The whole science teacher is also the chef!The 23 -year -old Huke graduates in the Western religion, now he has to stay for another year

Author:Pole news Time:2022.08.29

Jimu Journalist Li Bansong

Video editing Xuan Yiyao

Intern Chen Lin Zhao Huaizhi

"This is me, the youngest general teacher in the village, the students open their eyes every day to close my eyes, about three -quarters of the time with me ..." On August 28, a "985" college student went to the west to the west. Videos of remote rural areas swiped the screen on station B. Netizens praised "this is not a general teacher, but an all -round teacher" "really a great person."

On August 29, Jimu Journalists learned that the "youngest general teacher in the village" was Yu Meng, who graduated from the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In 2021, he successfully went to another "985" university in China. In the same year, Yu Meng, who should have been to graduate students, chose to retain school status for one year and went to a rural primary school in the remote mountainous area of ​​Chengkou County, Chongqing as a supporting teacher. Today, the period of one year is full, and Yu Meng decided to take a year to take a year and stay in the village to teach.

Yu Meng supported students when he was teaching

Run from a big city to a small countryside

He was a general teacher in the village

Do a romantic thing while you are young.

In 2021, Yu Meng made an important decision. He pressed the suspension key to study and went to the depths of Dashan and the river in Chengkou County, Chongqing City to become a teaching teacher. The religion is the long -term idea of ​​Yu Meng. During the college, he went to the rural primary school support of the rural primary school in Suizhou Welfare Institute and Jiangxi Pingxiang. The two -section of the teaching experience made him full of longing for the teacher.

Yu Mengzhi's rural elementary school

This rural primary school is located in the remote mountainous areas in Chengkou County, Chongqing. A total of 93 students in the school came from 2 villages nearby. There are 21 students in kindergarten, the first grade to the sixth grade, and each grade is about 10. The whole school plus Yu Meng, there were 11 teachers.

In September last year, Yu Meng first went to this rural primary school for the first time. Departing from Chongqing, he took a 5 -hour car to the county seat, and then took the primary school to pick up his car. "I took a long time in the car for a long time and changed the bus a few more times." Yu Meng recalled. Because of the inconvenience of transportation, during one year of teaching, Yu Meng also entered the city only twice. "Many students in the class never entered the city. Their dream was to go to the supermarket in the county." Yu Meng said.

Yu Meng gives students classes

In this remote rural primary school, Yu Meng brought a first -year student with a total of 10 students, 8 of which were left -behind children, two of which were from single -parent families. Yu Meng wants to give these 7 -year -old children with all courses such as mathematics, Chinese, moral legal, calligraphy, art, art, Internet technology, basketball and other courses. 33 lessons a week ... He is still the class teacher and life teacher. , I also talked about the children, and I also asked the teacher Yu. I wanted my parents to find Mr. Yu ...

In the first week of standing on the podium, Yu Meng was at a loss. The children were young and poor, and the classrooms sometimes were noisy. All subjects had to teach. And learning from other teachers, Yu Meng gradually mastered the teaching method. As a math teacher, his teaching students used the axis calculation plus and subtraction to turn the calculation into the form of "walking" on the axis. As a teacher of morality and the rule of law, he took everyone into the cafeteria to explore the scientific and reasonable queues to fight for meals. As a calligraphy teacher, he placed a sitting position for each student, strictly regulating the writing posture ... He also incorporated the professional knowledge he studied in his university into the classroom, showing some interesting programming cases, and using the code to make some of them with them. Video for prototype.

Student walking method to do mathematical questions

Picking the lights to counsel students more than 60 nights

The students he brought out are among the best

Pushing the dilapidated classroom door with red paint, in the spacious classroom, 10 sets of tables and chairs are placed. In the class of 10 people, Yu Meng pays attention to the learning situation of each student, and actively interacts with the students in the classroom to improve learning efficiency. Yu Meng found that there was a child Li Yang (a pseudonym) in the class, and he did not like to communicate with other classmates. He did not have the academic performance. Yu Meng left him alone after school.

Yu Meng gives students counseling

He taught Li Yang for more than 60 nights. "He forgot the knowledge he just talked about the next second, and I will accompany him again." The topic will be done, and Yu Meng will also reward him a box of milk. Yu Meng also guided him to make friends. Gradually, Li Yang began to open his heart to Yu Meng, and often took the picture book to "tell" Yu Meng. At this time, Yu Meng encouraged Li Yang to try to talk to other teachers, and to communicate with the teacher in advance to encourage him. Today, the results of the little boy have improved, and their personalities are becoming more and more lively. The knowledge of the knowledge of Yumeng Organization

In the classroom, Yu Meng actively explored the teaching method. Ham, buns, and biscuits are children's favorite foods in the village. When students want to eat these foods, they appear in the class of interesting knowledge once a month in the class. Under the arrangement of Yu Meng, the class has become a track, with basic knowledge cards such as Chinese characters, counting counts, "wood", "fire", "right", "ground" ... While reading Chinese characters or answering questions, you can take the prizes on the side after answering. "There is a little girl in the class. The night before the competition, let Grandpa's literacy after testing one by one, all remembered all before going to bed, just to win more prizes the next day." Yu Meng said.

After breaking the level, the student took a photo with his beloved gift

At the end of the first semester, 8 of the 10 students in the Yu League class scored all A in the final exam. Three of the top five in the school were in the Yumeng class, and some of them passed the first place in the school. These are very proud of Yu Meng.

For the students to become a "student cafeteria"

"Religion Diary" gets millions of attention to like

In order to enter the students' hearts, from March this year, Yu Meng launched the "Color Paper Plan" in the class, encouraging students to write their minds and wishes on the note. Since then, he has been able to receive the students' note almost every week, which is full of children's minds. "I fully integrate the color paper plan into the daily and class teacher's work. I truly understand what students really think, walk into the inner world of the students, and work hard to feedback to the real life of the students," said Yu Meng.

Part of the note written by the students

In April 2022, Yu Meng received a note written by a little girl Wang Ping Ping (a pseudonym) in the class: "Grandma goes home very late every day, I go home from school without food ..." Little girl Wang Ping Ping's Grandpa and grandma are farmhouses, and the fields are far away from home. They often have to go home at seven or eight o'clock in the evening. Children who are at 5 o'clock should be at home for a few hours. After understanding the situation, Yu Meng compiled a reason every weekend to bring Wang Ping Ping to the dormitory and in his kitchen that was less than 5 square meters. This big boy who had been in instant noodles and fasting over the weekend turned into a chef.

Yu Meng cooks for students

Over time, the other children in the class also shouted to go to Teacher Yu's house for dinner. Yu Meng's dormitory has become the "cafeteria" of children. In the first half of this year, he cooks almost 10 times a week for students. Egg tarts, hot pot, chicken wings, pizza ... In the "Paper Paper Plan", students often write their wishes. They want to eat foods that they want to eat but can't eat in the village, and they often appear on the table of Yumeng invited children to invite children. When eating, he used a plastic bag for the students without a napkin. Four students, he specially made only 3 chicken wings to let the children learn to share. After dinner, he will send the children home one by one.

Yu Meng eats with students

Since March this year, Yu Meng has begun to update his "support diary" through account Sensikao. "I often make videos, and I tried to publish it. I hope that more people can pay attention to rural primary schools and rural education." Yu Meng said. In several support videos released by Yu Meng, Jimu Journalists saw that a video playback exceeded 4 million, and more than 800,000 netizens liked him. "The most handsome teacher", "You are a real teacher, it's my role model!" "Like the dream!" ...

"When I was studying at school, I was a particularly thoughtful and motivated student. Now I have also come up with the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of studying." Said Zhu Ping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In September 2017, Yu Meng was admitted to Huazhong University of Science and Technology from Guizhou Province with excellent results. During the school, he was diligent in studying. He was the class leader of Hu Jiwei, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He actively participated in various activities. College students innovated and entrepreneurial activities, volunteer service activities, and scientific research exploration all had his figure, and achieved good results.

Yu Meng graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology

The crooked message after the homework

Make him reluctant to leave for another year

"Before June 15 this year, I planned to return to school to study after this year, but when I saw the student written behind the homework in the classroom that day, I hesitated ..." In the class that day, Yu Meng opened a student. The homework book, "Thank you, my teacher, although I can never see you again after a week, I have grown up, thank you for being our teacher." Seeing this sentence After that, Yu Meng silently walked to the photo wall after the class and couldn't help crying. Some students found that the teacher cried, and they all cried together. "That is, I think I might stay. "Yu Meng said.

It turned out that in May 2021, the children learned from the mouth of their parents and senior students that Yu Meng might leave. They expressed their gratitude and thoughts to him in various ways, a crooked message after the homework, and the stripes written to him. Faced with the pure feelings of the children, this "gentle person" moved to keep teaching. On the one hand, there are studies, on the other hand, Yu Meng also hesitated. Yu Meng asked the opinions of teachers, parents and friends, and all the answers that he got suggested that he should go back to complete his studies. "Looking back at the past year, I have gained teaching ability and interpersonal communication ability, and I have enhanced the sense of social responsibility and the perseverance in the face of difficulties. Especially the little bit of experience with the children, all made me reluctant to go back." And my parents After communication and coordination, after communicating with the instructor, Yu Meng finally decided to take a year of school and continue to stay in this rural primary school.

Yu Meng and students together

On September 1, the rural primary schools taught by Yu Meng will start again. He will accompany the children of his own to the second grade. He told reporters that this year he will continue to update his "support diary" at station B; this year, he also has the idea of ​​caring for the empty nest in the village.

The cover of Yu Meng's WeChat circle of friends is a picture of him walking on the streets of the village with three students. In the picture, he accompanies the children forward. "Even if there is only one year, I want to accompany them more." Yu Alliance said.

Yu Meng and students are together

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