school started!69 "Junwa" in Chaozhou City went to school and went to school

Author:Chaozhou released Time:2022.09.01

"I'm going to school! Goodbye!" On the morning of September 1st, Li Jinxu rode a motorcycle to send her daughter to the Experimental School of Xiangqiao District, looking at her daughter into the campus, and he laughed. This day is the first day of the start of the new semester, and it is also his happiest day.

Li Jinxu brought his family to the Ministry of Hunan Bridge District to give away the banner.

Li Jinxu's family lived in Xiangqiao District. He joined the army in December 2007. He was 15 years for the country. His wife took her daughter alone to live in her hometown. This year, when her daughter arrived at elementary school, the issue of enrollment made the couple worried. Li Jinxu, who had just returned from the troops to visit relatives, took the idea of ​​trying to find the information applied for the child's enrollment to find the Ministry of Hunan Bridge District. "As a link to the military land, we resolve the worries for officers and soldiers, and we blame us." The answer from the leaders of the Ministry of Human Military and Martial Arts made him eat "Xinxin Pill".

After understanding the situation, the Ministry of Hunan Bridge District People's Armed Forces immediately coordinated the District Education Bureau, and the District Education Bureau also opened a "green channel" for his daughter's enrollment. Not long after submitting the admission information, Li Jinxu received a notice of admission, and the stones in the hearts of the couple finally landed. It is even more exciting that their daughters can go to the district key primary schools.

Also solved the problem of children's enrollment, and active soldiers Longnengjun. Since graduating from the non -commissioned officer school in 2010 to a certain department in Rao Ping County, Long Nengjun's family has always lived with two children in his hometown in his hometown in Guangxi. The family is always concerned. When he found Zhang Lixian, the principal of the Chinese and English kindergarten in Rao Ping County, President Zhang immediately said: "Baojia defending the country is you, and we are embracing the army. As long as we are military dolls, we will be preferred to go to school." In a word, let both children enjoy the benefits of "special care, priority selection, and exemption costs."

Coordinated and resolved the children of 3 active soldiers to kindergarten and 4 active soldiers to the primary school. On the occasion of the new semester, Rao Ping County effectively solved the worries of the soldiers through real measures, and should be a "pushing hand" and a "assistant" to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops. The person in charge of the Education Stock of the County Education Bureau said: "As long as it is an enrollment of the children of active soldiers, it is difficult to handle it. If there is a policy basis, it must be done as soon as possible. At present, there is no clear policy. Also do our best to do it. "

Talking about solving the problem of school selection and choosing school selection of active military soldiers, Zheng Zhijun, the Lieutenant General Office of the Political Work Office, who is responsible for communicating with relevant departments of the residents, has the most speech. According to him, with the strong support of the Education Bureau of the Municipal and County (District), the admission policy of the appropriate age students has always adhered to the family of active military soldiers and the active soldiers in Chaozhou. Before and after the start of school in September this year, the military division and the Ministry of Military Affairs of the counties (districts) have successively received and received the letter from the reception forces to help handle 75 children in the children of active military soldiers. The children of the tide team active soldiers enjoyed high -quality educational resources.

In recent years, Chaozhou Military and Land General Policy has been incorporated into the party committee and the agenda of the party committee. relation. The Military Division and the Ministry of Military and Military Places of the Military Division and the Ministry of Military and Military and Education of Education Bureau are actively doing a good job in the guarantee of the enrollment of soldiers and children to ensure that there are channels for military children and children to enter school. At the same time, they also promptly introduced the work measures for the content of the "Entry of Children in the Objects of Outstanding Treatment", and clarified that the children of active soldiers were close to the school and kindergarten in the public compulsory education stage to provide policy support for the education of soldiers and children to ensure Employers and soldiers were 100%enrolled.

Author | Lu Xiaoqing, Chen Sha

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