Do not let a student out of school due to family economic difficulties

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.09.01

In the past ten years, the total amount of students across the country has exceeded 2 trillion yuan, and the country has cumulative nearly 1.3 billion students;

In the past ten years, students who have established files in the country have achieved dynamic clearance. Due to the loss of school and dropping out of school, it has become history;

Over the past ten years, the standards for funding for each section have been gradually improved, and 17 national student funding policies have been adjusted and improved 26 times.

Keeping people's livelihood, warming the hearts of the people, and the funding for students' funding for education fairness and the well -being of the people's livelihood. In order to ensure that "not allowing a student to lose school due to family economic difficulties", ten years of hard work, my country has built a system of funding for students with Chinese characteristics.

On August 30, at the press conference of the Ministry of Education, Guo Peng, the director of the Ministry of Education, concluded that at present, the funding of Chinese students has formed a government funding, supplemented by schools and social funding. Funding is mainly based on the support of capital assistance, and the target of the supporting system with Chinese characteristics with the main target and the awards is supplemented by the awards, covering 28 central government funding projects, "prize, assistance, loan, exemption, diligence, supplement, reduction, reduction "The multi -policy is combined, with an annual funding of 150 million yuan and an annual funding amount of more than 260 billion yuan, providing the world with a Chinese solution for student funding.

Top-level design

Funding policy coverage

In late August, Tsinghua University started the school, and was a 2018 undergraduate student at the School of Life Sciences, the school's care, as a promotional ambassador to the college student funding policy, and enthusiastically introduced the school's funding policy for teachers and sisters.

In fact, thanks to the perfect funding system of Tsinghua University, the school's funding work has been fully launched before the new students are officially enrolled. As the admission notice is sent to the hands of freshmen, there is a "Family Economic Status Survey Form" and the introduction of funding policies, so that the freshmen know the help provided by the school early, so that students with difficulty and demand can get information as soon as possible for the first time. And funding. After the new students enter the school, students of family economic difficulties can from six aspects of student financial difficulties, diligence, awards, school temporary borrowings ("green channels"), difficulty subsidies and tuition compensation compensation. support.

The funding policy system has gradually improved, and the funding pattern is gradually formed. Guo Peng introduced that in the past ten years, the number of annual funders has increased from nearly 120 million in 2012 to 150 million people in 2021. The scope of funding has gradually expanded and the scale has increased steadily. Three full coverage of students with financial difficulties--

Funding policies and capital investment tilt towards the central and western regions, tilted towards underdeveloped areas, tilt towards ethnic areas, and tilt towards special difficulties;

Two improvements in rural compulsory education students' nutritional dietary subsidy standards, and gradually realize the transformation from "eating well" to "eating well";

At the high school stage, improve the standards for ordinary high schools and national vocational schools, from an average of 1500 yuan per student per year to 2,000 yuan;

Expand tuition fees for secondary vocational schools, national inspirational scholarships, and national aid coverage, increase the national scholarship quota of the college students, and improve the education funding policy for retired soldiers.

Ding Xiaohao, a professor at the School of Education of Peking University and Director of the Institute of Education and Economics, believes that in the past ten years, the principles of students' funding to adhere to the truth, do their best, and do their best. item. The introduction, adjustment, and improvement of each funding policy have been fully investigated and demonstrated, not only drawing on universal experience of international student funding, but also considering my country's economic and social development status. Advantage. Over the past ten years, the student funding policy system includes both policies that help the sleeping function and the policy of rewarding and encouraging guidance functions, which fully demonstrate China's wisdom and Chinese power, and provides Chinese samples and Chinese solutions for world student funding.

Accurate funding

Service efficiency is greatly improved

To achieve "not allowing a student to lose school due to family economic difficulties", how to ensure that they must not be able to identify and help students who need to fund students?

Precision funding is the basic requirement for student funding and the basic method for student funding.

Xi'an Jiaotong University has set up big data analysis and service platforms to fully open up 16 departmental business systems including academic, teaching, enrollment, and employment, synchronizing nearly 600 million pieces of data, and build a student's multi -dimensional life cycle growth file. According to the accurate algorithm model, according to the characteristics of students' daily behavior, secondary identification is performed on the basis of evaluation and judgment, reducing the probability of misjudgment and missed judgment, improving the accuracy of identification, ensuring that students with economic difficulties are supported, and accurate identification, and accurate identification. Precise funding and accurate assistance.

At the provincial level, Henan Province has comprehensively implemented the national funding system, implemented a regular reporting system, issued the "Implementation Measures for the identification of students in difficulties", established big data comparison platforms to achieve funding management informatization. Carry out full -coverage performance evaluation, organize scholarships and centralized review of student loans, develop facial recognition supervision systems, and promote funding funds to be included in the "one card" distribution of benefits and farmers.

Guo Peng introduced the implementation method of precision funding from four aspects: in the design of policy, fully considers the level of economic development and the ability of the masses, and the funding policy tilted towards underdeveloped areas, and it is urgent to tilt to hard professionalism and the country. When determining the funding standard, the funding is implemented according to the needs of different students to increase the funding for students with special difficulties. When implementing funding policies, build a student funding information management platform, establish a cross -departmental information sharing mechanism, and improve the efficiency of funding data management. In terms of supervision and management, a supervision mechanism for the participation of education, finance, auditing, discipline inspection and supervision and social forces has been gradually formed. Student funding is based on informatization, starting from formulating accurate identification basis, refining working procedures, and establishing a comparison mechanism, accurately identifying the supported students, accurate the bottom, accurate policy, and even use technical means to "smart funding", use large use of large uses Data analysis and other methods carry out "stealth funding". Ding Xiaohao believes that with the goal of implementing policy implementation, the four dimensions of funding standards, funding objects, capital distribution, and distribution time can be effectively achieved accurate funding; Increased, the level of assistance and accuracy of students' funding and accuracy continued to improve, and the accuracy and timelyness of student funding policies were significantly enhanced.


Growing up to be strong

We will improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of funding standards, and strive to improve the scientific level of precise funding and funding for people. Not only to allow each student to fully enjoy fair education opportunities, but also the construction of a strong human resources country.

"Student funding careers have made outstanding contributions in helping poverty alleviation and promoting education fairness, and social fairness." Ding Xiaohao emphasized so much.

Data show that in 2020, a total of 14.72 million students who set up files were funded nationwide, with a funding amount of 34.4 billion yuan. Student funding policies have reduced the economic burden of poverty alleviation and low -income people, helping students with economic difficulties in family difficulties to successfully complete their studies and achieve high -quality employment, and laid a good foundation for blocking the intergenerational transmission of poverty.

At the same time, students 'funding not only guarantees the reassurance of students' economic difficulties, but also improves their living standards and enhances physical fitness. For example, Guo Peng said: "For example, the country implemented nutritional improvement plan covers 123,800 schools of compulsory education schools and 350 million beneficiary students. According to the monitoring data of the China Disease Control Center in 2021, the average male and girls in the implementation of nutritional improvement plans to implement the region of the region The height increased by 4.2cm and 4.1cm respectively than in 2012, which is higher than the average growth rate of rural students in the country. The slow growth rate of rural students in the central and western regions is 2.5%, a decrease of 5.5 percentage points from 2012. "

Guo Peng specifically mentioned that 91%of the college students participating in volunteer services at the beginning of this year were successfully held this year. In addition, through the guidance of student funding policies, the attraction of hard professionalism and normal majors such as agriculture, forestry, land, mine, mining, oil, etc., and hundreds of thousands of teachers have devoted to rural basic education, rural teachers teams, and rural teachers The quality of quality has been significantly improved; 660,000 graduates of college graduates take root in grassroots employment, and the structure of grassroots cadres and professional talents is significantly optimized.

Adhering to funding and educating people, for ten years, student funding work has taken the growth of students' economic difficulties to grow into the starting point and end point of student funding, and promote student funding to extend from guarantee type to development. Guo Peng introduced that the funding system from physical and mental development, moral training, academic enhancement, and employment assistance provided all -round care and help to the students, and promoted the development of aided students' moral, intelligent, physical, beautiful, and labor. "We integrate the core values ​​of socialism into the selection of scholarships, application for student aid, student loan processing, and work -assisted student aid, and carry out in -depth inspirational education, gratitude education and integrity education, and strive to cultivate students' awareness of the spirit of competing for excellence. With the self -improvement quality, guide students to establish a correct view of success, employment, and values. "Guo Peng said.

(Our newspaper

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