The class teacher suddenly suspended the class: no time to explain, go out soon!

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.09.01

"In fact, you can see the colorful clouds

It's a very happy and lucky thing

Such a beautiful thing

Everyone must share it together "

Recently, at a school in Zhaotong, Yunnan

Teacher Li, the head teacher, found out

There is a colorful cloud floating over the school

She immediately suspended the evening reading class

Ask classmates to get out of the classroom together

Appreciate the beautiful moments in the corridor

This scene will also be the topic


Send hot search

Netizens have commented on memories

My good campus life

Someone also played interesting

"Don't you feel after watching the cloud, right?"

Knowledge in textbooks is important

But learn to discover and feel the beauty in life

of equal importance

After many years, classmates may

Gradually forget the content of the textbook

I still remember the scenery outside the classroom window

Those who watch the scenery with the scenery

Do you remember the windows of the classroom

Have you seen any beauty or interesting things?

Tongyou can share together in the comment area

It's the beginning of school again

I wish the students

Cherish the beautiful campus time

Enjoy the new semester!

Source: Xinhua Daily Telecom, News Workshop

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