourself.

Good reading, good reading, reading good books, books are our good friends. Reading is a way to dream. Reading a good book allows us to be as clear as water, open up our horizons, enrich their experience, and help personal development.

Learning English every day can make our pronunciation more standard and fluent, and the ability to read in English will also be significantly improved. Reading English every day helps to cultivate personal English thinking ability, improve the level of hearing, and help the future 4th and 6th exams. The English contest, let us win the starting line.

Fourth, keep healthy and healthy

Life is endless. Students who often exercise seem to be more sunny and more energetic. During the holidays, we must also maintain self -discipline and pay attention to your physical health. You can run or play badminton, basketball, table tennis, etc., you will always find sports that are suitable for you to enhance your physique. The final exam of the physical education class can also be easily responded.

Whether it is a campus running indicator or an annual physical examination, it is often the "nightmare" of college students. May wish to exercise in advance to maintain a healthy and good physical fitness. Even if you jog one kilometer every day or do a few push -ups. Persist in one or two months, and there will be a different feeling.

5. Cultivate your own skills

In high school, there may not be much time to cultivate your interest, then take advantage of the summer vacation to learn certain skills, such as dancing, speaking, writing, picture production, video editing, and so on. Some students use this time to take a driver's license is also a good choice.

Having a skill will allow you to quickly stand out from the masses and be remembered by everyone.

In college life, financial management is also a very important skill. The current university life has been greatly improved than in the past. Although there are more pocket money, it is spent fast, which reflects the importance of financial management. When financial management, we must carefully calculate and do force, spend limited money in the most needed place, and do not compare with your classmates.

Author: Yan Jiayi

Pictures from the Internet

Edit: Zhang Yuting Qian Wenqi Tian Huifang

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