Is there four major changes in the school room in Guangzhou this year?

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.08.30

High -quality educational resources at the door are more and more information pictures

Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Jiang Yan

Nearly September, the freshmen of the first year are about to start, marking the settlement of the "small ascension" in 2022. What are the changes in Guangzhou's "Xiao Shengchu" this year, and the parents of the latecomers learn from? Is the "degree room" still fragrant? A reporter from Yangcheng Evening News sorted out the four major changes of "Xiao Rangu": "People's Transfer" supplemented with high -quality education, a number of "new famous schools" in new schools, "enrollment", "resource sharing" in some high -quality schools, and the popularity of civil schools Double reduction of supply and demand. In terms of "degree room", the uncertainty of the matching of houses and degrees has increased. Parents can choose houses in different areas according to factors such as family conditions, quota allocation, and consistent schools.

Change 1

"People to the public" supplement public high -quality education

This year, under the policy of "public ginseng", a large number of private schools turned into public.

In Yuexiu District, Yucai Experimental School has been converted into a district -owned boarding junior high school, recruited for the entire district; the second middle school Yingyuan school was converted into public -run, and it was incorporated into the second middle school. "Recruit new life in the name.

In Liwan District, Zhenuang Experiment, Fourth Middle School Juxian, Chinese and Foreign Language, Western Experiment, and Lixian School of Junior High School were "transferred" as: Guangzhou Zhenguang Middle School Experimental Campus, Guangzhou Fourth Middle School Junior High School Yanyuan Campus, Jiang Zhonghong School of Liwan District, Guangzhou, the Rainbow Bridge Campus of the Xiguan Foreign Language School in Guangzhou, and Wenchang South Campus of the Xiguan Foreign Language School in Guangzhou.

In Haizhu District, three private schools are "transferred": the sixth middle school Zhujiang, Nanwu experiment, and Zhongda affiliated middle school, the current school names are the six Middle School of Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangzhou Nanwu Experimental School, and Zhongshan University Affiliated Middle School.

In Tianhe District, the Chinese University of Industry and the University of China were "transferred" to the affiliated school affiliated to South China University of Technology and the affiliated experimental school affiliated to Jinan University.

In Baiyun District, Jingtai Middle School, Taoyuan Middle School, Ziyuangang Middle School, Guangwai Affiliated Middle School, Baiyun Guangfu Experimental School, and Peiying Experimental School are "transferred". The current school names are Jingtai Middle School in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangzhou Taoyuan Middle School, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Ziyuangang Middle School in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangzhou Baiyun Foreign Language Middle School, Guangzhou Baiyun Jinguang Experimental School, and Yunying Experimental School of Yunying District, Baiyun District, Guangzhou.

In Huangpu District, Huangpu Guangfu and No. 2 Middle Schools were also "transferred" to the majority of the Huangpu Experimental School and Guangzhou No. 2 Middle - -in -law Experimental School.

The decoupling of "public ginseng people" refers to the "Notice on Regulating the organizing or participating in the organizational compulsory education schools" and other eight departments of the Ministry of Education in 2021, requiring the "Gongshen Congress" school to be converted into public schools, such as continuing to be the people for the people. The school must cut the relationship with public schools in terms of names, teachers, finance, enrollment, administration, and school running. Therefore, the "famous school -run civil school" has entered the history, and a group of private primary and secondary schools with a background of public schools have embarked on different roads for private or converted to public.

In Guangzhou, most of the "Gongsheng" schools are high -quality civil schools with high attention. Their "transferred" is beneficial to the high -quality educational resources of publicly running for public high -quality educational resources, allowing more children to enjoy free high -quality education.

Change 2

A group of "new famous schools" emerged in various districts

In recent years, due to population inflows and two children and three children, children's enrollment needs are large. Guangzhou continues to build new schools to increase degree supply. Who will do new schools? From the current point of view, famous schools are the best choice.

Many districts in Guangzhou, especially the surrounding areas, have opened the lower districts of the famous schools in the form of custody. For example, Guangzhou Shinxin Middle School has district schools named in Nansha, Zengcheng, Haizhu and other districts; Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School radiates Huangpu, Nansha, Zengcheng; District; Brand schools affiliated to Guangzhou University Affiliated Middle School spread all over Huangpu, Baiyun, Conghua, Panyu, Zengcheng, Nansha ...

In the new school year in September this year, the "New Famous Schools" opened: Nansha Primary School (Dongyue Bay Campus), Affiliated to South China Normal University, Junior Middle School of Zengcheng Experimental School of Chixin Middle School, Zengcheng School of Middle School Affiliated to South China Normal University, and Guangdong Experimental Middle School Yuncheng Campus (Primary School), Smart Experimental Primary School Affiliated to South China Normal University, Conghua Experimental School of Guangzhou University Affiliated Middle School, Guangzhou University Affiliated Middle School Experimental School (North Campus), South China Normal University Affiliated Development Zone Experimental Primary School, Hunan Normal University Affiliated to Huangpu Experimental Huangpu Experimental Schools, Huangpu Experimental School affiliated to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Huangpu Experimental School, Middle School Affiliated to Guangzhou University.

The so -called "hosted" is usually responsible for the construction of school buildings, the daily operation of the school, and human expenses of each district; the famous schools send backbones to serve as principals or management, and export brands, advanced management and teaching methods, and control teachers' recruitment and training. The district government and prestigious schools achieve hardware and software integration, and strive to replicate and expand high -quality educational resources.

Change 3

Some high -quality school enrollment "resource sharing" in the entire district

Old and famous schools and newly -run famous schools are all the "fragrant buns" competed by ordinary people in the district. In the end, "enrollment in the region" and "resource sharing" became the solution of many high -quality schools.

Yuexiu District Yubai Experimental School is enrolled in the district. If the number of applicants is greater than the admissions plan, the computer shakes is implemented; the Bayi Experimental School opened the "August 1st HNA Youth Class" to enroll the entire district of Yuexiu District.

Sixth Middle School in Haizhu District is facing the district.

The school (planning) of the Tsinghua Affiliated Middle School (Capital) of the Tsinghua University of Tianhe District provides full accommodation for the junior high school and Tianhe Foreign Language School, which enrolls the entire district; the Tianhe Campus of the Tianhe Campus is enrolled in 10 classes, 7 of which enroll in the recruitment area, and the three classes are enrolled in the district enrollment. Essence Liwan District Xiguan Foreign Language School Junior High School, Zhenuang Middle School Campus, and Guangdong Guangya Middle School (headquarters junior high school) are enrolled in the district.

Guangzhou Experimental Middle School in Huangpu District, the majority of Affiliated Middle School Huangpu Experimental School East Campus, Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School and Su Yuan Experimental School, and Huangpu Military Academy Middle School. In addition to recruiting students in terms of service, they also recruit some of the fresh graduates of the policies in other districts in the district. pregnancy.

Zengcheng District is clear that there are two kinds of enrollment methods for junior high schools including South China Normal University Affiliated Middle School Zengcheng School, Zengjiang School affiliated to South China Normal University, Zengcheng Middle School, Zengcheng No. 2 Middle School, Zhucun Middle School, and Xiancun Middle School, including the nearest enrollment and "Resource sharing", some degree enrolls students in the district.

Seven cooperative schools in Nansha District also enrolled students according to "nearby enrollment+resource sharing". Specifically, the Nansha Tianyuan School (junior high school) of Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School (junior high school), the affiliated school (junior high school) of the Guangzhou Foreign Languages ​​School, the Nansha School (junior high school) of Guangzhou Shinxin Middle School (junior high school), the Nansha Middle School (junior high school) affiliated to South China Normal University (junior high school), Binhai Experimental School ( Seven schools including Nansha Experimental School (Junior High School), and Bay Area Experimental School (Junior High School), including Nansha Experimental School (Junior High School) Affiliated to Guangzhou, 51%of the enrollment plan are nearly admitted, and the other 49%will recruit household registration in Nansha District in a "resource sharing" manner. Fresh graduates of the elementary school of students.

Change 4

Double reduction of supply and demand for the popularity of civil schools

In the phenomenon of enrollment of compulsory education schools this year, private primary and secondary schools have been cooling significantly, and supply and demand are reduced.

In terms of private primary schools, there were 5,1804 students in 263 schools in the city, with 34,233 applicants. Compared with the previous year's enrollment school, 27 institutions, more than 10,000 degrees, and 4,869 children's enrollment. At the same time, 44.3%of private primary schools have increased prices. The industry believes that the people's school enters the elimination period of "Tao Sand and Gold".

In the private junior high school, a total of 157 schools provided 36,154 degrees, and the number of applicants was 38,416. Compared with the previous year, the enrollment school decreased 33, the degree decreased by 10127, and the number of applicants was 9,820.

From the perspective of the market, the two major policies of "citizenship" and "citizen citizen" have continued to ferment, and the space for private schools in the compulsory education stage is increasingly objective. It is foreseeable that in the next few years, it will continue to be eliminated and suspended by civil schools in the next few years.

From the perspective of parental confidence, in the past two years, with the strict implementation of the ban on the "tip test", as well as the "transferred" of dozens of civil universities in the city, a large number of civil universities, and the withdrawal of public teachers, parents We saw the strict implementation of relevant departments to regulate the determination to standardize the school's schooling, and had a more rational understanding of private primary and secondary schools, and also transitioned from "eagerly chasing" to the "doubt" state of the school's school quality and prospects. Therefore The number of applicants has decreased sharply.

At the same time, the cross -regional enrollment quota of private schools has gradually reduced. According to regulations, private primary and secondary schools with accommodation conditions may have a certain percentage of across regional enrollment, but this year many districts stipulate that the proportion of cross -regional enrollment should not exceed 35%or even 15%. In this way, the scope of students' sources of civil schools has been further restricted.

How to buy a house for the baby?

Many parents are confused, the promotion policy is slightly tuned every year, the scope of their favorite school enrollment is uncertain, and more and more high -quality schools are "enrollment" and "resource sharing". How should I buy a house for my baby?

At present, the uncertainty of the matching of the house and the degree is increasing. Parents can choose to buy a house in different regions according to family conditions.

First of all, the Ministry of Education stipulates that comprehensively implementing compulsory education is free of admission. Especially for primary school students, closer to home and convenient delivery should be the first consideration of the family. Therefore, parents should consider choosing a real estate purchase site according to their work location and surrounding schools.

Secondly, when buying a house, you must consider the needs of primary and junior high schools. You must not only care about primary school. Quota allocation is the biggest dividend policy for the middle school entrance examination. In 2022, about 3.28 candidates in Guangzhou compete for 1 place. The number of quota in the 11 districts from high to low is: Liwan 41.8%, Panyu 39.9%, Conghua 35.4%, Yuexiu 31.3%, Baiyun 29.9%, Huadu 28.9%, Haizhu 28.1%, Tianhe 27.5%, Zengcheng 26.9%, Huangpu 20.8%, Nansha 19.6%. Considering that the number distribution in 2023 may no longer set up a "restriction" score line, parents must consider the area purchase area if they want to make full use of this preferential policy.

Third, in the new school in Guangzhou, the nine -year consistent or nine -year -old school (12 years of consistent or fifteen -year consistent system) almost occupy almost "half of the river". The enrollment policy of the Guangzhou Compulsory Education stage stipulates that when the nine -year -old school and the 12 -year -old school junior high school enrollment, the school first enrolled the school's primary school graduate voluntarily enrolled in the junior high school through a heirment or computer. At present, the approach of each district is usually: if the number of applicants for elementary schools is less than or or equal to the number of helicopter enrollment plans for middle schools, it is directly accepted after the publicity of middle schools; Essence If the helicopter decent is not shaken, students can continue to participate in the computer assignment group of the unified primary school in the district. Compared with the uncertainty of the section of the film, the consistent school riser in the junior high school to make parents feel more secure and certain. Therefore, parents can also consider buying a house with a consistent school primary school degree. Fourth, those who have a clear school enrollment area with their favorite schools should start early. Since 2021, 9 districts in 11 districts in Guangzhou have issued a public school early warning during the compulsory education stage. Many districts stipulate that if the school's degree is tight, it will be based on the sorting time, the consistent time of the households, etc. Therefore, parents in different districts must grasp the policy of further studies and prepare early.

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