American media: Fewer and fewer Chinese people who want to study in the United States will endanger the status of the United States global leaders

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.01

On August 31st, the American business inside site website, Chinese students provide funds for the US economy, but fewer and fewer Chinese people want to study in the United States today. Chinese students' interest in studying in the United States has declined year by year. For the United States, this will lead to a bridge between the two countries' finance, culture and diplomacy. In the past ten years, China has been the largest source of international students in the United States. The high tuition fees paid are equivalent to subsidies for higher education institutions in the United States.

Today, whether for personal choice or because of political intervention, various factors are leading the Chinese to other countries and regions to receive overseas higher education. Economists said that in addition to threatening the vital income of American private and public universities, the decline in Chinese students' interest in American education has also encountered risks in other aspects of the US economy. This includes the output of many industries such as technology, finance, and the important cultural and political significance of international students who stay in the United States after graduation. "Any news about the decline in the decline in international demand for American education in the University of Los Angeles, the professor of economics at the University of California, should be treated very seriously. It can be said that it should lose comparative advantages than the United States in any other field It's even more strict. "

If it is no longer the world's premier educational destination, the United States should worry about it. "Some people may say that the United States has the best manifestation of the global leadership in the world -finance and education. The United States will still be the world leader. As long as the world has two services to these two services The demand is strong. "Rosanov, a professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania, believes that the current number of students may not have a serious negative impact on the US economy, but the trend of numbers is inevitable." If this trend continues, it will not be "Good things". He pointed out many industries that overseas Chinese will make eye -catching contributions to the United States once they graduate.

Earthkki said that the decline in the attraction of American education to overseas Chinese is directly related to the political and economic health of the United States. "The importance of the export of higher education services is not limited to this kind of export commodity, but also its culture, economy, and Political spillover effect ". The decline in China's demand for education services in the United States may be intensified due to time -shift and political and economic cracks. (Author Jason Ralgi, Cui Xiaodong Translation)

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