Over the past ten years, the average height of men and women in the implementation of the Nutrition Improvement Plan for Nutrition Improvement has increased by 4.2cm and 4.1cm.

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.30

Xinhuanet, Beijing, August 30th. Today, the Ministry of Education held a series of "Ten Years of Education".

Guo Peng, director of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Education, introduced that students' funding not only guarantees that students with financial difficulties study at ease, but also improve their living standards and enhance their physical fitness.For example, the country's nutritional improvement plan covers 123,800 rural compulsory education schools, and has benefited 350 million students.According to the monitoring data of the China Centers for Disease Control in 2021, the average height of men and girls in the area of nutritional improvement plan increases by 4.2cm and 4.1cm respectively in 2012, which is higher than the average growth rate of rural students across the country.%, A decrease of 5.5 percentage points from 2012.

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