Students of Yinchuan University of Science and Technology have achieved great achievements in the National Finals of the "Gold Flow" contest

Author:Yinchuan University of Science Time:2022.08.27

This website (correspondent Zhang Hongde) Recently, the Broadcasting and Hosting Arts and Research Group of the Media College of the Media College was hosted by the CITIC Yun Shu (Zhejiang) Cultural Media Co., Ltd., co -organized by readers publishing media Co., Ltd. The 2022 "Golden Flow" contest hosted by the "Broadcasting Watch", the National Finals ended at the Hangzhou Yangguangyun Digital Industry Base. The 88th players of more than 100 colleges and universities such as the Academy of Film and Television and Xi'an University of Foreign Languages ​​stood out and achieved great achievements. Du Qianqian, a major of broadcasting and hosting art in the School of Media, won the top 12 prizes for the top 12 national finals in the national seventh.

This time, as the only university in the autonomous region's "Golden Flow" finals, our school, Wu Rui, assistant dean of the School of Media, Liu Chang, a professional backbone teacher of the broadcasting and hosting art teaching and research group. The seminar also served as the judge of the competition. At the same time, Sun Gaocheng, a class of 21 broadcasting and hosting art majors, also went to the competition site and was responsible for the online live operation of the competition.

Wu Rui, assistant to the dean of the School of Media, said that since its establishment, the School of Media has been committed to cultivating and creating a new era of media talents with composite and applied types. This competition has a wide range of radiation and many participating institutions. Many schedule settings have also broken the previous routine. Facing the wave of the new media era, the School of Media in the "Golden Flow" contest was successfully grasped. The pulse of development has well -tempered the basic skills of students. In the future, the School of Media will further do a good job of education and teaching, and strive to create a higher platform and open up a wider field of vision for students.

The "Gold Flow" contest, gold, represents the correct value orientation; traffic represents the right to speak in the new communication form. "Golden Flow" is committed to discovering very growing traffic talents, and selects pan -hosting talents who adapt to the current communication form for the relevant vertical fields. The competition is selected by traffic talents as a link to organically linked government policy guidance, brand needs, and talent training of college talents. It played a platform role in the excavation, training, and use of live traffic talents.

In order to go forward and never stop, although the contest has ended, the footsteps of teachers and students of our school will not stagnate. This competition also laid a firm foundation for the development of the anchor incubation project of the Media Academy. In the future, our school will be in the future. While adhering to the excellent teaching tradition to consolidate the basic skills of students, further deepen the fundamental tasks of Lideshu people, and will "promote teaching with competition and promote learning" as a means to exercise teachers and students' business capabilities and professionalism, and continuously innovate and reform the teaching model. In line with the forefront of the industry, help the students of Yinchuan University of Science and Technology comprehensively develop and improve comprehensive improvement, so that it contributes the youthful power to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation at an early date, and to make merit, ethics, and stories in the new era of socialism!

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