"Small perspective" reflects the "big era"!The "Dream and responsibility" essay contest perfectly ended, and outstanding works will be compiled and published

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.08.29

The new era of teenagers carry the hope of the country and the future of the nation. In the context of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department and the Provincial Civilization Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, the Yangtze Evening News of Xinhua Newspaper Media Group is targeted at the youth students and the youth financing media platform as the position. The launch of the "dream and responsibility" Jiangsu Youth Rong Media Learning Contest. Nearly 200,000 primary and secondary school students from 13 districts and cities in the province used pen as the media to express their dreams and show the responsibility of teenagers in the new era.

Recently, the competition invited famous primary and secondary school teachers and relevant experts to form a review committee to review the works. Each group of the prize is 30, and each group of excellent prizes. The list will be officially announced.

Selected "Thousands of Miles Pick One", the influence of the activity was praised by experts

From the "My 2035" in 2017 to the "dream and responsibility" in 2022, the Jiangsu Youth Rong Media study contest has been held for five consecutive years. At the final evaluation meeting, the experts reviewed the theme of the Jiangsu Youth Essay Contest in the past five years. They believed that the contest had been precipitated for many years, and continued to increase in terms of coverage, influence, and reputation. The most. With the help of Yangtze Evening Newspaper Media, Yangzi Evening News, Yangzi Evening News, Junior APP, Yangzi Evening News Reading and Writing Network, a series of heavy publicity reports were generated during the start of the competition and the event submission. Composition display makes this activity influence more extensively.

According to the overall arrangement of this competition, the review is divided into three stages: initial evaluation, re -evaluation, and final evaluation. The judging committee is composed of university professors, scholars, writers, primary and secondary Chinese teachers, newspaper reporters editors, and the responsible comrades of the functions of the organizer.

In the first round of the first round of trial, a batch of excellent language teachers and reporters edited by a batch of first -line first -line tutors and reporters, from the participating works of primary school, junior high school, and high school, screened 3,000 entries each; In the first round of the selected works, about 150 works were selected from 3,000 entries in each group, and the final final evaluation meeting was participated.

The masterpiece "see the big", set off a wave of submission in all parts of Jiangsu

Once this essay contest was launched, it attracted widespread attention. The Civilization Office of Jiangsu has organized primary and secondary school students to participate. Players in 13 districts and cities in the province contributed. The competition not only set off a wave of submission in Jiangsu, but also attracted the active participation of students in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and other regions.

In order to facilitate more schools to organize groups, the competition organizing committee has opened collective submission emails, Jiangsu Hai'an High School, Jiangsu Haimen Middle School, Huai'an Xin'an Primary School, Nanjing Lhasa Road Primary School, Nanjing Mechanics Primary School, Nanjing Langya Road Primary School , Nanjing Fangcao Garden Elementary School, Nanzhijiezhong Xincheng Primary School, Nanjing No. 13 Middle School Hongshan Branch, Suzhou Jinzhu Experimental Primary School, Yancheng No. 1 Primary School, Huaian City No. 2 Middle School, etc. It is a group register for collective competitions.

During the scroll, many masterpieces have been favored by the judges. The "Drama" of Gao Ziyi, the second (18th) of Zhenhua Middle School in Suzhou City, won the junior high school judges of the junior high school group, and the special teacher and senior teacher Xue Cheng, Jiangsu Province. "This article is very small, from the small incision of 'listening to the show' to the protection and inheritance of non -heritage culture. Only small incisions can have details of life. Vivid and touching works can impress people." Xue The city said that there must be a small incision on the writing of the giant theme essay, and you should not shout the slogan. Both plot, details, and rich characters can become excellent narrative articles.

Expert Reviews:

Primary school group: "The integration of knowledge and action", the idea of ​​choosing topics is bright

Li Lin, president of Nanjing Mechanics Elementary School, Li Lin, a special teacher in Jiangsu Province, said that the children's submissions are widely selected and the vision is wide. Not only can you record your own life, you can also go to society and observe all walks of life in society. In the narrative of children, they can feel that they associate their lives, growth with the theme of the times, and national destiny. Some children wrote the "Space Class" of the astronauts in the composition, and some people were paying attention to the spirit of scientists. In the composition, Yuan Longping's "Hexia Dream of Herself" was written in the composition. In addition, the protection of embroidery and traditional dialects in non -heritage culture has also become the writing material of children. These themes make people's eyes shine.

In addition, the children's understanding of the propositions in the submission composition can see a process of "from dreams to responsibility". Zhu Ping, a special teacher in Jiangsu Province, believes that the children's writing not only has ideals and aspirations, but also real practice and actions. This is consistent with the leadership of the new curriculum standard and achieves "unity of knowledge and action." The competition not only stayed at the writing level, but also mobilized the child's actions. From "work" to "doing", this is the meaning of the theme of the contest "dream and responsibility".

Junior high school group: "small perspective" reflects the "big era", full text writing to report to the country

The influence of revolutionary culture and the inheritance of red classics are reflected in the excellent composition of the junior high school group. This is one of the emotions of Nanjing Junior High School Chinese Teaching and Research Council, and Yuan Yuan, a special teacher in Jiangsu Province. Yuan Yuan told reporters that many students wrote about Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, and Qu Qiubai. Through reading related texts and seeking their former residences, students not only felt the dreams and responsibilities of their ancestors, but also strengthened their ambitions to serve the country. Another type of excellent composition of the junior high school group reflects the "big era" from a "small perspective". Through changes in life, perceive the dream and responsibility of the struggle. Some students wrote about their parents and workers around them. Other students expressed their longing for traditional culture in the article, and saw the value of traditional culture in the inheritance of non -heritage. Such text is full.

According to Yuan Yuan, in general, the excellent composition of the junior high school group, students devoted their emotions during writing, and the text was smooth. More prominent.

High School Group: Lidu people, encourage young people to bear social responsibility

Yao Weiwei, executive director of the Jiangsu Provincial Education Society, vice president of the Chinese Language Newspaper Association, praised that the overall writing level of the high school group was high, and the intention of trial was relatively in place. Students not only grasp the main theme, but also pay attention to society, bravely assume the responsibility of young people, and are very rare. The competition leads students to pay attention to society and life through the theme of "dreams and responsibilities". It is of great significance for the value leadership of teaching and educating people and ethics.

Qian Junyuan, president of Nanjing Foreign Language School Xianlin Branch, Qian Junyuan, a special teacher in Jiangsu Province, said that most students contacted their student identity in writing, incorporated their perceptions in the process of growth, and express their ideals and emotions. Others have adopted a grand narrative writing, vertical and horizontal, connecting history, facing reality, the standing position is relatively high, and there is the momentum and mind of pointing Jiangshan.

Qian Junyuan was impressed by such a composition: the author wrote the understanding and action of his father and his two generations for the protection and action of the Yangtze River, and specifically "dreams and responsibility". The two generations protect the Yangtze River ecology and incorporate individuals into the governance and development of the Yangtze River. This way of presentation will be more infectious than ordinary people from ancient times to the present.

Link: The award list is recently announced, and excellent works will be compiled and published

"Dreams and responsibilities" Jiangsu Youth Rong Media Study Essay Contest After three rounds of review, the competition will organize the organization to review the first, second -third prize and excellent award selected. Excellent works will also compile and publish "" Dreams and responsibilities "in the Jiangsu Youth Essay Contest, which allows children to plant the" dreams and responsibilities "like seeds in the hearts of more elderly people.

During this essay contest, the Junior Zhirong Media Platform opened a "dream and responsibility" learning area, and successively launched columns such as "Dream Teenagers" and micro -class online to guide students to learn one -click. During the event, the competition organizing committee selected outstanding submissions and launched the "Dream Teenage Tale" micro -video, inviting contestants to express their personal ideals and aspirations through the form of short videos, which is welcomed by young students.

Lear reporter Sun Ying

Yangtze Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Yang Tianzi

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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