New students enter the park, 10 questions that kindergarten teachers must master!Children's collections!

Author:President Kindergarten Service Time:2022.08.29

1. What should I do if I like to accompany the teacher when I go to the new child to sleep?

(1) This is caused by children's unfamiliar and fearful psychology of the environment, and teachers try to satisfy the young children.

(2) When the children are completely adapted to the environment, the teacher gradually exits.

2. The new children who enter the park will bring snacks every time.

(1) The early band is very normal, because he feels safe only by bringing some snacks from his home.

(2) The kindergarten environment is adapted, and the routine of the kindergarten is familiar with: kindergartens have fixed regulations.

(3) If you adapt to the kindergarten life and bring snacks, you will be kept by the teacher and leave the garden in the evening.

3. The children do not listen carefully in class. What should I do if I do n’t listen seriously about nothing?

Teachers need to learn to reflect, improve the curriculum, and seize the process of the child's interest to arrange the course. Your course is not exciting, so the child will not listen carefully to the class. get out of class has ended.

4. What should I do if I can't sit still and love to move in class?

One situation is: If the child does not have enough activities, then the energy of the whole body is nowhere to go, especially the boys, they should let them go out during the class and do more in the coordinated exercise.

Another situation is: the brain's poor control of the limbs, the body does not listen to the brain's command, so it is also necessary to do more coordinated exercise. Such children usually need to do a coordinated activity for 1-2 hours.

5. How can teachers improve their self -confidence for children who are particularly unconfident?

(1) In the park: pay more attention, assist, guide, more guidance, more encouragement, and communicate more.

(2) Communicate the performance of children with parents, so that parents also realize that their children's growth encourages children in a timely manner.

6. Children and children usually have a lot of words. Once he asked him to answer questions, or made mistakes, asked him why, did not say a word?

(1) For the reason for the teacher/parent, the kindergarten teacher must trust the child and feel reliable.

(2) The teacher is a friend of the child first, and then the guidance of the child.

7. What should I do if children do not like to eat vegetables?

Similar replacement. Such as cucumber and winter melon instead of loofah, amaranth and spinach instead of vegetables.

Stems and leaves.

Cooked reasonably. Basic methods are: the method of combining the method of, vegetarian and vegetables

The problem of solving the method of breeding:

● Parents lead by example.

● Emphasize the benefits of vegetables.

● Provide a variety of choices.

Guide children to participate in cooking. You can also allow children to participate in planting vegetables.

8. What should I do if children especially love to eat hands?

After two years of age, the problem of eating hand is caused by sensitive tactile sensation and tension. Tentile training should be performed, such as swimming, soil, water, and sand. Turn over and wait for the children.

Don't strengthen your child's line, don't talk about this problem as a child, cleverly transfer the child's attention when eating the phenomenon, give the child a toy or ask him to help ... At the same time Create a quiet and harmonious living environment for children, and then slowly wait for the children to change.

If it is very serious, you can also use behavioral therapy, or with the help of psychologists.

9. What to do if young children are young, crying, dare not speak, and bullies?

(1) Do more tactile training, especially to do more bouncing training, such as jumping trampoline, jumping in a strap, skipping rope, etc. Take your children out to play, make the door, participate in social activities

10. What should I do if the children's movements are particularly rubbed?

First look at how the children's actions are coordinated, and the clumsy children are slow. To train children's movement coordination, such as shooting, skipping rope, crawling, playing, kicking tunnels, etc.

Looking at the concentration of your child's attention, you need to train your child's brain balance ability to improve your attention, such as taking balance wood, rotating games, big slides, and single -foot chairs.

In addition to training children, teachers can also use rewards to motivate children to make every small progress.

*Discovery: Most of the text and pictures in this article are from the Internet. The editor of the Chief President Kindergarten Service Platform, because of the need for teaching and research to reprint or select articles, focuses on sharing excellent education concepts. The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, Please leave a message in the background to contact and delete.

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