The most comprehensive strategy for enrollment preparation in grade 1-9 is coming!

Author:Jinchang Education Time:2022.08.27

The school is about to start, and each grade children must be promoted to the new grade. How should children adjust? What preparations do parents need to make? The following is the teacher's suggestion:

First grade

From the kindergarten to the first grade of elementary school, it is an important turning point in children's lives.

Parents should help their children take the first step in elementary school life so that they can adapt to elementary school life faster. May wish to refer to the following practices:

1. Stimulate children's interest in school. Parents can hold a "family symposium" with their children and talk to their children seriously. It is a primary school student to make children feel that they have grown up. They need to ask themselves like elementary school students to stimulate children's sense of glory and pride.

2. Cultivate children's awareness. Entering elementary school, children must abide by the school's discipline requirements in the class and obey the teacher's management. Before the start of school, parents should emphasize the importance of obeying the rules and let their children adapt to the difference between campus life and kindergarten as soon as possible after entering school.

3. Exercise your child's ability to take care of themselves. After going to elementary school, many things that parents cannot do their children for their children. From packaging school bags to laces, children must complete their own children. Therefore, you must accompany your children to practice more at home in advance, start with little things, and improve your child's self -care ability.

4. Train your child to sit quietly. Primary schools take formal discipline courses. It turned out that children went to kindergarten to learn in the game and played in the game. Now they have become 40 minutes of classroom teaching. Parents can consciously cultivate their children to sit down, start for 20 minutes, and gradually extend.

5. Adjust the child's schedule. The family schedule of the family should be consistent with the school, and proper adjustments should be made in diet and living. Guide children to go to bed early and get up early every day to maintain adequate sleep time. Adults' schedules are also consistent with children.

6. Be a good child's name card. Children enter elementary school for the first time. They are unfamiliar for teachers and classmates. In order to allow teachers and classmates to know each other as soon as possible, parents can help their children to make a "name card" (or "name post") and put them on the desk. One corner, or on the chest like a chest flower.

7. Prepare learning utensils for various subjects. Products to be prepared: about 5-8 HB pencils, two pieces of rubber, pencil bags, straight ruler, pen knife, schoolbag, art supplies, etc.

8. Persist in accompanying children to read together. The unified textbook has a new column "Reading with adults". There are 8 units in the first (top), and each unit has a common article, mainly nursery rhymes and fairy tales. These articles can be read to children in advance: P17 "Little White Rabbit and Little Gray Rabbit", P39 "Window -cut Flower", P53 pages "Bird Reading", P65 "Little Squiries Find Peanuts", P78 "Draw radish ", P97" Who Will Fly ", P97" Monkey Fishing Moon ", P114" Spring Festival nursery rhymes ".

Of course, in addition to nursery rhymes and fairy tales, parents and children are also recommended to "read ancient poems together." A total of 6 ancient poems appeared in the unified textbook one (top), namely "Yong Goose", "Jiangnan", "Painting", "Mercy Nong", "Gu Langyue" and "Wind". Essence

second grade

The second grade is an important transitional stage of children's learning interest, learning habits, and learning attitudes from strong plasticity to gradual shape. This stage needs to be prepared from these aspects:

1. Continue to strengthen the rules of schedule. The schedule is not only one of the guarantees of children's growth and development, but also a good habit for children to be used in their lives. A person can work normally at any time, and his self -control must be very good.

2. Strengthen your child's physical exercise, you will have everything with health. The second grade courses are slightly more difficult than the first grade. While letting children learn, we must also pay attention to children's health and temper children's will.

3. Cultivate children's excellent character. We have to have a consensus, which is always more important than learning. Don't let your child become a selfish, laziness, lied, light fear, and no sense of responsibility.

4. Teach children's ability to live. We need to teach children in life: self -care, safety awareness, dating ability, ability to live, speaking ability, self -protection ability, etc., all need to be learned.

5. Strengthen children's writing training. The first and second grades are a critical period for children's writing habits. One -handed good word is not only a manifestation of children's style of doing things, but also enhances children's learning interest and self -confidence in life.

6. Improve your child's operating speed. For example, the second grade mathematics is mainly simple calculations and applications. Parents and friends can allow children to do ten computing questions every day. Pay attention to the time limit, and pay attention to the calculation method and correct rate.

7. Take your children to observe life. In the post -epidemic era, it is not advisable to travel far. Parents and friends can take their children to their own cities, go to my rural hometown to experience life, go to see flowers and trees, feed puppies ... Of course, when taking children to see the world, don't forget to speak.

8. Persist in accompanying children to study. Both parents and children need to read, learn, and progress. So let your child read! Read with your children!

In short, make good use of the time before the start of school, plan the learning plan and counseling plan, seize this critical stage, and cultivate children's practical, diligent, and careful attitude of learning, which will make children learn more smoothly after the elementary school.

Third grade

The third grade is the first watershed in the primary school stage. The difficulty and learning quantity of the homework will increase. The learning method will also be written by simple and repeated copying, which will gradually change to a more abstract understanding and analysis of problems. In order to help good children go through the first turning period of this elementary school stage, it is necessary to do it:

1. Adjust the correct mentality. As a parent, we must have such a psychological preparation: In the low grade, our children can take more than 90 points. How can we get more than 80 points in the third grade? This is because from the third grade, it not only increased the strategy unit, but also added a work unit. Obviously, learning difficulties are gradually increasing.

2. Improve self -control ability. Entering the third grade, the pressure of learning has increased, the difficulty increases, and the entertainment time becomes less. In long -term learning, children can easily become impetuous and their academic performance is rising. At this time, parents should not be impatient. They must step by step and slowly guide.

3. Clarify learning goals. There are two goals here: one is the long -term goal, that is, ideals. The second is the recent goal, and the child can be achieved within one or two weeks. After a goal is achieved, set a new goal to give children moderate pressure. Children are young, and the interests of many things are unknown. They do not know how to learn, and they are unwilling to work hard on textbook knowledge. Therefore, we need to put appropriate pressure on students, and we cannot do it completely freely by students. We need to clear the meaning of learning in various ways, and try to stimulate their initiative from the front.

4. Master the learning method. "Do not leave its ancestors", we must learn to use knowledge and use knowledge flexibly, and transform the problem into the problems that have been done and familiar with. When counsel your child, do not tell the child completely, consciously divide the questions into several steps, so that you can reduce the difficulty and let the child complete step by step.

5. Emphasize pre -class preview. In the third grade, the basic part is still based on words, vocabulary, sentences, and paragraphs, and began to expand to the chapter, and the ability part began to pay attention to analysis reading and writing. During the preview, develop the habit of conscious use of a tool book, read the text, and understand the places where you don't understand. Make a mark with difficulty, listen carefully in class. What needs to be reminded is that the preview does not have to be available, but to seize the key points and difficulties. Under normal circumstances, post -class exercises are the best ideas for previewing.

6. Use the pen correctly. In the third grade, the pen is used. The pen's writing posture is the same as that of a pencil. There must be three one (the eyes are far away from the book, the chest is far away from the desktop, and the fingers are far away from the pen tip), but there are some differences in use in use), but there are some differences in use. Essence

7. Emphasize reading accumulation. In the case of not being able to lose words, in addition to strengthening listening and writing at home, students should be encouraged to read more books, and students are required to accumulate. As the saying goes, "Reading through thousands of volumes, and writing as a god", it is important to cultivate good harvested habits.

8. Adhere to parent -child reading. The accumulation of ancient poems and the accumulation is basically the knowledge of traditional cultural knowledge. Children are difficult to understand, but it is the difficulty and focus of the basic part. This can be spent more effort to read, recite, listen to, and write silently. It is a normal class in class. relieve pressure.

In short, after the third grade in the second grade is a polarized stage, the curriculum content shifted from cultivating learning interest to a systematic learning of a lot of knowledge.

fourth grade

After the third grade is rising in the third grade, the watershed is gradually formed. In terms of learning habits, this stage is a period of time for children's habits. Various learning habits will begin to gradually solidify.

At this time, it is normal for children to decline occasionally. The key is that our parents must help them correctly.

How to learn at this stage? First look at a few charts, and have a complete impression and understanding of reading, practicing, speaking, and comprehensive learning.

It is not difficult to see from the specific arrangement of the textbook that the difficulty is gradually deepened from the third grade to the fourth grade. If you want to achieve good grades to maintain Chinese, it is obviously unrealistic to refuse to spend kung fu.

1. Extra -class reading: Continue to advocate "mass reading".

2. Reading in class: Concentrated learning "Question Strategy".

3. Training: Effectively providing "Xi Zuxu" (concept, selection, expression, modification, etc.). Key Society: Write clearly in order in order; grasp the key points, and write the important content in one thing clearly.

4. Oral communication: happy to communicate and discuss, vividly express yourself.

5. Comprehensive learning: Clarify learning tasks and carry out activities as required.

As the difficulty of learning increases, students in the third grade in the third grade will obviously feel that Chinese no longer can easily score high scores as before.

The thinking of the fourth grade students is in the stage of transition from image thinking to abstract logical thinking. The content of Chinese learning transitions from words and phrases to chapters. Students play a role in primary school in terms of psychological development and learning habits. The difficulty is very important.

Fifth grade

Entering the fifth grade, this is a critical period for children to learn, because the fifth grade children start to enter the senior grade of elementary school. If the basic knowledge is not solid enough, then they will not be able to do later.

At this stage, it is required to learn the knowledge points and find the knowledge of knowledge in the summary process.

1. Good habit to persist. Persist in doing it: before the class, fully preview; in the class, listen carefully, think about it, and diligently take notes; after the class, organize the practice in time, and review regularly. Remember, what is changed is content, and what is constant is persistence. 2. Basic knowledge should be consolidated. At the elementary school stage, no matter what stage of it, the basic knowledge of Chinese must be solid. For example, the four words of the text must memorize the text and ancient poems, and must be familiar with the chest.

3. The learning method should be flexible. Parents should create the most suitable learning methods for their children according to the different needs of each child to help children develop comprehensive, effective and healthy. Of course, we should treat children's learning with our usual hearts to help children progress.

4. Time to organize and summarize in time. You must have your own summary and sort out, insist on doing one question daily, understand a question, roll the wrong questions, mesh the knowledge point, ask if you do n’t understand, and do n’t understand.

5. The learning plan will be developed. Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. Entering high years, we must continuously improve the autonomy of learning.

Sixth grade

After being promoted in the sixth grade, the child is about to face the early ascension, so it must be used to reach a qualitative leap before school. May wish to refer to the following practices:

1. Do a good job of knowledge. When entering the sixth grade, you must start a new round of "carpet-style" review. Touching the context of elementary school knowledge is a student's re-integrated knowledge of grades 1-6, forming a clear knowledge network, establishing a stable knowledge framework, and carrying out the foundation of the foundation Knowledge system review.

2. Persist in class notes. Children must develop a good habit of listening and remembering, while thinking, only in this way, can they better absorb and use in the classroom, and lay a good learning habit for promoting into the middle school.

3. Training speech expression. It is best to ask your child to arrange a certain time every day, such as reading the text loudly in the morning, and the key texts in Chinese and English textbooks must be read out, and you must persevere and develop habits. In this way, the child has a confidence when speaking, which is conducive to his interpersonal communication.

4. Promote extensive reading. By the sixth grade, on the basis of "mass reading", "extensive reading" is advocated. In addition to nursery rhymes, children's poems, fairy tale, children's stories, children's novels, fable myths, comic picture books, classic masterpieces and other literary works, we must also read humanities. , Science, art, etc. Suggestion: How much content can be allowed to read within the specified time, and then let the child make "annotation" directly in the book, and write "the feelings after reading", so that the child will make the child's reading in the same way. In terms of ideological content, from the ideological content There is a improvement in thickness and breadth.

5. Select the target junior high school. Select the target junior high school in advance, know the enrollment requirements of the target junior high school, and improve the ability of students more targeted.

6. Follow policy information. Parents should learn more about relevant policy information and enrollment information. They have both "established goals" and maintaining a "normal heart."

Seventh grade

For the new junior, the most important thing is to get rid of learning dependence as soon as possible, adapt to the state of learning and the rhythm of the learning rhythm.

It should be emphasized that the mathematical knowledge of the first grade as the basis for the algebra and geometry, occupying a very important position in the knowledge system throughout the junior high school. Once a vulnerability occurs, it will not only encounter greater difficulties in the future study, but also It will also have negative effects.

Therefore, the new year must not be loose.

Eighth grade

Due to the introduction of physical sound and light, the introduction of function concepts in mathematics, etc., the second day of the second day became the "polarization" watershed.

Therefore, the main task of the second second year is to learn to learn independently and form a mature learning method to ensure that you are not brushed in the trend of "polarization".

To achieve this goal, we must not only learn to make a learning plan, learn to summarize the types of questions, refine the problem -solving method, but also change the bad learning habits and maintain a balanced mentality.

Ninth grade

The third grade must start from now on, and take every step.

First of all, plan plans. When formulating a sub -subject learning plan, we must lay a good basis for key disciplines. Secondly, we must adhere to self -study before class and grasp the initiative of learning. Once again, we must concentrate on class, strive to digest the study content of the lesson in the church, and summarize the review results on the notebook to accumulate valuable information for future review and examinations.

what you think?

Source of information: Comprehensive from "Creative Writing Workshop of Long Bing Teacher", "Principal Association", etc.

Directors | Jia Youzhong review | Zhao Yaru

Supervision | Editor Guo Qiming | Xiao Haiyan

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