Hainan: The start time of primary and secondary schools must not be as early as September 5th

Author:China Education News Time:2022.08.26

China Education Daily (Special Correspondent Kim Haotian) Recently, the Hainan Provincial Department of Education issued the "Hainan Provincial Fall Semester of 2022 and the Plan for Prevention and Control and Control and Prevention and Control and Prevention" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). As early as September 5. Except for the middle schools of offline schools, the province's third and third grades in principle have implemented online teaching from September 5.

According to the "Plan", Hainan clarified the basic conditions of the opening of the 2022 autumn semester: first, the city and county without epidemic; the other is the city and county that realizes the clear society. The cities and counties that meet the above -mentioned conditions will be determined by the city and county's epidemic prevention headquarters based on the local epidemic situation and the start of school conditions. The cities and counties that have not met the basic conditions of the start of school will be suspended from school. After the basic conditions are met, the city and county will decide whether to start school.

The "Plan" clearly states that in accordance with the principles of "provincial overall overall guidance, city and county -oriented decision -making, and classification of classification", primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in various cities and counties must not be earlier than September 5. From September 5th, the cities and counties that meet the basic conditions of school can be decided to start the school according to the epidemic situation and the start of school preparation. Except for the city and county middle schools that started offline, in principle, the third and third grades of the province have implemented online teaching from September 5.

In principle, secondary schools have been delayed to September 13. On September 13, the cities and counties, which still failed to reach the basic conditions of the school, will be determined by the municipal and county's epidemic prevention headquarters based on the epidemic situation and the start of school preparation. The colleges and universities are judged to determine the start time and report to the Provincial Department of Education in accordance with the territorial epidemic situation and the school preparations of the school.

The Hainan Provincial Department of Education requires that cities, counties, and universities must combine the actual situation and judge the teaching methods of the start of school. It can be taught by combining "online+offline". No matter what ways and teaching in each school, schools and teaching should do a good job of personalized online teaching guidance for students who fail to return to school as scheduled, in high -risk areas or positive patients. After returning to school, targeted counseling to help students complete the curriculum content.

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