How to talk about salary for the first time to find a job

Author:Forever Worry -Free Student Ed Time:2022.09.01

How to talk about salary for the first time to find a job

Honestly, there is no "talk" capital for the first time to find a job.

Because the workplace is reality, reality is cruel. Adults must learn to face this cruelty and find their own positioning and rhythm in cruelty.

In the workplace, most companies have a mature salary system, what level employees, and what scope of salary should be guided.

For example, the freshman's job is in the job, and the salary of the commissioner level is between 6-8K. Some people may take 6, and some may take 8. The differences in them, different enterprises will have different standards. Relatively speaking, state -owned enterprises will be more determined based on their academic qualifications, and private enterprises value more capable. However, in general, the gap between the salary of employees in the same batch of employees will not be too large. Unless it is a candidate with a high degree of education, high ability, and a certain resources.

But this does not mean that before job hunting, we don't need to care about the salary of the target position.

On the contrary, the pre -job fungus wants to tell everyone that we must understand the salary of the target position in advance.

I know that many fungus friends are in the autumn tricks. They do n’t have time and energy to do too deeply about their posts. They just want to be able to go ashore. However, the status of fresh graduates is very valuable. Before the interview, "back tone" to the enterprise can greatly reduce the risk of our steps.

After all, in the current environment, each of us must feel cold.

01 Know the salary in advance. What is the use of job hunting?

① Determine whether the salary of the target position meets its own expectations

In the process of understanding, pay attention to the salary range of the same post, in different industries, different cities, and different types of companies. You can see which one is more in line with your expectations.

For example, planning, in advertising companies and Party A, in Internet companies and state -owned enterprises, there are great differences in salary.

If you know the process of understanding, this salary does not meet your expectations at all, you can exclude it in advance to avoid regrets joining the job. For example, some students found that the salary of the corporate accounting was not high after joining the job, and then the youth in the spirit of resigning or not resigning for several years. (Never say that accounting is not worth it, after all, old accounting is very popular ~)

② During the interview, calmly responded to the interviewer's question, "What is your expected salary"

"What is your expected salary?" This is the topic that is often easy to encounter in the interview. On the one hand, the purpose of the company's question is to examine the candidate's understanding of the post, and on the other hand, to evaluate whether the company can meet the candidate Psychological expectations.

After we have learned about the salary range of the target position in advance, we can give a market scope reasonably instead of very passively answering "according to the actual situation of the enterprise". Although this is a fact, it will give an enterprise a feeling of not confident enough.

If we like this position particularly, or have some hesitation, we can also make further sorts of scope according to our actual situation.

③ If the salary given by the company is 25 points lower than the market salary curve, we can avoid stepping on the pit

For the salary of fresh graduates, the enterprise is too low, indicating that the current development of the enterprise is not very good, or the BOSS is relatively expelled. No matter what the situation, the work life after entering will not be better. If we have a better choice, such a company will be passed directly ~

02 How to understand the salary?

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Method 1: Choose the city you want to go, enter your favorite position, you can see many related position popping up.

Based on some companies of the same type, you can know what the salary range of this post is.

Method two: [Mine]-[Job Search Tool]-[Salary Quotes], follow the guidelines.

The above is what we can do about salary ~

Other than that

If you have not yet determined the direction of career development

If you just want to see the position of exclusive college students

If you want to understand the city's settlement welfare policy

Then come and have the treasure tool of the fungus family!

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