Think Tank: "Returnees" enter the "circular era" to allow international students

Author:China Youth Daily Client Time:2022.08.28

China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Hu Wenli) In 1872, Rong Yan led the first batch of 30 young children to the United States, which opened the wave of study abroad in modern Chinese history. By 2022, the first batch of officials in China will have a full 150th anniversary. For more than a hundred years, from the tide of studying abroad to the "returnee", the flow of Chinese international talents has made important contributions to China's modernization process and global development.

With the increasingly civilian and low age of studying abroad, "returnee" has become an important social group in contemporary China. A few days ago, the global think tank (CCG) released the book "Returnees China", which aims to describe the historical, motion and development of the returnee group, depict the panoramic view of the development of the returnee group, to promote the "returnee" in the process of participating in China to participate in globalization in China. Play a greater role. At the "Return to China" publishing and publishing the "Hundred Years Return Tide" seminar, a number of experts and scholars from the educational, academia, industrial and commercial circles, etc., around the new trend of studying abroad and the new era of "returnee" in the new era of globalization, a new era of globalization Role starts discussions.

Returning to the "returnees" will show ten trends

In "Returnees China", the author systematically summarized the history of China's century, and explained from the perspective of studying abroad and "returnee" the new changes and trends of the "returnee" wave since the 21st century. At the same time, the author has also made new judgments on the top ten trends of Chinese students' return to China to develop, including: "returnee" return will show a steady growth trend; entrepreneurship is still the focus of the future; "returnees" employment enters the "bronze era"; Local enterprises and second -tier cities will attract more "returnees"; "returnees" enter the "circulation era"; promote the pace of democratic construction; lead Chinese companies to "go out"; promote the development of high -tech emerging industries; improve the level of domestic academic research, explore exploration Innovation of education mechanisms; becoming a civil diplomacy army and promoting China's integration with the world.

The cover of "Return to China". Globalization think tank drawing

"The changes in these years (study abroad) are very large. (I) When I first went abroad, there was a big gap between China and foreign countries. There are so many US highways, and China does not even have one. Today, China's highway (mileage) has surpassed the United States. Become the country with the most highways in the world, let alone high -speed rail. "In Pan Qingzhong, executive deputy dean of the Su Shimin Academy of Tsinghua University, today, it is more needed to" go out "than in the past. To "knowing and knowing" and "common development". To make more and more international students choose "return", China's own development and strength are important prerequisites.

"When I was studying overseas, domestic universities wanted to introduce high -level talents from overseas." Sun Yutao, deputy dean of the School of Economics Management of Dalian University of Technology, pointed out that now studying abroad has entered the "Popular Age" from the "elite era" and formed "'' Return 'cycle ". An interesting phenomenon is: Some international students have been professors in foreign universities, and then returned to China. After returning to China, they go abroad. "Keep out and return. When China becomes stronger and stronger, the" returnees' cycle will also become the norm. "Sun Yutao It is believed that to introduce "returnees", in addition to changes in the national environment, changes in small environments are also important. After "leading", we must "use well" and "keep it" in order to establish a benign "returnee" talent system.

From the perspective of employment, He Mei, chairman of the Council Consultant Group, encourages international students to choose a professional road with a more global perspective, and recommend that they are actively paying attention to the global M & A market. She quoted a set of data as an example: In 2021, the US M & A market reached US $ 2593 trillion, an increase of 102%over the previous year; the same year's M & A transaction volume also reached 322 billion US dollars, which was twice the previous year. "The rapid expansion of the global mergers and acquisitions market has created a lot of opportunities for the" returnees'. One is that Chinese brands can be exported and the original market share can be expanded. , Medical, Industrial Manufacturing, Digital New Media, etc. "He Mei said.

Communicate with the world, from "one -way" to "two -way"

In recent years, due to the twists and turns of Sino -US relations, the flow of returnees has also encountered various obstacles. Director of the Chinese Business Research Center of Tsinghua University and a special professor of the Yangtze River scholar of the Ministry of Education, Long Dengzhong said: "In the past, exchanges in the United States and international students and mainland China were unobstructed. High tech talents."

Long Dengtao pointed out that the atmosphere of academic exchanges between China and foreign countries has recently changed from compared with the previous years. For example, in the past, Tsinghua students actively strived to go to Europe and the United States for academic exchanges at the PhD stage, "ask me to promote it", and now "I ask them to go abroad and push them." From the perspective of Long Dengzheng, today's information technology has made great progress, and it is becoming more and more convenient in China. "But no matter what, of course, the atmosphere of studying abroad is different, and the atmosphere of the scene is different."

According to Wang Mengyan, president of the Chinese Education Examination Service Center (ETS), one of the main challenges facing abroad is the issue of visa issuance. In the first half of 2022, the number of Chinese visas in the United States dropped by about 50%. She believes that although there are many factors behind the decline in the number of visas, it has caused the "long tail effect" and will continue to affect the decision of studying abroad in more Chinese students in the future.

How to resolve the atmosphere of Chinese and foreign academic exchanges, and break the thickest ice of the study abroad industry under the dual pressure of the new crown pneumonia and the double pressure of China and the United States? In the opinion of experts, "two -way communication" is an important keyword. "We hope that (Chinese and foreign) can strengthen communication from the macro environment, so as to carry out more diversified and two -way communication." Wang Mengyan pointed out that many schools in cooperation with Chinese and foreign cooperation have strong enrollment needs for overseas high school students. She suggested that the cultivation of overseas students in advance, allowing them to enter China earlier and understand China. "I hope that in the future, more Chinese families and influential overseas schools cooperate with China to support China's international education."

In the "return" of 15 years, the founder and CEO of neutron Star Innovation and Zhang Peng, the founder and CEO of neutron Star Innovation, also believed that the "returnee" can play a role in two -way exchanges in industrial development. On the one hand, Chinese enterprises need to introduce a large number of "returnees" to help the development of Chinese enterprises; on the other hand, "returnees" can help Chinese companies to develop the international market and promote Chinese enterprises to the world. "China has a brand premium in Europe and Russia, and China's new energy industry, including electric vehicles, has increased its share in the international market." Zhang Peng said that in the process, "returnees" use the use of "returnees" use. His understanding of the industrial chain has played a great role.

Contemporary "returnees" should become a bridge for China to communicate with the world

With the continuous improvement of China's comprehensive national strength, the mission of contemporary "returnees" has also quietly changed.

南方科技大学创新创业学院院长、清洁能源研究院院长刘科,把中国近现代史上的“海归”总结为五代人:一是投身于新民主主义革命的先驱,如李大钊、陈独秀、周恩来、 Deng Xiaoping, etc.; the second is the foundation for laying the foundation for the construction of a socialist New China, such as scientists who have made significant contributions to the cause of the "two bombs and one star"; the third is to introduce foreign development experience and discipline knowledge into Chinese scholars after reform and opening up, such as Wang Boming, Gao Xiqing, Zhang Weiying, Lin Yifu, etc.; Fourth, high -tech entrepreneurs who emerged in the information age, such as Li Yanhong, Zhang Chaoyang, etc.; Fifth, in recent years, senior intellectuals who have returned to China with the strong national strength of China, such as Shi Wei,, such as Shi Wei, Song Yonghua, HD high -definition, etc.

"Each generation 'returnee' has the historical mission of each generation 'returnee'. In the future, our task is to tell the story of Chinese in the world." Liu Ke said that when the "post -80s" and "post -90s" were accepted after receiving overseas education from overseas education , Can become a bridge for the world to communicate with China. He encouraged contemporary "returnees" to tell Chinese stories in the language that can be understood in the West.

Lin Hongyu, vice president of Huaqiao University, believes that the title of "returnee China" can be described as a two -word: on the surface, it can be understood as the development of talents from studying abroad and the development of China, but from a deeper meaning, "sea" can refer to overseas overseas , Ocean civilization and western civilization involve broader Chinese and Western civilization interaction and cultural exchanges. In Lin Hongyu's view, "returnees" can become an outstanding explanator and communicationman of a group of Chinese stories, and a unique civil diplomatic army, which can play the role of government official channels that cannot play.

Lin Hongyu said that in today's world, the communication between civilization is facing many obstacles, but the more that, the more elite talents need to play a role. For 150 years, the number of Chinese students has been accumulating, and it has been more than ten million to date. The flow of talents of such a scale is unique in human history. It is produced in the process of exchanges and interaction between Chinese civilization and the external world that has continued for thousands of years. To build a world of openness, tolerance, diversity, Datong.

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