Regarding police training, let's listen to the voice of teachers and students

Author:People's Public Security Univ Time:2022.09.01

Party Committee Propaganda Department

Public official micro -product

As the first lesson for new students

Police training has been highly valued by the school

In the past few days

Teachers and students wave passion

Freshman Police Training Exhibition

About police training

Let's listen to the voice of teachers and students together

Coordinate deployment, multi -party collaboration

Chief Instructor Zhonghua

Police training is the first level of new students and one of the most important trials for them. This year's police training, we will continue the rigorous style and strict standards of Public Security University, refine the disciplinary consciousness and team spirit of preparations, and implement the school's "three strict visits" standardized construction standards.

When I chose the Public Security University, I chose a life of Tibetan blue. Students trained by Public Security University should always maintain a strong spirit and full state, not afraid of difficulties, hard training, high standard positioning, excellence, from the alarm style to the queue training, from political learning to daily life, from behavior habits to the development of style development All should work hard to achieve the best, strictest and best, and give full development of the good style of public security in order to better develop on the professional road in the future, better and fair law enforcement, and serve the people.

Liu Jinzhong, Police Battle Training Academy

The instructor training and the 2022 freshmen police management education and training, the School of Police War Training sent a total of 25 outstanding teachers to participate. In addition to the selection and assessment of the instructor, we will also participate in the 22 -level new -born police -based management education and training.

Police training is most likely to highlight the spirit of students. For the instructors, this is a rare opportunity to experience and a test of the normal training of our school. For freshmen at the level 22, I hope that through the tempering of this month, they can refine the hardships and make the first buckle for the enrollment and future the police. As soon as possible, the identity and disciplinary style requirements of the preparatory police officer.

Newborn captain, leading team leader

Newborn captain Liu Mingyu

Compared with previous years, this year's instructor team is larger, the training is more refined, and the management of instructor management is more standardized. Daily management, training class, and assessment of the assessment have planned mature systems and practices in advance. The instructors are all outstanding public students. They are rigorous and strive to make themselves into instructors who are proficient and strict with their business style. I believe they can carry out training with the best style.

Police training will laid a good basis for the training, learning and life of freshmen in the next four years. I hope that the freshmen at the 22nd level 22 can meet the challenges in a good physical and mental state, and successfully settle the sweat of the instructor's hard work, complete the transformation from high school students to police students, and strive to become loyal and reliable, civil and military "preparatory police officers officials "".

Newborn captain Jiang Bowen

This year, the departments responsible for coordinating the training of instructor training and the newborn policeization management and training are very smooth, and they are also prepared to be more prepared. For example, in terms of logistics support, sufficient water and salt are prepared, and they are also very concerned about the instructor's accommodation, bathing and shopping.

This time instructor training can hone the will of the instructors and set an excellent example for the 22nd teachers and sisters. Level 22 freshmen have completed the transformation from a high school student to the Republic to prepare police officers, which cannot be separated from these instructors. I hope that freshmen can gradually adapt to the daily life and training of Public Security University as a public security college in the police training. Do not be afraid of suffering or tired during training, and strive to improve your physical fitness. In the subsequent study and life, study hard and persevere, and become an excellent public student with both cultural and military!

Newborn captain Zhong Shi

This year, the school's training in the instructor is very comprehensive. From queue literacy to organizational management capabilities, from ideological education work skills to psychological crisis intervention methods, everything is available. The school not only formulated scientific training and training programs, arranged the corresponding courses, but also fully guaranteed the life and training needs of the instructor team, including free use of air conditioners, bathrooms, ensuring meals, distribution of training materials, and so on.

Our instructors stand out from strict selection. There are students who are underburlings, various major awards winners, and in previous years of police training menus and retired soldiers. Everyone is excellent. The spiritual style is good, and I have high expectations for the results of this year's police training. Police training is the first lesson for everyone to enter the University of Public Security. I hope everyone can gain something and grow.

Iron blood instructor, both civil and military and military and military

Grade 22 Graduate Wang Yuji

The instructor is the first "teacher" after the new students enter the school. In the daily training process, our words and deeds will have the most direct impact on new producers. At the same time, the instructors are still new friends. At the same age, we can better start from their psychology to better allow them to complete the transformation from high school graduates to Republic to prepare police officers. I hope that I can not only teach the discipline consciousness of the order to the siblings, but also give them the help that they can do in all aspects such as learning and hobbies.

If you want to be an excellent instructor, it is necessary to actively work hard every day. Revisiting the actions of the queue, keeping in mind the actions, and doing a good job of "preparation of lessons" are important projects that cannot be ignored. In addition, the psychological crisis lectures, institutionalized management lectures, and large training videos organized by school organizations have enriched my knowledge reserves. It also made me realize that the spiritual tradition of the public University had to continue to refuel to improve my comprehensive strength and become a comprehensive strength. A good instructor.

Grade 22 graduate student Tang Haowei

The newborn instructor is the executor and key part of the new military training mission. It is the leader and witness on the road to the preparatory police officer. , Drilling the training skills of queue, summarizing teaching experience, and carefully preparing training. In formal training, I will regulate the new students with "high standards, strict requirements", be a instructor who obeys orders, strict coaches, and caring for new students. Of course, the smooth conduct of the instructor training is inseparable from the strong support in all aspects of the school. From the careful education and training of the teacher training team, to the silent efforts of the logistics department, we have fully guaranteed us to better training. Victory.

Class 21 Crime Qu Xuhui

Police education and training are the political education training of the police to cast souls, and it is also a disciplinary training for disciplinary style of "three strict views" quasi -military construction standards. I am fortunate to be a police trainer this year. This is a valuable experience for me personally. I will do my best to cultivate the preparatory police officers with excellent style for the public.

Entering the school gate of Public Security University means that he is no longer an ordinary college student, but a glorious Republic to prepare a police officer. It is hoped that a month of police training can help the 22nd teachers and sisters to develop an excellent style. In the future, whether they are at school or entering their posts, they can strengthen their ideals and beliefs and maintain their initial love.

Grade 21 Criminal Science and Technology Zhao Xinyao

I think that the instructor can exercise my will well, and I also want to contribute to the 2022 freshman police management education and training. Instructor is not only a role, but also the transmitter of the police camp culture and positive energy. I hope to be a instructors who can help and witness the newborn transformation to the preparatory police officer, and give them a good start of the four years in the next four years.

In this instructor training, I deeply felt the school's care for us. The weather in August is very hot. During training every day, the school will provide us with water and salt at the training ground to prevent our body from discomfort. The school also provides us with free three meals a day, which contains nutritious fruits and yogurt. In addition, the staff of express delivery, supermarkets, bathhouses, and barber shops also returned to school to ensure all aspects of our lives.

Grade 21 Security Prevention Engineering Wang Daopeng

After the police training last year, I had the idea of ​​serving as the instructor. At that time, the hard work of the instructor and thoughtful care of the instructor impressed me. Essence I understand that the word "instructor" is not only a kind of identity, but also represents responsibility, standards and mission. During the training of instructors, I worked hard to exercise my queue literacy, improved the level of internal affairs, forged strong skills in training, strictly implemented each action, repeatedly practiced in teaching, and responded to different situations in the training and simulation teaching. As a promising instructor.

The school has invested excellent teachers for the level 22 freshmen police training, and also produced instructor documents for each of us to enhance our sense of honor and mission. We will definitely burn our youthful power with a fuller enthusiasm.

The new life vision, the voices are revealed

Grade 22 Public Security Chen Rongxing

As far as me is concerned, Gongda is not only a long -established public security college, but also a platform of sharpening quality. I know that police training is the only way for every police officer to grow, and it can cultivate our organizational discipline and social responsibility. In the training of sweat and meticulous learning life, everyone will get a deeper understanding of their identity and responsibility.

At universities, most of them have to learn. In Gongda, I hope that I will not only have a scroll, but also a tenacious courage, but also to maintain a youthful vitality. Faced with a brand new police camp, I think I have been ready to bleed and sweat. In the hard -to -study self -study room, running Xiyuan training ground and research room, look forward to meeting a better self.

Level 22 Safety Prevention Project Xianghui Airlines

The moment I was about to enter the Gongda University, I was extremely excited, because I had already looked forward to the various things in this sacred campus. I know the strict police training, but I am not afraid. Police training may be strict, but it will make us strict with ourselves; police training may be difficult, but we will sharpen our will; police training may value details, but it will make us meticulous. There are rewards for all bitterness. So, why is there?

I regard the Grand Dash as a ladder to help me climb the peak of the police field, but the Gongda itself is not a peak waiting for me to impact. I have to do a lot of it. I must stop it. As a teenager, it should be a bit hard. The cold winter cold can't make me bitter, no matter how big the pressure can't make me bow, I will chase my police dream at the public!

In order to give freshmen "the first buckle"

Public Security University is ready

Freshmen at level 22

The Tibetan blue youth belonging to you has opened

This September

Let's sweat together at Gongda!

wx_fmt = pNG "data-nickName =" Data-Alias = "PPSUCWX" Data-Signature = "Public Security Department directly under the Ministry of Public Security and Senior Police Officer College of the Ministry of Public Security, and the national" World-class Discipline Construction University ""Data-FROM =" 0 "Data-IS_BIZ_BAN =" 0 " /> Planning, writing, editing | Chang Yafei

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Film and Television | Du Yijin He Jiawei

Art | Artemisia Xinyu 蒿

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