"My Occupation" before joining Get, these suggestions, take 80%of the detours!

Author:Forever Worry -Free Student Ed Time:2022.08.30

Recently, many Baozi have already got offer to prepare for an internship. I believe everyone is full of expectations, and with some small fear, some newcomers in the workplace have first entered the workplace experience -from the beginning of the fighting spirit, to the workplace this after a period of time, this time the workplace is this in the workplace. In the most stringent environment for newcomers, there is a little passion, don't be frustrated! Hou training has just begun ~

As I know the real -life experience in the workplace youth realistic observation show "My Occupation Occupation" immersed in the real workplace life, a wave of discussion on the Internet will explore the truth of the workplace together and share interesting and practical workplace knowledge. Essence

The topic initiated by the bacteria -if time can be reversed, you will meet yourself with your first entry, what kind of Tips would you give yourself? Collecting the practical little suggestions of different ages and different ages in the job search community, different occupations and different positions in different occupations.

@星 星 星

"Find a position that suits you

If you ask me: What do you want to say to yourself who entered the workplace at the age of 20 at the time?

If you have such an opportunity, I am about 20 years old to buy a house, buy a lot of rooms, and what kind of class is it?

be confident

You always feel that you are not good enough, and you will never be perfect in your heart, but I want to tell you more that you are really beautiful when you are full of confidence! People do n’t have a lot of pressure on themselves. If you do n’t think it ’s not enough, then work harder. On the road of hard work, the scenery is superb!

The workplace is not found to find a place that suits you

The workplace is not a school, and the academic performance is not everything. I remember that I had just entered the workplace and heard a series of struggles. I thought about a question. "Is the workplace more valued or my own ability?" The workplace is not a school. There are so many artists and scientists who do not meet. Besides, ordinary people who cannot compare with them must learn to integrate or find a position that suits them.

@叶 叶

Refuse to escape, reduce internal consumption "

I have been working for nearly five years, and I want to say to me who had just entered the workplace first:

Time to stop loss and refuse to escape

We must realize that you are escaping in time and have the courage to face up to frustration. After entering the society, you will always encounter various things or difficulties that make you unacceptable. You may tell yourself: "It's okay, it's not a matter." I care about, unwilling to face, and I have not realized that I am escaping. Now I want to say to myself, "As long as I realize and bravely take the first step, treasure, you are the best."

Instead of thinking to reduce internal consumption

Don't look down on your own ability, don't think of yourself too importantly, don't look down on the cruelty of competition. Entering the society to make excellent achievements, I believe it is the experience of many people in the workplace, but now I am relatively myself, "recognize my ability, do not blindly, and talents in the workplace. Too important, learn to see things from the perspective of others, think about what you want to get, keep making efforts to get what you want, remember not to be too greedy ~ "

@别 叫

"No definition, regular review

Before we work hard, you must also look up at the road. After sorting out a few personal experiences after walking out of the campus, although I still can't help you avoid social beatings, but you can be less ~

Don't stop learning

The workplace is a place where the fittest is surpassed. As long as you have the ability to be better than you, then you may be replaced at any time. Therefore, we must not stop the footsteps of learning. We must constantly accept new knowledge, enrich our knowledge reserves, and make ourselves more and more valuable, so as to maintain our core competitiveness. It is recommended that you update your resume every six months and get out of the company to interview, understand the market and check the missing and supplement in time.

Don't be defined by leadership

Only by yourself can you define yourself! Don't lead to let you make you as a person, you will become! Many newcomers in the workplace are often disturbed by leaders, causing their own life planning. We must believe in ourselves. Don't be bound by the inherent thinking of leaders. Only by ourselves can we determine our future. We must remember that, no matter what time, our own vision and determination are the key magic weapon for victory!

Regular review, learn to summarize

Regular review is one of the things that newcomers in every workplace must do. The so -called repetition refers to learning from past experience and work to help us effectively summarize experiences and improve their capabilities, so as to achieve self -improvement. Through the resume, we can discover the problems in the work in time and improve it to avoid the same errors. We can also summarize the key factors and mechanisms of successful cases and inherit our good experience. It will also be more convenient to report work and summarize.


Every time your experience is released in the out of print "

Finding the channels for improvement

When we graduate, we have grown up officially, so we must adjust their mentality at first to accept all changes to adapt to. You may not know what kind of person you want to be in the future. Don't worry, start with your favorite things, and see if you have a job opportunity to be close to your interest. In addition to optimizing resumes according to the need for JD on demand, don't forget to understand some interview skills.

Please don't waste time on complaints

You will encounter a lot of strange companies. The interview is completely inconsistent with the online introduction. Some are even scams. You don't have to do too much evaluation, turn around and leave, and continue the next opportunity.

Your leadership may fight you in various stances in a high attitude. Let him say that you must always believe in yourself, know your own direction and purpose, do your own work carefully, learn to master all skills, then you will have all skills, then you will have all skills. All right.

No one will stay old in a company. If you "graduate" from a company, congratulations, but don't forget to revive the new environment on the road.


The above are the roads that "come over". With blood and tears, we often see the envious eyes of the success of the peers or the "children of someone else's family", but most people are not one step in one step. successful.

The bacteria think of "What is your life"?

"When you envy others, have you thought about it -maybe that is not lucky, but a kind of acquisition. All good lives are practiced and managed. Behind each of the elements of life, there are "Support it" "

Young will be courageous to "trial and error". Of course, we can also avoid some "pits" to reduce the cost of trial error. In 2022, the size of college graduates reached 10.76 million. Behind the number is the post -00 fresh graduate who needs to face the pressure of employment.

In such an environment, if you want to take a well -known company offer, you have to take out the ability of five levels to cut and six generals. If you feel that you are not ready, maybe you need a professional and reliable help--

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