Xiamen will open 60 new schools this fall, adding 64,000 degrees for new degrees

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.08.29

Xiamen Education "Fourteenth Five -Year"

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" (2021-2025), Xiamen plans to build 321 primary and secondary school kindergarten projects, with 346,000 new degrees. Among them, there were 156 kindergarten projects with 56,000 new degrees; 165 primary and secondary schools, 29 million new degrees.

Shuang 10 Middle School Xiang'an Campus

Xiamen High -tech School

Xiang'an District Second Experimental Primary School Li'an Campus

At the beginning of the fall, Xiamen will open 60 school projects (including reform and expansion projects), and it is expected that the number of primary and secondary school kindergarten degrees is 64,000.

This is also the most increased degree in the new semester over the years. It shows that Xiamen runs accelerated in the construction of a high -level degree.

With the development of urbanization and the implementation of new population policies, Xiamen's school -age population has increased sharply, and the pressure of learning has increased year by year. In 2019, the city's education conference proposed a short -term expansion action plan, and strive to build 210 primary and secondary school kindergarten projects by 2022, with a new degree of 205,000 degrees.

Chen Zhen, director of the Municipal Education Bureau, said that in recent years, Xiamen Education has fully implemented the spirit of the municipal party committee and municipal government decision -making and deployment and the spirit of the city's education conference. With unprecedented efforts, it will accelerate the establishment of schools, increase degrees, and respond to citizens' concerns. Apply for schools, make up for shortcomings and increase degrees, and promote the high -quality development of education in our city and the construction of business environment.

According to the Municipal Education Bureau's Planning Office, in order to welcome the "Hongfeng" of the students, the city's education conference proposed a short -term expansion action plan in 2019. In the past three years, the city has built 152 kindergarten projects in primary and secondary schools and 127,000 new degrees. This year is the year of the ending of the short -expansion operation, and it is also the most heavier year -planned to build 76 school projects and 80,000 new degrees. Of course, some completion projects can not be put into use until next year.

This year's school construction still faces unprecedented pressures. In addition to the epidemic, it also encountered the weather test -it rained in the first two months and high temperature in the next two months. The Municipal Education Bureau Planning Office stated that even so, everything was completed according to progress.

Chen Zhen said that all of this is for the education of the people's satisfaction, and in the end for children.


High value of school buildings

In popular terms, the new schools to be put into use on September 1 are "face value online."

The Municipal Education Bureau said that in recent years, Xiamen Education has carefully planned the highlights of each new school with a good opportunity to expand the school with a large -scale new expansion of the school, and has a targeted development of the curriculum system, the selection of teachers' teams, and strengthening the leadership of teaching and research. Let new schools "face value" and "connotation" are good.

Chen Zhen said that Xiamen must build a high -quality high -quality modern international city. We are also thinking about how can the school be worthy of high -value cities? Not only cannot you drag your legs, but you must also make the school the most beautiful building in the city, the most beautiful scenery, and the most vibrant innovation place.

This school has been fully reflected in the school that has been completed in recent years: the new school presents a modern building, with bright and smooth lines. Many schools are bold and lively with color, pay attention to color saturation, and even pay attention to leaving white. Red bricks and white walls.

In addition to the high -value school building, more importantly, there are innovation of school running concepts, integration of information technology, support of high -quality teachers, and the participation of professional management teams to achieve the new school "run one excellent one. ", Let the children" learn "and" learn well. "

High quality

In some new schools this year, the curtain has not been opened, and the applause on the stage has sounded.

Xiamen High -tech School is one of them. It is a municipal party committee and municipal government to optimize the business environment of our city and facing Xiamen High -tech Talent and Policy Promotion Objects. The secretary and principal Lin Xiongwei, the three deputy school -level leaders were selected from the management backbone of Xiamen No. 1 Middle School, Xiamen No. 5 Middle School, and experimental primary schools. Hold special recruitment of outstanding graduates and teachers.

Yunjing Experimental Middle School in Haicang, because of the principal of the "desperate three mother" Lu Xianghong, became an Internet celebrity school.

Some new schools were born with "golden spoons".

The High School of Xiang'an Campus, which was held in the fall of this fall, is one of them. The scale of 60 schools runs 60, and 3,000 high school degrees can be added. Its investment is another iconic achievement of Xiamen's implementation of the "cross -islands" operation, which will help promote the high -quality and balanced development of education and promote "great improvement in the island and great development outside the island."

The Hexiang Elementary School opened by Siming District will form a close type of education community with the elementary school affiliated to Xiamen Foreign Languages ​​School to promote the balanced, high -quality and high development of the school.

In Jimei, the newly held Zengyu Elementary School merged into the Mishan Branch of Jimei Experimental School Affiliated to Fujian Education Institute, and will make full use of the resources of the Fujian Institute of Education in the training of basic education teachers, teaching and research scientific research, etc., and promote the improvement of schools in all aspects.


More efficient design

The Li'an Campus of Xiang'an Second Experimental Primary School became the new Internet celebrity. The "walls" of this "future school" are all active, and they can "change" at any time; three classrooms form a unit, commonly known as "three rooms and one hall" - Some classrooms are third grades, and some classrooms are fourth grade. They together form a learning community.

Many new schools have the characteristics of intensiveization, especially in the urban area of ​​the inch, and the new schools strive to build a intensive campus. For example, below the sports field, "hiding" restaurants and interior sports halls. The Shangwen Experimental School of Huli District set up a lunch break for the low grade -the storage cabinet on the three walls of the classroom hidden a lunch break. During the lunch break, the students moved the desk and chairs to the center of the classroom, and then hidden in the locker in the locker. The bed was pulled out, and the classroom became a lunch room. The school also has a underground shuttle area to make the school from being not congested.

Transformation and upgrading

Some schools are the transformation from the "ugly duckling" to "white swan". The second phase of Binhai Primary School in Siming District, expand 18 classes in primary schools, can add 810 primary school degrees. The investment and use of the new campus solves the problem of schedule and improves the quality of education in the Huanglu community.

The new semester of Heshan Middle School in the lake has transformed again: transformed from junior high school to a nine -year consistent school. The investment and expansion projects have realized the re -transformation and upgrade of Heshan Middle School, which greatly alleviated the tension of compulsory education degrees in the area. It is another measure to solve the problem of "difficulties in school" for private affairs.

In Tong'an, Xiamen Dongshan Middle School Affiliated School is a relocation project. It has added 24 classes and 1080 degrees, which has changed the old and critical problems of the former Meixing Elementary School, and simultaneously enhance the school conditions for the Star Primary School.

Where is 60 schools?

Siming District

3 new schools 3 degrees

● Binhai Elementary School Phase II

● Xiamen Hexiang Primary School

● Xiamen Datong Primary School Lingdian Campus


10 new schools of new schools

● Xiamen High -tech School

● Xiamen Nanshan Experimental School

● Xiamen Heshan Middle School

● Xiamen Shangwen Experimental School

● Xiamen Nanshan Kindergarten

● Xiamen Jinlin Bay Garden Experimental Kindergarten

● Xiamen Gaolin South District Kindergarten East House Branch

● Xiamen Huashi Xiping Kindergarten, Xiamen Huashi Xiping Bilingual School, Xiamen Huashi Xiping Senior High School

● Xiamen Music School Art Teaching and Supporting Room Project

● Huli District Guomao Youcai Experimental Kindergarten

Jimei District

9 new schools with 9 degrees

● Jimei District Garden Bo Kindergarten Haiyun Park

● Jimei District Dunshang Experimental Kindergarten

● Jimei District Haishan Experiment Kindergarten

● Jimei District Qishan Experimental Kindergarten

● Jimei District Experimental Kindergarten Yaoyao Park

● Jimei District Pit Primary School

● Jimei District Xincun Elementary School

● Jimei District Haifeng Primary School

● Mishan Branch of Jimei Experimental School Affiliated to Fujian Institute of Education

Haicang District

4 new schools with 4 degrees

● Gengxi Painted Tongyao Kindergarten, Urban Construction Education in Haicang District

● Haicang District Urban Construction Education Fuxiang Painting Tongyao Kindergarten

● Hairi Bay Experimental Primary School in Haicang District

● Yunjing Experimental Middle School, Haicang District

Tong'an District

10,000 degrees for 14 new schools

● Tong'an District Guanxun Kindergarten

● Tong'an District Xigangtang Kindergarten

● Bincheng Kindergarten, Tong'an District

● Tong'an District Science and Technology Innovation Kindergarten

● Tong'an District Qing Pu Kindergarten

● Affiliated to Xiamen Dongshan Middle School

● Tong'an District Bincheng Primary School

● Tong'an District Square Elementary School

● Tong'an District Xinxing Primary School

● West Lake School in Tong'an District

● Putang Primary School, Tong'an District

● Tong'an District Wuxian Central Elementary School

● Xiamen Five Xian Middle School

● Xiamen Yucai Middle School

Xiang'an District

23,000 degrees for 20 new schools

● Xiang'an District Experimental Kindergarten (Xiangfu Garden)

● Xiang'an District Dazhen Center Kindergarten (Yangtang Garden)

● Xiang'an Education Group Yuexiang Kindergarten

● Xiang'an District Fengxiang First Center Kindergarten

● Xiang'an District New Store First Center Kindergarten (South Garden)

● Xiang'an Education Group Xiangyun Kindergarten

● Xiang'an Education Group Yangtang Kindergarten

● Jinhai First Center Kindergarten, Xiang'an District (Pubianyuan)

● Xiang'an District Second Experimental Primary School Li'an Campus

● Jinhai Second Primary School, Xiang'an District

● Xiang'an District Benefine Primary School

● Xiangdong Primary School, Xiang'an District

● Xiang'an District Maqi Central Elementary School

● Xiang'an District Yifu Elementary School

● Xiang'an District Zhennan Primary School

● Xiang'an Affiliated School of Xiamen Double Ten Middle School, Fujian Province

● Xiamen Lane South Middle School

● Xiamen Middle School in Xiamen City

● Xiamen Wuyuan Second Experimental School Xiang'an Branch

● High School, Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen Double Ten Middle School, Fujian Province

Remarks: New schools include reform and expansion schools; divide according to the area where the school is located

Xiamen Daily reporter Xun Yan

Correspondent Zhang Jinxu Guo Jiaxin

This layout/reporter Lin Minghong

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