Observation in the start of the school season 丨 Tomato scrambled eggs will be washed and swept the floor, not enough

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.08.30

Zhejiang News Client reporter Lin Jing

Did you work this summer? Earlier, the Ministry of Education requested that since the beginning of this year, the labor class will be officially upgraded to an independent course in primary and secondary schools. The new semester is about to start, and the labor class is also close.

So, what is the labor ability of primary and secondary school students before the official opening of school labor education? We also found some answers in the laborers of primary and secondary school students in the province for more than a month of "Little Labor Skills Competition" in the province.

Tomato scrambled eggs are the most common

The online link of "Little Labor Skills Competition" has more than 4,000 children from all over the province contributed. We found that cooking in many submissions has occupied "most of the rivers and mountains", including high -quality works with complex and difficult cooking processes, but "tomato scrambled eggs", a "representative" home -cooked dish, has become the most frequent dish. Essence

At the same time, the ingredients of many contestants' works have been washed and cut into uniform sizes before the lower pot. The side dishes and seasonings are also arranged properly. The child is only responsible for stir -fry the pot. Essence

In addition to cooking, the cleaning room is also a "frequent visitor" for submission. Participants have abound photos of the sag, mop, and dustpan. There are very few labor forms such as volunteer activities, handmade production, and home appliance repair, such as larger input costs and more complicated steps and conditions.

"When mentioning cooking, it is tomato scrambled eggs; when it comes to hygiene, it is sweeping the floor, and the type is very single." A primary school principal is arranging the labor course for the next semester. He also pays attention to this phenomenon. At present Rich, a bit of formalism.

In this context, the labor list released in some places is more instructive. "Although it cannot be fully opened by the project of the labor list, it does inspire the school and parents, what basic skills to master the children in what stage, instead of all people to cook and sweep the ground. The connotation of labor should be richer . "The principal said.

Wash clothes a few times a few times

In late August, 20 Labor experts from all over the province stood out from the online display session to participate in the offline finals of the province's primary and middle school students' labor practice activities held at the Governor of Hangzhou Governor's Youth Education Base.

For five days and four nights where they lived with children, we found that as long as they let the children do it, they did not have the imagination of coquettishness, but they lacked the opportunity to exercise in life.

Like many children's work at home, the labor here is "realistic". In the hottest days, under the sun and high temperature, the contestants traveled water and stepped on the mud to remove weeds in the field. It was more than an hour. Essence

The kitchen competition is a game that many children are impressed. "That's once I used the soil stove to cook rice, which is different from my family." Zhang Yi from Hangzhou De Sheng Primary School told reporters that in addition to the whole process, the special cooking tools and methods also made them happy. Picking firewood, pouring oil in hot pot, and burning water is a new experience.

For more than an hour from preparation to stir -fry, they encountered a lot of "trouble": holding your fingers when cutting the vegetables, cutting the size of different sizes; Stir -fry the shovel, the vegetables at the bottom of the pot are paste; the chicken wings are not stewed, and the surface is still raw in the focus ...

Coincidentally, there is also a condition in the washing stack of competition. How much soap does a dirty dress be scrubbed? Is a bed quilt 20 % off or 20 % off? Many of the processes and details in these practical operations are ignored.

"In the competition, I will carefully observe their specific operations and some details, not only to look at the taste of their cooking and the degree of cleanliness of clothes." Ma Linfeng, coach of Changle Youth Quality Education Base, told reporters that as this score standard, as the score criteria, I also hope that these daily housework is no longer a few words in the evaluation of primary and secondary school students at the end of the period, and it should be part of their daily life.

Labor class

During the event, parents also paid attention to the children's situation through videos and photos sent by base coaches. "It's not the coquettish, but we have too little opportunities to exercise." "It is the adult who refuses to let go, and everything must be arranged." From the feedback, we can also notice the attitude of parents to labor.

Different from cultural achievements, some parents cannot see the role of labor in the process of children's growth. For parents, most of the current importance to labor education comes from the pressure of schools, social discussions and group identity, which also means that their identity only stays in concepts and ideas, and it is difficult to truly truly in daily life and practical operations. Teach and lead children to develop labor habits.

After the game, Yan Suyun from Zhoushan wrote in the labor diary: "As long as there is a happy environment, we can let us forget our mobile phones and participate in labor." The role also requires continuous exploration of parents, schools and society.

The lack of children's labor concept and lack of labor ability just reflect the lack of family education. "The lesson of labor should have come to the parent. Now it is the school to make up for this lesson. Therefore, in labor education, family education is particularly important, and at least cooperate with the school." A person in the education industry told reporters.

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