Hefei University of Technology has won A+level in the artistic contest list of college students in ordinary universities across the country

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.08.29

On August 21, the expert working group of the "College Competition Evaluation and Management System" of the Chinese Higher Education Society analyzed and released the art competition index. The first round of art competition indexes covered 1098 undergraduate universities, and Hefei University of Technology ranked among the top 2%in the country and 237 awards. It is the only university in Anhui Province that has won A+levels.

It is understood that the expert working group of the "College Competition Evaluation and Management System" of the Chinese Higher Education Society to open up art theory, music and dance, drama and film and television, art, design and other art -related majors As the main target of ordinary universities, 25 college -related competitions have been collected in the past three years. In the past three years, a total of 115,5683 competition data. From the award -winning contribution and the contribution of the contest, two dimensions have been established to build an evaluation model. , A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-nine levels.

According to reports, the school's art and design related professional talents training in accordance with the school's characteristics of the three -in -one educational and teaching system of the school's "Lindu Tree, Power -oriented, Innovation and Entrepreneurship", adhere to the characteristics of diversified integration, professional diversified cross, engineering and artistic compatibility. The release of this art competition index fully shows the outstanding results of the school's art and design competitions. The release of the results also reflects the achievements of school innovative talent training to a certain extent. (Correspondent: Li Junpeng, Hefei University of Technology)

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