Huangzhou District Best Kindergarten Mengbao opens the "immersive" primary school experience

Author:East Evening News Education Gu Time:2022.06.19

"What's the difference between kindergarten and elementary school? What is the classroom of elementary schools? What is the life of elementary school? How many lessons do you take in elementary school a day? Why can elementary school students wear a red scarf ..." On the afternoon of June 16, I took these questions , Mengbao in the large class of Best Kindergarten in Huangzhou District, came to Class No. 1 (8) of Experimental Primary School in Huangzhou District to start the "immersive" primary school experience.

It is understood that the Best Kindergarten in Huangzhou District is adjacent to the Pagoda Park, with a beautiful environment and a strong cultural atmosphere. The outdoor event venue is spacious, and the park is equipped with large toys, climbing walls, sand pits, landscape pools, and suspended floors to meet the needs of children's physical and mental health in various aspects.

Visit the campus and experience the beautiful educating environment

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, under the care of the teachers, Mengbao walked into Huangzhou District Experimental Primary School with great interest. Beautiful teaching buildings, bright classrooms, wide playgrounds ... All this made the "cute baby" feel fresh. They used their small eyes to carefully find the difference between kindergartens and elementary schools.

"Children, you must be quiet when you enter the elementary school campus. Take a look. This is the word 'quiet' ..." Entering the campus, accompanied by Chen Li and his elder brother and elder sister in the class 1 (8) class of the experimental primary school in Huangzhou District, Mengbao We visited the sports field and teaching building.

On the sports field, the elder brother and elder sister demonstrated the most interesting cross jumps of physical education classes. The cute treasures are not willing to show weakness, one by one and volunteered to experience it.

"Children, our district Experimental Primary School was founded in 1949. It is a school with the same age as the Republic. There are two schools and two districts. You are now in the Hanchuanmen Campus ..." Chen Li introduced the school to run the school and interpreted it. campus culture. Mengbao raised a smile of smiling, staring at a pair of eyes glowing, showing curiosity and longing for elementary school life.

"Primary school and kindergarten are really different. There are many functional classrooms in the teaching building. The life of the elementary school brother and sister is really rich ..." Liu Jiahui was full of expectations for elementary school life.

Enter the classroom and experience the colorful elementary school life

"Class, stand up, teacher!" "Good classmates!" "Quiet, listening, thinking." The habitual teacher and student greeting aroused great interest in "Mengwa".

The "first lesson" of the "Mengwa" began. This is a "Young Pioneer Lesson". One (8) Teacher Zhang Xiaoqing in the form of graphic and text taught the students to teach the "Chinese youth pioneer team name, the Chinese flag, the young pioneer team flag, the sign of the young pioneer team, the sign of the young pioneer". In the class, the cute treasures were sitting upright, and their small eyes were full of curiosity. They actively raised their hands and answered questions, and they looked like elementary school students.

The young Communist Wimbled Team made the distance between the young. The classmates of the first (8) class also experienced the feeling of being a big brother and sister, and patiently taught the cute treasures to be a red scarf.

In the communication session, the brothers and sisters came around and answered the various questions of Mengbao enthusiastically, and everyone communicated happily together. Subsequently, the children had a math class together to observe interior exercises. Under the leadership of the elder brother and sister, the cute treasures moved and danced with the music, and glanced at it, very cute. The two sides also presented small gifts.

"Seeing so many younger brothers and sisters to go to class with us, I can make samples for them. As a big brother, I am very happy. I want to become better and better." Fan Sizhe said.

"Children's connection is the first lesson for the children to prepare for the child in elementary school, and plant the seeds full of hope in the hearts of the children." In the view of Lu Zhen, the principal of Best Kindergarten, the children are observed, listened, and experienced. To understand the differences between the study and life of elementary school students and kindergarten life at a close range, it has laid the foundation for children to enter elementary school. I believe that in the near future, Mengbao will be able to enter elementary school with confidence and calm steps.

Source | Hubei Evening News

Author | Reporter Chen Bolan

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