Signal Mountain: Seize the policy opportunities to promote the balanced development of Qingdao's basic education

Author:Network Time:2022.08.27

(Source: Visual China)

"The balanced development of compulsory education is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council to promote the fairness of education. It is another major education policy after the" two bases "(basic popularization of nine years of compulsory education and basic dispelition of young people). The ultimate goal is to raise educational resources reasonably, run every school, teach every student, and realize education fairness. "

On August 23, Qingdao released the "Three -Year Action Plan for Basic Education in Qingdao Basic Education". The plan pointed out that by 2024, Qingdao's entire city of 220 ordinary primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, 160,000 new degrees, and 10 key low -efficiency areas of education facilities are complete. The kindergarten coverage rate remains above 90%...

For a long time, the problem of "school selection fever" has deeply plagued parents and students, and the heating up of "school selection fever" has prominent group anxiety of parents. The key to comprehensively govern the "school fever" is to maximize the needs of ordinary people to allow children to enjoy high -quality education and strive to achieve a balanced education.

But for the time being, it is undeniable that the imbalance in the configuration of high -quality education resources is still the difficulty of Qingdao's urban development: From the perspective of the degree, the overall tension of the degree in the urban area is many years, but some schools in the old urban areas in the west Judging from the year's enrollment, the number of students has decreased year by year. Families with relatively good conditions have gradually shifted eastward, so that there is a significant cold and cold unwavering phenomenon in east -west schools. From the perspective of educational resources, high -quality educational resources are still very large in urban and rural areas, regions, and inter -schools in Qingdao. The needs of children's "learning" at the doorstep have not yet been effectively met.

The balanced development of basic education requires long -term planning, and action after focusing on evaluation can be effective. It is the primary to improve regional campus running conditions. It can implement the quality of weak schools through special policy support, and the standards for uniform equipment and facilities. Educational balanced development must also pay attention to the comprehensive quality of students, and develop rich and diverse courses to meet students can learn more interesting and fresh knowledge in school. The high -quality balanced development must be indispensable for the construction of the teacher team. It can specially formulate the introduction of educational talents and increase training for teachers; they can implement group -based running schools with weak schools with weak schools to improve teachers' teaching ability and school running level.

Education is the foundation of people's livelihood, and is the largest people's livelihood project, people's heart project, and foundation project. From "learning" to "good learning", I hope that the Qingdao education department can seize this opportunity, truly implement the policy, so that more children can enjoy the dividend of the balanced development of education, and let the high -quality resources of basic education "double" benefit every. a child.

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