Better integration into college life 80.1%of freshmen interviewed college freshmen made "strategy" in advance

Author:China Youth Daily Client Time:2022.09.01

What do you pay attention to university freshmen? The survey shows that it is campus environmental facilities, classmates roommates and professional teaching

China Youth Daily · reporter Du Yuanchun

Intern Jinwen

Campus scenery, dormitory environment, professional settings, teachers and classmates ... For freshmen, all aspects of college campuses are curious. In the face of the new place of study and life at the university, how do new students integrate faster and better?

Last week, a survey conducted by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center (, a survey conducted by 2687 university freshmen showing that in order to successfully integrate into college life, 80.1%of freshmen interviewed in advance made freshmen. "". Campus environmental facilities, new classmates, new roommates, and professional teaching model are the three major aspects of the new students interviewed.

Among the freshmen participating in the survey, 49.2%of the colleges, 36.4%of the two colleges, and 14.4%of the vocational colleges. Boys account for 40.6%, and girls account for 59.4%.

80.1%of the freshmen interviewed with freshmen made new students in advance

Lin Jia'er is a freshman of the film science (film and television production) of Nanjing Media College. She introduced that she made a very detailed campus strategy, "What lessons, including my majors, which lessons are very interesting, and have made a comprehensive understanding of the campus natural environment and surrounding supporting facilities. Although it is a freshman, it is a freshman. , But I have already touched the traffic around the school.

Hao Yi, a freshman in the broadcasting and hosting major of Hebei Normal University, just entered the school two days ago. He has been paying attention to the dynamics of the school's WeChat public account and official Weibo. When brushing short videos, you will also deliberately watch the freshman military training and student dormitory -related content in the university.

Lu Biao is a freshman of the Northwest University of Political Science and Law. He said that he is not very interested in current majors, has the idea of ​​transferring professionalism, and plans to exchange abroad in the future. "I contacted a school -based school sister during the holidays. I learned about the employment prospects and general planning of the major admitted majors, and related matters to the transfer of majors. specialized".

In order to successfully integrate into college life, 80.1%of the freshmen interviewed made a new "strategy" in advance. Interactive analysis shows that a freshman (85.0%) has the highest enthusiasm (85.0%), followed by the freshmen of the two colleges (78.4%).

New students are generally concerned about campus environmental facilities, new classmates, new roommates and professional teaching models

Hao Yi is most concerned about the infrastructure of the university campus. Because I love playing basketball, I have been looking forward to a basketball court with better environment and facilities in the university. I also hope that there will be a full swimming pool for students to have leisure activities. "But I have learned about it in the past two days. The school has not yet swimming. I hope to arrange it as soon as possible."

Wu Niantao, a freshman of the Secretary of Han Shan Normal University, told reporters that she had a long time ago and learned from the experience of previous alumni experience. She is most concerned about professional teachers and will directly affect future learning life. The second is the quality of life in school. "Especially for the diet, I am a Hui people. I learned that the school has a special opening of the backdoor canteen. I am all my concerns. In order to exercise the ability of interpersonal communication, I am looking forward to joining the school speaker. Join the school's anime community ".

Lin Jiaer said that she pays special attention to the dormitory environment, canteen environment, and shopping environment of the university, because these are related to her quality of college life in the next four years. "I am also particularly concerned about professional learning. The reason why Nanjing Media is my ideal school is because I have good teaching strength and teaching and research facilities in professional teaching. So I look forward to the courses of the new semester."

What are the new students? The survey shows that campus environmental facilities (dormitories, canteens, libraries, etc.) have attracted the most attention, and 71.7%of the interviewed freshmen attach great importance to it. Next is the new classmates and new roommates (56.0%) and professional teaching model (52.3%). Other main are: characteristic associations and activities (51.8%), the surrounding facilities and environment of schools (46.0%), scholarships and other honorary evaluation methods (33.2%), and college teacher team (31.5%).

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