Henan Zhoukou: 29 newly built and expanded primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the central urban area are concentrated

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.08.31

Careful classroom

Clean and tidy restaurant

Spacious and bright corridor

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Wang Yan/Wen Wang Ying/Picture

On the morning of August 30, 29 newly established and expanded primary and secondary schools and kindergarten centralized opening ceremony were held in Guiyuan Road Primary School in the Urban and Rural Integration Demonstration Zone. This marks a new chapter in the high -quality development of the central urban area of ​​Zhoukou.

In 2022, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government anchored the "two guarantees", fully implemented the "Top Ten Strategy" three -year action plan, insisted on putting education at a more priority development strategic position, and incorporated the construction of schools and kindergarten projects into the top ten central urban areas. The practicality of people's livelihood opened the curtain of high -quality development in the central urban area in the new era. Within a year, the central urban area invested 2.93 billion yuan, and 38 new primary and secondary schools and kindergartens were built and expanded. 29 institutions were concentrated, and 44,000 degrees were increased at a time. A large number of good schools were built at the doorstep of the people. The "large class and difficult school" have been effectively resolved, and the education of the central urban area has entered the new journey of high -quality balanced and high -quality development.

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