Student's summer vacation was torn by a pet dog to be crazy in British teacher

Author:China Youth Network Time:2022.08.26

According to the British "Mirror", pet dogs raised by a British teacher have rotten the students' summer vacation homework, which makes the teacher panic. When the students were preparing for the new school year, a teacher was desperately trying their homework back. The teacher shared her "catastrophic" photo on Reddit, and wrote: "If you are a teacher, your pet dog eats the homework of all students ...".

A netizen teased that the teacher must now give everyone a A. One user commented: "The situation has reversed." Another user added: "You should show this photo for your students, they will be happy (as long as you give everyone a high Divided). Another netizen said: "But the question comes, do these children believe what you said? Or do they think you are just making excuses, because you forgot to score the homework? "

Earlier, the 11th grade students in the UK had studied at home for nearly two years at home and got the results of the British ordinary secondary education certificate examination. Last year, affected by the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, the British ordinary secondary education certificate examination was canceled for the second consecutive year. The students' grades were determined by the teacher. The proportion of students with a high score reached a record high. Similar to the A-Level score model announced last week, due to the first time the student's epidemic was affected by the epidemic, the results were expected to be lower than last year, but it was still higher than 2019. According to the data released by the United Kingdom's United Qualification Commission (JCQ) (covering GCSE admission rates mainly from students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland), the high score of 7/A has dropped from 28.9%of 2021 to 26.3%this year. , Dropped 2.6 percentage points. But this is still higher than 20.8%in 2019. The proportion of candidates who obtained 4/C (as qualified) decreased from 77.1%of 2021 to 73.2%this year, a decrease of 3.9 percentage points, but higher than 67.3%in 2019.

This year, the girl's performance is still ahead of the boy. 30%of the girls get 7/A, while the boy is 22.6%. Since 2021, this gap has been slightly narrowed. 33.4%of female candidates in that year have achieved 7/A or more results, while male candidates have a ratio of 24.4%, and girls lead 9 percentage points. Another data released by the OFQUAL examination regulatory agency shows that 2,193 16 -year -old students in Britain have achieved level 9 of all subjects, of which 13 students have completed at least 12 GCSE. Northern Ireland and Wales still use the traditional A*-G grade evaluation standards, while England uses 9-1 system evaluation indicators, of which 9 are the highest level. A4 is roughly equivalent to C -Class, and A7 is roughly equivalent to A. (Compilation report of China Youth Network)

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