Visit Jingchu Good Teacher | Football Pioneer brings out the province's championship team in the small mountain city

Author:Pole news Time:2022.08.28

Ji Mu Journalist Ke said

Intern Chen Lin Zhao Huaizhi

"Keep the formation", "Run up", "Pay attention to it" ... On August 26, on the side of a stadium in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, Huang Weiqing used his iconic roar to direct the team. On the same day, the National Youth Campus Summer Camp was underway in 2022. Huang Weiqing, a sports teacher in Chongyang County, Chongyang County, Xianning City, Hubei Province, and led the Hubei High School Men's Group A team to advance to the top eight in the country.

Huang Weiqing is in teaching

Why can the junior high school teacher in the small county be the head coach of the high school "provincial team"? Huang Weiqing has this strength completely -in the former football blind area Chongyang, Huang Weiqing started from scratch and won the championship of Xianning City 6 times with a large college school football team. A month, he won the men's football runner -up of the Hubei Provincial Games Middle School. Compared with a trophy, Huang Weiqing's greater grade is that as a teacher, he changed the fate of a large number of students; as a pioneer, he promoted the campus football to Chongyang.

Pioneer: "Lian coaxing and deception" to make up a team

Chongyang is located at the junction of the three provinces of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, and is named after "Zhu Mountain Chongju". Here, it is also Huang Weiqing's hometown.

In 2007, Huang Weiqing graduated from Hubei University of Science and Technology and returned to his hometown to become a township middle school teacher. He taught both sports and Chinese, history, and politics.

"Someone had persuaded me when choosing a major in the university, saying that sports is a" supplementary lesson 'that is not valued, and the football is even more weak. But I chose the football direction of sports education because this is what I love. "Huang Weiqing said After taking the job, he did not have the love in his heart because of reality.

There is only one sand and gravel field in township middle schools. Huang Weiqing played football games with children after class. In 2009, the school was withdrawn, and Huang Weiqing came to Da Concentration. He barely had an uneven loess playground. However, there was no child playing football at all. He could only slowly guide and joined football for the first time in physical education.

Huang Weiqing and the players are together

In 2014, Huang Weiqing came into an idea of ​​forming a school football team. He was the first to find Lu Liang, who was studying in the second year. "I played well in basketball, and I didn't know what happened. He persuaded him to play football, and later became the captain." Lu Liang recalled with a smile, at the time, the team was all the students who were based on his football.

Huang Weiqing said embarrassedly: "At that time, it was really 'even coaxing and deceiving' to make up a team, say good words to the students, and do work for parents." A team usually needs 22 people, Huang Weiqing spent more than a month Only 15 people were found, and the daily fixed training started.

In 2015, Huang Weiqing brought this "incompetent" team, and successively won the fourth and first place in Xianning Campus Football League, and the third place in the Hubei League Branch.

It was also there for a year, and the "Overall Plan for China Football Reform" was released, and campus football was valued by unprecedented attention. Huang Weiqing used Dongfeng to prepare materials with colleagues to help Grand Concentrations approved the first batch of school football schools in the country.

Entrepreneur: Furnishing money to make the students look like

Although it is now a more famous champion coach, Huang Weiqing often thinks about the starting stage of his career.

At that time, the modern stadium of Great Concentration was not yet built. Huang Weiqing and the team members "on a sunny day, mud in rainy days", and the training equipment could not be talked about. Without a football gate, use waste steel pipes to make self -made; reluctant to buy a logo plate, pick up the mineral water bottle instead; without a physical room, pull the team to the uphill section; without a resistance umbrella, pull the old tires with a rope; If you are reluctant to change, you can sew with students to make up ...

Today's large -scale middle school facilities are advanced

"Grand brother was jokingly said that he was picking up, but he was very generous to us." Lu Liang said that many students' sneakers, ball socks, and the full set of goalkeeper's equipment were bought by Huang Weiqing. The water that everyone drinks during the game is mostly he invited.

Lu Liang said: "Our team has 'Three more': there are many left -behind students, a lot of grades, and more naughty, but Qingge can calm down everyone. He is very majestic in the training ground. The bottom is like a big brother, telling us about life. Affected by him, many people have changed their personal when they graduated from the third day. "

Rao Deng was a naughty child at the time. He recalled, "I dug class when I was in elementary school, and often fought with people. I wanted to drop out several times in junior high school. Until I encountered Qingge, joined the team, and won the championship. . "After many years, Rodden still remembers the" self -discipline "taught by Huang Weiqing's teachings.

In the 2015 middle school entrance examination, of the 15 students of the first football team of the Grand College, 13 people including Lu Liang and Rao Deng passed the Single -Bencing High School Chongyang County No. 1 Middle School through the football single move. In 2018, they were admitted to college. Among them, the bottom of the year's grades was accepted by Changjiang University with the score of the naked examination of cultural classes.

"It turned out that many children planned to work in junior high school. Later, they realized that sports can change themselves, and naturally they became motivated." Huang Weiqing said.

As of now, 11 people in the Grand Concentration Football Team have won the title of national first -level athlete; 23 people have won the title of national second -level athlete; 10 are selected as the best lineup of Hubei province campus football. This is greatly beneficial to their future development.

Strugglers: They could not beat them to win the provincial championship from the county and city championship to the provincial championship. Huang Weiqing only took seven years. Although the school and the Education Bureau have strongly supported the team in the past seven years, and the school's hardware facilities and logistics support have also improved, after all, the gap with the big cities is still obvious. What kind of counterattack does the Great Concentration Football Team rely on?

The trophy obtained by the Great Concentration Football Team

Huang Weiqing believes that it is the quality of will. He still remembers that when he participated in the provincial competition in Yichang in 2019, a aunt under the field said, "I guess this Xianning team won." Huang Weiqing asked the other party puzzled, and the aunt replied: "You see the children of the Xianning team are so dark one by one, it must be practiced solidly."

Sure enough, the Xianning team won easily. Later, when a game encountered a storm, Xianning's players were not affected at all, and the maximum difference between 13: 0. In the end, Huang Weiqing led the team to the province's runner -up.

"Our technology is either the best, or to win by physical fitness and team cooperation. In these years, the reputation of" Xianning in the second half of the second half. "Huang Weiqing said that his team will be trained outdoors at noon and evening. No hindrance, not to rest in the cold and summer.

The players have never complained, because the coach is more tired than them -each training, Huang Weiqing is always the first to move the equipment, and the training is the last one to clean up the debris. He is also the school's sports teaching and research team leader and discipline leader. After training, he has taken turns to run around on Wednesday for a long time, and takes 16th exercise class. Huang Weiqing also needs to be responsible for the students 'cultural lessons. In addition to opening the team twice a week to do students' ideological work, they will also take the initiative to visit home.

"It's fake, how can there be any iron man." Huang Weiqing said, sometimes at noon training, and class in the afternoon. , Students who were coming to class were awakened. Huang Weiqing's wife occasionally complains, "When others go to work, he will train when others rest, and have never had the winter and summer vacations. Sorry for our son, you can never travel with your father. Dad's training ground. "

After winning the provincial champion in 2021

The school also saw Huang Weiqing's difficulties, and took the initiative to reduce his class, letting him bring the team with all his heart. In 2021, Huang Weiqing led the Xianning team with a large concentration student as the team to win the Hubei Middle School Skills League championship in one fell swoop and became a dark horse. In the summer vacation of this year, Huang Weiqing led a team to participate in the men's football game of the Hubei Provincial Games Middle School. He played all the way to the finals. In the end, he lost to the Wuhan team and regretted the runner -up.

Seedor: Campus football takes root in the small town and sprouts

One flower is not spring. While leading the continuous progress of the Great Concentration Football Team, Huang Weiqing also actively promoted campus football in Chongyang County.

In the past few years, Huang Weiqing has helped many primary and secondary schools and kindergarten training coaches and organizational events in addition to training. In 2018, the campus football competition in many schools in the county was launched. Huang Weiqing also actively asked for helping Honggou Middle School from the county. To this end, it would travel more than 60 kilometers every Sunday.

Huang Weiqing has won the May 1 Labor Medal of Chongyang County

Huang Weiqing also proposed that the county football association set up a campus football development fund and contacted sponsoring units in many parties to help many difficult students fulfilling football dreams. But when he faced a 500,000 annual salary of a private school in Wuhan, Huang Weiqing refused, "Chongyang's campus football has just ushered in a good situation, I can't be a 'deserter'."

Today's Chongyang is indeed a fertile soil of campus football -all primary and secondary schools in the county have set up football lessons, with 14 football characteristic schools, two football characteristic kinds of kindergartens, and 24 campus football teams. There are more than 700 students.

Huang Weiqing's students also began to return to their hometown relay campus football careers. "At that time, I felt that Qingge was particularly attractive on the court. I secretly thought that I would also be a football coach in the future." Lu Liang, the first team member, came to Chongyang County Second Experimental Primary School to build a football team. The third place in the county. His same teammate Chen Senyong has now become Chongyang Four Football Coaches.

Rao Deng, who is still studying at Yangtze University, is preparing to take the postgraduate football theory. "Qing Ge led the team and command not only passion, but also very scientific. Many of the methods he taught. I only learned the mystery of the mystery after going to college, so I want to learn more deeply in this regard." Rodden said.

"I am with the children, and I don't try to return any return. I hope to see them progress. Not only is it on the court, but also a person with confidence and motivation outside the court." Huang Weiqing said that this is the meaning of campus football. I hope that every student can be as bright as the green field in the life field.

(The picture is provided by Huang Weiqing)

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