Look at it!These units in Xiamen are recruiting people →

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.06.19

The friends who want to find a job come over

There is another wave of post recruitment

Take a look at the one that suits you

Xiamen Public Security Recruitment of 80 Bureau Police Aids

Recruitment post:

When the number of applicants is not reached 1: 3, the number of people in the post can be reduced or the position is canceled.

Registration time and method:

From now until June 30, 2022.

The registration form from the applicant downloads the attachment online, fill in the completeness according to the specifications, send the registration form to the designated mailbox within the specified period of time, and name it "Job Number+Name" (such as: 01 innings of the post+Zhang San three. ), Will not be accepted after the deadline. The mailboxes and contact information of each position registration acceptance are as follows:

Job number 01 to 12 innings Label email: [email protected]; Contact person: Police Officer Zhan, Tel: 0592-2262133.

Job No. 01 Public Transport Post Email: [email protected]; Contact person: Police Officer Huang, Tel: 0592-2106090.

The recruitment consultation time period is from Monday to Friday 8: 00-11: 30, 15: 00-18: 00.

Xiamen Public Security Bureau Haicang Branch recruits 30 police assistants

Recruitment post:

30 civilian auxiliary police

Registration time and method:

Registration time: May 27, 2022-June 27th

Send a personal registration material electronic file to the recruitment mailbox [email protected].

Xiamen Highway Bridge Tunnel Maintenance and Emergency Center Recruitment and Editing Statistics

Recruitment post:

Bridge managers, mechanical and electrical administrators, street light electricity positions, tunnel electrical positions, monitor positions, safety officers, chefs.

ways of registration:

Contact: Miss Wu Tel: 0592-2565103

Email: [email protected]

These schools recruit people:

Jimei District Experimental Primary School recruits primary school Chinese, primary school mathematics, primary school science, primary school sports (football, basketball, volleyball special priority), elementary school music (piano majors), and calligraphy teachers. Poke here to view

Xiamen Jimei Middle School Affiliated Waterfront School recruits primary school Chinese grades, primary school math teachers, primary school mathematics top -ranking teachers, primary school art 1 suppliers top tutor, middle school math giving birth top job, middle school Chinese 1st duct teacher, middle school geography, middle school geography A fake top -ranking teacher (expected to start at the end of August) poke here to view

Xiamen Jimei Second Primary School recruits four foreign language teachers, and one of the top -ranking Chinese teachers; 1 recruitment of foreign math teachers; one recruitment of foreign English teachers; recruiting 2 out -of -the -ware sports teachers. Poke here to view

Jimei District Garden Bo Kindergarten recruits teachers, health doctors, caregivers, chefs, chefs, and security guards.

Siming District recruits professional trainees for the society

In order to promote the employment of graduates and relieve the employment pressure of graduates, Siming District decided to recruit some trainees for professional trainees to the society, and the relevant matters are now published:

Learning objects (must have the following two conditions at the same time)

Xiamen Shengyuan, full -time general education college graduates who have not been employed within 2 years. in:

1. Graduate graduates of Xiamen: Refers to the full -time graduates of ordinary education in Xiamen before entering school (referring to obtaining the first full -time general education academic college).

2. Unable to employment within 2 years of leaving school: Refers to the issuance time of not being allowed to apply for social insurance for them before the apprenticeship and the issue of the graduation certificate.

Sophisticated post Scan QR code View ↓↓

Registration time and method:

Registration time: Long -term valid. If you are interested, please contact the employer and send your personal resume to an mailbox of the employer.

Professional trainees of the People's Government of the Township of Xiang'an District

Due to the needs of work, it is decided to provide 10 trainee positions to the society, and the relevant matters are announced as follows:

Personal nature:

The graduates who recruited this time worked in the Party and Government Office of the People's Government of the Town of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the People's Government of the Xiang'an District.

Basic conditions:

1. In line with the category of Xiamen students, that is, before admission (refers to the admission to the first full -time general education academic college), the general education graduates of ordinary education in Xiamen City are all held in Xiamen; There are graduates and registration certificates, graduates who have not yet employed (or have not employed employment within 2 years, and have no records of paying for social security).

registration time:

From June 21st to November 30th, 2022 (except legal holidays) from 8: 00 to 11:30 am, 3:00 pm to 5: 30 pm

Registration location:

People's Government of Township, Xiang'an District. Consultation Tel: 7076007, Contact: Xiaojiang

Produced by Xiamen Daily New Media Center

Comprehensive: Xiamen Public Security Bureau, Xiamen Talent Network, Siming District Government Website, Jimei District Government Website, Xiang'an District Government Website

Edit: Luo Xiaozhou review: Yang Jiayin

The original works of Xiamen Daily, without authorization, must not be reproduced, offenders must investigate!

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