The full text is here!President Zeng Yong's speech at the starting ceremony of the 2022 undergraduate students

Author:University of Electronic Scien Time:2022.08.29

On August 29, the University of Electronic Science and Technology held a 2022 undergraduate starting ceremony at the Stadium of Qingshuihe Campus to jointly witness 5076 undergraduates became new masters of Chengdian. At the ceremony, the principal Zeng Yong delivered a speech and encouraged the students to keep in mind the ardent expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping, keep in mind the party's teachings, inherit and promote the school motto of "seeking truth from being true, the atmosphere". The national rejuvenation, live up to Shaohua, live up to the times, live up to the people, and work hard on the youth track, run out of the best achievements of contemporary young people, and strive to grow into newcomers in the era of the rejuvenation of the people.

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Grade 2022 Undergraduate Freshmen Startup Ceremony Speech

Zeng Yong, president of the University of Electronic Science and Technology

Dear classmates and teachers:

good morning guys!

Today, we grandly held the opening ceremony of the 2022 undergraduate freshmen, and witnessed 5076 undergraduates as the new owner of the University of Electronic Science and Technology. On behalf of all teachers and students, on behalf of Asian and African Secretary, I have a warm welcome and sincere congratulations to your arrival! Congratulations to you to enter the Electronics University of Science and Technology, and thank you and your parents and your middle school teachers for their trust in the Department of Electronic University of Science and Technology.

Every year, everyone is very concerned about the proportion of men and girls who are undergraduate. In this year's freshmen, there are 4,142 boys and 934 girls. After experiencing a small "deterioration" last year, the proportion of men and girls this year was 4.43: 1, achieving small progress. Greatness is often accumulated from countless small progress. I hope that we will continue to optimize and make a long time.

It is worth mentioning that on the day of Chengdian's first school ceremony in 1956, 18 people were born on September 29. These students' birthdays celebrate with their alma mater.

Among you, there is a college entrance examination mathematics and physical scores. The total score of Sichuan Province ’s college entrance examination is 686 points. Fu Ruoshan, who was admitted to the“ Double A ”joint degree experimental class by the Institute of Institute of Institute of Institute of Computer. He had a strong interest in science and science since he was a child, and had a strong interest in mathematics and physics. Junior high school was determined to admit to the Electronics University of Science and Technology to satisfy his desire for unknown exploration and contribute to his own power to the advancement of the motherland's scientific and technological progress. The other was Wu Gao Song from the old village group of Xiangliu Village, Xiangshu Village, Tianzhu County, Guizhou Province. He said that after graduation, he wanted to go to your hometown to find employment and use electronic information technology to help his hometown revitalize. There is also a pair of twins from Xunyang City, Shaanxi Province: Song Mengli and Song Mengbo, Song Mengbo, who entered high school, both brothers had a strong interest in electronic information and artificial intelligence. After hard work, the brothers' dreams come true and are accepted by information, communication, optoelectronic integration, and optoelectronics.

Classmates, these students are just representatives of thousands of dream chaser today. In the past ten years, you have broken through the heavy level, gathered from Tiannanhai to the north, opened a new journey of life, and welcomed a more new future with running and struggle together.

Here, I will share with you a few stories of power people.

In 1993, a girl with similar old students present entered the application of electronic technology in our school. When I graduated from college in 1997, during the period when my country's communications industry was booming, she had a good opportunity to go to high -paying enterprises such as "huge China" (ie Dragon Communication, Datang Telecom, ZTE, Huawei) to seek personal development. However, under the call of "Aviation Dream", she resolutely chose the Chengdu Aircraft Design Research Institute to fight hard on the main battlefield of the defense technology and take on the "heavy responsibility of the country." She is an alumnus of Jiao Lu, the head of the national key model, the chief expert of the aviation industry, and the deputy director of the Chengdu Aircraft Institute. From a "Aviation Bai" that has not been exposed to the design of the avionics system to becoming a avionics expert and professional technology leader, she hosted and participated in the J-10 series, the dragon series, the J-20 series and other models The system design, combat software development test and real bombs target test of avionics and weapon systems have been struggling for 25 years. Efforts to improve the ability of aviation weapons and equipment, create an excellent professional and technical team, and contribute to "exploring new aviation technology and building the high border of the motherland", which is her will pursuing and the value of life. Jiao Lu alumni is the representative of the female outstanding engineer in Chengdian alumni.

The second is the founder of Huiding Technology and a 1982 -level Electric Radar. Huiding Technology is the first supplier of the Android camp global fingerprint recognition plan. The mobile phone brands such as Huawei, OPPO, VIVO, Xiaomi are widely used by Huawei, OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi and other mobile phone brands. After graduating from college, Zhang Fan alumni first went to the research institute to become a scientific researcher. Later, he took the spring breeze of reform and opening up. The technologies that have greatly promoted the progress of fixed telephone business from the "Calling State Display" chip and telephone line power supply technology. However, how can the glory of the fixed -line period be continued in the field of wireless communication? When many people lose their confidence, he will lead the company in the field of "capacitor touch" with the determination of "breaking the boat" and leading the company. Essence "Seize the opportunity and conform to the trend" is the secret of Zhang Fan's alumni. He said that if you follow the trend, it will definitely provide convenience for your life path. Taking the research and development of optical fingerprint recognition technology as an example, Huiding Technology is in line with the current social needs and helps all types of mobile phone payment certifications, and then helps China enter the cashless era in developed countries in Europe and the United States, realizing the value of Chinese enterprises. Zhang Fan alumni is the representative of Chengdian alumni China -high -tech entrepreneurial entrepreneurs. Another is Professor Xiong Jie of the School of Electronic Science and Engineering. Mr. Xiong was admitted to the undergraduate of applied chemistry in our school in 1998. From Shuobo to teaching to teach in school, he has been deeply cultivating in the fields of superconducting physics, superconducting materials. In 2019, Professor Xiong Jie's team experienced countless experiments and unclear difficulties. Finally, he found quantum metal state in high temperature superconducting, solving important physical problems that have been hanging and unspoken in the international academic community for more than 30 years. The research results were published in the main issue of "Science", which was evaluated as "the development of the field of quantum devices" and was selected as the "Top Ten Science and Technology Progress in Chinese Universities in China" in 2019. In the first half of this year, Mr. Xiong and team members also appeared on the "Nature" post on the "Nature" because of the discovery of Boson strange metal in high -temperature superconducting. "". Corzying to do first -class scientific research has always been the goal of Teacher Xiong Jie and the team. He said, "What we have done is something that predecessors have not done, which is equivalent to the exploration from 0 to 1, and we must have the psychological preparation of cold bench." Now, the team is transforming scientific discoveries and is committed to high temperature super superiority. The research of the guide single photon detector hopes that this cutting -edge technology can be used to ensure national security. Teacher Xiong Jie said, "The scientific research we have done must be a first -class research based on the world's forefront and the country's urgent need. Pursuing excellence and climbing the peak is our unchanged original intention." Professor Xiong Jie is an excellent young scholar cultivated by Chengdian represent.

These people have contributed wisdom and strength to the defense undertakings, industrial development, and original innovation in different fields. They are also the best interpretation of the school motto of the University of Electronic Science and Technology. It is hoped that students will use them as an example to determine the discoverers of basic and engineering sciences, inventors of core technologies, creators of engineering systems, and commercial values.

Students, standing at a new starting point, you must be full of good expectations for the upcoming college life, and it is inevitable to worry about whether the reality will be too skinny. As the person who comes here and your teacher, I want to talk to you how to better face the challenges and tests of university.

First of all, I hope that everyone will bid farewell to the "arranged" life mode as soon as possible to be the owner of their own life and learning. After leaving parents and hometown, you have become an independent person at least in the dimension of physical space. Many times, there are no longer parents and loved ones who are warm and covering the wind. From what to eat, what to wear, what to learn, and what to do, these problems that have never had to worry about before are really a problem now. Therefore, students must exercise their own independent living ability, planning ability, and tolerance to facing frustration. After leaving your parents and hometown, you live in a college dormitory and start a collective life. The different personalities and living habits of the roommates have to be run in. Everyone must learn to empathize, understand each other, care with each other, and have good people. The four years of college are the critical period for the formation of the "three views" of students. In the sharing and exchanges of joy and pain, the friendship established in conflict and understanding will accompany your life. Of course, I also hope that everyone is better to talk about a warm love.

Entering university, the learning methods of students are also very different from middle schools. How to learn and learn is equally important. It is equally important to move brain and hands -on. "Eliminate curiosity and stimulate potential" is the core concept of the training of undergraduate talents. The school has prepared a four -year project -type curriculum system for everyone, and built a variety of "new engineering+new business" and "new engineering+new art" and other diversification The cross -border cross -border cross -talent training platform, I hope that students will do it in the research, challenging, and innovatively studying the University of Electronic Science and Technology.

I also want to remind everyone that the first grade of college is very important for the four -year development of the university, and the most critical in the first semester. In this era of accelerated change, the adaptability to the unknown and changing environment is a valuable literacy. From this moment, we must bravely meet the challenges of the new life of the university and prepare for the test of various uncertainty in the future.

While completing the transformation of middle school students to college students as soon as possible, students should also actively explore the meaning of life. When you come to the University of Electronics, everyone must learn professional knowledge and master professional skills, so as to find a satisfactory job in the future to lay the foundation of life and even go to the peak of life. Electronic University of Science and Technology also has full confidence that everyone does not have to worry about work and livelihood issues. At the same time, I also want to tell everyone that there are not only gains and losses in life, but also poetry and distance. The significance of the university lies not only in professionalism, but also through learning, thinking, studying, practice, expanding vision, exploring possibility, and finding the value of life. Students, everyone has a unique life encounters, and should not use a unified template to measure the success and failure of life. Whether in the spotlight, it is a high -singing advance in the spotlight, or in the silent dedication, it will achieve a unique and meaningful life, just like the Chinese theme song "The League of Legends: the Battle of the Double City" Chinese, " Who said that standing in the light is a hero, your mottled is different, your silence is deafening, you are the hero. "The electronic information technology of the smart era contains unlimited opportunities. It is hoped that the students will go beyond their livelihood, and use their confidence, passion and dreams to find their own air outlets and tracks, and run out of the acceleration of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and personal growth and progress. Classmates, your dreams of your first century goal in your growth years will come true, and it will also be the practitioners, participants, witnesses to achieve the second century goal, the changes of the world, the change of the times, the historical changes Provide a broad stage for everyone to show their wisdom and wisdom in the future. On April 25 this year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping was inspected at Renmin University of China, he sent a affectionate manner: Keep in mind the party's teachings, determines the rejuvenation of the nation, live up to Shaohua, live up to the people, and work hard on the youth track. , Strive for the best results of running out of contemporary youth. Students should keep in mind the ardent expectations of the General Secretary, with the school motto of "seeking truth from being true, the atmosphere", pouring the harvest with sweat, moving forward with hard work, and working hard to grow into a newcomer to the rejuvenation.

Classmates, life is an interesting adventure. Its significance and value reflect the milestones after another, but also in the process of perseverance, the wind and waves, and rushing to the mountains and the sea. Each of them here will become the shaped by the electrical sheet, and every progress of you will also become a trickle that achieves the power. On the road of dreaming, when everyone is about to "break the defense" and feel "Barbie Q". When the night is quiet "EMO", don't forget that Chengdian is your home, and teachers are your parents. I wish students that their bodies are healthier and more full of energy. I hope that the students will open the senses of the senses to perceive the colorful life, be brave to explore, dare to innovate, and write their unique electrical stories.

thank you all!

Picture: News Center Kun Jun, backlight photography Wen Hongbei

Edit: News Center Qing Han Wang Xiaogang

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