The postgraduate entrance examination went ashore 985 universities, but he stayed in the countryside all year after year ...

Author:Youth Hubei Time:2022.09.01


A 985 college college student

Video to the remote rural branch of the western part

Swipe the screen on the network

This "the youngest general teacher in the village"

It's Yumeng

Graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology

School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Yu Meng supported students when he was teaching


His postgraduate entrance examination successfully went to another 985 college

In the same year, Yu Meng, who should have been to graduate students

Choose to retain school status for one year

Go to the remote mountainous area of ​​Chengkou County, Chongqing City

A rural primary school as a support teacher

Today, the year is full

Yu Meng decided to take a break for another year

Continue to stay in the village to teach

Yu Meng graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology

He was a general teacher in the village

The students brought out are among the best


Yu Meng pressed the suspension button for studying

Go to the depths of Dashan, Chengkou County, Chongqing

Beside the river

Become a teaching teacher

This rural elementary school

Remote mountainous areas located in Chengkou County, Chongqing City

There are 93 students in the school

Most of them come from 2 villages nearby

There are 21 students except kindergartens

Primary school first to sixth grade

About 10 students per grade

The whole school plus Yu Meng, there are 11 teachers

In this remote rural elementary school

Yu Meng brought first grade students

10 people

8 of them are left -behind children

Two of them from single -parent families

Yu Meng wants to give these 7 -year -old children

Mathematics, Chinese, moral legal system, calligraphy

All courses such as art, Internet technology, basketball and other courses

33 lessons a week ...

He is still the class teacher and life teacher

Students' teeth fell to find Teacher Yu

When the children are mixed, I also find the teacher Yu

I want my parents to find Teacher Yu

More than 60 nights for introverted students

Use ham and biscuits to organize knowledge competition


With the efforts of Yu Meng

End of the first semester

10 of the 10 students in the class

There are 8 final exams to get all A scores

Three of the top five in the school are in the Yumeng class

Among them, the students have taken the first place in the whole school

The crooked message after the homework

Make him reluctant to leave, and support it for another year

"Before June 15 this year,

I plan to return to school to study after this year,

But that day in the classroom

Seeing the student's writing behind the homework,

I hesitated ... "

Classes that day

Yu Meng opens a student's homework book

Written with crooked fonts behind

"Thank you, my teacher,

Although I can never see you again after a week,

But I have grown up,

Thank you for being our teacher. "

After seeing this

Yu Meng silently walked to the photo wall after the class

Can't help but tears

"That's then,

I think I should stay. "

Communicate and coordinate with parents

After communicating with the mentor

In the end, Yu Meng still decided to take a year off for a year

Continue to stay in this rural primary school support

September 1st

The rural primary schools taught by Yu Meng are going to start again

He will be promoted to the second grade with his children

The cover of Yu Meng's WeChat circle of friends

He is with three students

Photos walking on the streets of the village

"Even if there is only one year,

I want to accompany them more. "

Yu Meng said

The youth mailbox is waiting for you

Difficulty of youth

It's the direction of the efforts of the group

Advice of youth

It is the source of wisdom of the group

Combined with the grassroots at the grassroots level of the Hubei Communist Youth League, the people ’s sentimental activities and the“ three -united and five -assisted ”operations, the“ Youth Hubei ”specially opened a“ youth mailbox ”area, soliciting youth suggestions, listening to the voice of youth, and responding to youth demand to help solve the youth“ ” The problem of urgency and sorrow ". If you have any problems, difficulties or solutions, and solutions, you can all be delivered to the "Youth Mailbox".

The following matters are not in the scope of solicitation and acceptance: decision, appeal, and reporting; matters that should be resolved through legal channels such as litigation, arbitration, and administrative reconsideration according to law; academic theory; repeated matters that are repeatedly proposed, the content is empty, and no practical significance; it does not belong to Matters under the jurisdiction of our province.

look forward to your letter

Looking forward to your suggestions for the work of the group

Editor | Wu Lanxin

Nuclear review | Dai Hengye

Editor -in -chief on Duty | Yao Xue

Laiyuan | Youth Hubei Comprehensive Collection Self -Mind News, China Youth Daily


(Click on the picture to view the full text)

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[Youth Hubei] Submitted mailbox: [email protected]

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