Shijiazhuang announced the latest announcement!Execute until the end of December

Author:Hebei Daily Time:2022.08.29

Recently, from the Shijiazhuang Social Security Center, in accordance with the relevant provincial policies, Shijiazhuang City graduated from January to December 2022 and obtained ordinary college graduates who have obtained ordinary colleges and universities. Enterprises paying unemployment insurance premiums for more than 1 month shall issue one -time expansion subsidy at a standard of 1,500 yuan per trick. Policy is implemented until the end of December 2022.

Two application modes

The one -time expansion subsidy of the application model supports two application modes.

Exemption is enjoyment mode. The provincial unified docking of the "Identity Examination Interface of General College Graduates", through the interface unified comparison comparison of the province's 2022 unemployment insurance information and the information of the fresh graduates of ordinary colleges and universities in 2022, preliminary screening meets the enjoyment of one -time expansion subsidy Participating units and enjoyable amounts. After the review of the agency is correct, it can be issued directly to the eligible enterprises.

Unit application mode. Due to the incomplete interface information, comparison time stagnation or other reasons, if a one -time expansion subsidy is issued by the exemption, the exemption, or enjoying the model, the insured unit may apply for the online report or the cabinet. The hired college graduates are submitted and submitted to the system that automatically connects to the "Identity Verification Interface of General College Graduate Students" to compare whether the submitters belong to the fresh graduates of the 2022 ordinary college and whether they meet the one -time expansion subsidy conditions. If it belongs, after the agency is reviewed and approved, it is issued to the enterprise according to the distribution process; if it does not belong, the system automatic feedback will not be accepted.

Compare the interface to the new insured information during the review

The interface will be compared to the new insured information during the review. The provincial concentrated extraction of the information of the insured personnel as of 2022 as of the current "insurance participation time" is determined through the interface unified comparison whether it belongs to the fresh graduates of the 2022 ordinary college.

The system checks the conditions for issuing participants, and the screening rules are currently belonging to normal insurance. In this year, the unemployment insurance premiums have been paid for the unemployment insurance premiums for no less than one month. subsidy. The system checks the conditions for the issuance of the insured unit. The screening rules are a normal insurance state. The nature of the unit is the enterprise and the first two digits of the social credit code are "91". Regarding the incomplete age personnel, the agency contacts the enterprise to provide the original graduation certificate, and the agency shall be retained with a copy to verify it. The verification of the graduation certificate issued in 2022 is in line with the application requirements.

After the above conditions are passed, the system automatically generates one -time expansion subsidy information according to the participating unit and 1500 yuan per person, including enjoying the number of people, the amount of treatment, account information, and personnel details information.

Can't enjoy repeatedly

Eligible units should log in to the integrated system of the people and society, check whether the information of the receipt bank in the unit's information is complete and accurate, and modify it inaccurate in a timely manner to ensure that the expansion subsidy can be distributed smoothly.

The employment insured information and identity of a graduate of a graduate year can only be used by one company to enjoy one -time expansion subsidy and cannot be reused. One -time expansion subsidy and one -time attracting employment subsidy policy cannot be repeated. The national information comparison verification of the Ministry of Development, verifying the doubts such as false identity, repeated enjoyment of inter -provincial (district, cities), and other doubts. For enterprises that do not meet the conditions, timely recover the one -time expansion subsidy, and investigate it in accordance with regulations. Corresponding responsibility.

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[Report | Hebei Daily reporter Dong Chang]

[Edit | Zhao Xiaobo]

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