[Start Season] "Immersive" experience "first lesson"

Author:Police -people through traffic Time:2022.09.01

Lesson first lesson

The Traffic Police Division of the Baoshan Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau, together with the District Civilization Office and the District Education Bureau, "moved into" the school classroom training center, brought a "immersive" "immersive" "immersive" "immersive" "immersive" first lesson".

Under the guidance of the police and staff, the students walked into the experience base in an orderly manner, and through the traffic violations, drunk driving experience, simulation test drive, and VR real -life simulation experience, etc., the students more deeply realized that violations of traffic laws and regulations And dangerous driving.

During the event, the police explained the relevant traffic laws and regulations to the students, allowing students to learn traffic safety knowledge in music and further improve their awareness of traffic safety.

In the "first lesson of school", the police through the combination of multimedia teaching and on -site demonstrations, explaining to students and parents to explain to students and parents on the way to go to school safely, safe and safe ride, etc. , Avoid the "ability to avoid", develop good traffic safety habits to ensure your own safety.

In the class, Yuan Haoxue and Yuan Haoxuan from the fourth grade of the second center of Baoshan District brought homemade vehicle props. The police used props to tell the students how to avoid the proper vehicles to avoid the large -scale vehicles. How to properly wear traffic safety knowledge such as safety helmets, and instructed students to regulate their transportation behavior at all times, lead by example, pass on their body, education and guide children to build a sense of traffic safety from childhood.

In early August, the Baoshan Traffic Police Detachment had jointly launched a short video solicitation activity to primary and secondary school students in the jurisdiction. Through layers of screening, ten videos stood out. Yuan Haoxue, who came to the event this time, used a short video interpretation of self -made props. Together with other Chinese -selected videos, Liu Xing drove school in the teaching exhibition hall. They were not only student representatives, but also the "little starring" of creative videos.

The "first lesson" of this unique place has effectively improved the students' awareness of traffic safety, and created a safe, smooth and orderly road traffic environment for the "opening season".

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